spy ace

Chapter 3137 Do Your Best

Chapter 3137 Do Your Best
Weimin went on to say: "The [-]D type is an old technology. As long as you know its internal structure, you will have that kind of hand feeling and hearing when unlocking the technology, and you will be very fast. For example, I was studying this model at the time. In the case of the safe, in fact, it only took an hour from the research to the technical opening of the scrambling password attempt. I think it is very simple."

Fan Keqin said: "If...not stupid or smart, then he is a normal person."

Wei Min said: "It may take several days, half a month... If you work hard and practice hard... to open the combination lock of such a safe... at most, half a month at most, but the premise It is only on the premise that I directly tell him the mechanical principles inside, and how to use the hearing and feel. If he only relies on his own research and summary of the laws, then there is no time. It is also a year and a half, a few years It may also be the same company. Of course, if I tell him these precautions, if he is willing to work hard, the time may be much faster. It may be a few days, or even a day. "

One way is all right, Fan Keqin understands what Wei Min said.It’s like doing magic tricks. For example, a very simple poker trick. When the other party does it for you, you will feel wow, it’s amazing.But, you know it's magic, it's fake, and then you start working on the magic yourself.You may go a very long time without figuring out how this magic trick works.However, if there is a knowledgeable person who needs to change a card, tell you.Then you may be able to learn this magic in less than a minute.

This is what Weimin said at this time.And it is a single model, which is just one of the poker magic.But it doesn't mean you know this kind of magic, you know all poker magic.

Fan Keqin said: "In the next time, you need to teach this person to open this [-]D-type safe. I don't know how talented he is, but I need you to put him in the shortest possible time. Church. Because the longer the time, the more times he meets with you, and your own risk will increase accordingly. Of course, I will also ask him to study hard on his side. "

"Good boss." Wei Min said, "I understand."

Fan Keqin said, "Then what do you need?"

Wei Min said: "Two things, a medical stethoscope, a pencil, and a larger piece of white paper, the one with quarto, I need to draw a picture. In addition, can I get a real safe of this type? It takes a lot of practice for him."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "These things will be delivered later. You can evacuate this person from Shanghai after you are in the church. But you have to make sure he will."

"Understood." Wei Min said, "Don't worry, I will definitely teach you carefully."

Fan Keqin said, "Yes." Then he said, "I want to tell you a code word now, and he will come to you directly when he turns around. If you match this code word, he is the person you want to teach..."

Pencils, large white paper in quarters, and medical stethoscopes are all easy to say, and they can be easily obtained.It’s just that an old-model safe is not easy to get. Fortunately, Fan Keqin’s intelligence network is too large, and almost all insiders from all walks of life have it. Inside, I found a [-] D-type safe that had been left here for an unknown amount of time.

Spend money, let a new face pass by, and buy it.Then, when there were few people in the afternoon, the safe was pulled to the safe house with a car.Bai Fengtai and Dongyangde even did the transportation to keep the safehouse from being exposed, and Fan Keqin personally looked after them.

After everything was ready, Konoda was notified and asked him to go to Weimin.In other words, for the sake of teaching, the latter began to draw the internal structure of the [-] D-type safe after Fan Keqin met him for the last time. He still drew very detailed, various internal cross-sectional views.Turn the combination on the outside of the safe, what will happen inside the safe.Which internal card slot corresponds to which internal mechanical lock, the enlarged close-up picture of a certain component, etc., are all made in great detail.

After the safe came, Wei Min also began to adapt a little bit, but he is an expert in this field, just like a bicycle champion.Even if he has not ridden a certain style of bicycle for many years, when he is given this model again, he will just pick it up and ride it.It's very slippery after a little adaptation.

After Kanono Tatsuya came over, the two matched their codes.Wei Min immediately started teaching. First, he explained the principles of the various pictures he drew to Jiao Yeda in detail.When explaining, I also compared the safe and taught me personally.

And Tatsuya Kanono, this guy, is the first time he has accepted a mission since he voted for him.And he knew, how could it be possible to bargain like a vegetable market for this kind of thing.Picking up is inevitable, and if you know you have to pick up, you can only reduce your risk if you study hard and prepare well.And for this reason, how could this kid not study hard.

In other words, according to Weimin's standards, Konoda is not too talented in this aspect, of course, he must not be stupid.It can only be said that it is generally a little bit higher.But this kind of thing depends on whether you are really working hard.

This is like learning. Some people always say that talent is very important.Of course, talent is of course very important. For example, if someone has a photographic memory, any book can be memorized directly in his mind as long as he reads it once. Then this kind of person can even learn for a day as much as a hundred days for others.You are, no matter how hard you try, you may not be able to catch up.But don't forget, how many such people are there?It can only be said that it is very rare and belongs to an individual phenomenon.But people with this kind of talent are indeed amazing. After you find out, you are willing to tell others.So this talented person will become famous and let more people know.

After becoming famous, more people will see it and think, oh, so there are not too few people like this.You see, talent is important.People who think this way can only say that they are a bit stupid.Because they don't understand a truth.Your talent is average, but ordinary people are the vast majority, accounting for more than 90.00% of human beings.Anyone who has been to elementary school should be able to see that in your class, every time you take an exam, the people who are at the top always score double hundred, but some people...

(End of this chapter)

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