spy ace

Chapter 3138 Overtime

Chapter 3138 Overtime
But some people just fail every exam.Do you think they are lacking in talent?Not necessarily, it is possible that if it is really compared to the IQ, the person who fails may be higher than the person who scores double hundred every time.

But why are there so many people who hit double hundred more than you?Part of the reason is that when you should be working hard, you are really playing again. When you are in class, people are trying to listen.And you are still chatting with your deskmate under the classroom.In this way, it doesn't take long, just a semester and a few months, and the gap between you will become very huge.This is the difference between working hard and not working hard.Can you say there is no gap?Can you really say that hard work is useless?
The same is true of Kanono Tatsu at this time. For this set, his talent can only be said to be a little bit above average, but he really studied hard.After all, this involves risks that you may suffer yourself. Can you do it if you don't work hard?So ask if you don't understand, and try to understand after asking.Then he started to actually get started. Under Weimin's guidance and demonstration, it was only the first time he tried to unlock, and Kanoda successfully opened this type of safe once.

Then Weimin told him to remember the feeling and the sound he heard.There are nuances that must be kept in mind.Because at the moment of opening, they are basically the same.Tatsuno Kadono also came here at night and studied for half a night, six or seven hours.He didn't go back until midnight and slept here directly. Early the next morning, he got up and practiced for a while. After seeing that it was almost time, he went out while the nearby neighbors didn't get up.

Such a day, very quickly, five days passed.It is said that Kakuno Tatsuya's lockpicking success rate is increasing every day.On the second day he had already successfully fired twice, and on the third day, four times.On the fifth day, it was opened six times.Every time he unlocked it, Wei Min would randomly scramble the password sequence for him and let him open it again.However, through his own efforts and the experience taught by Wei Min, Jiao Yeda has indeed mastered the lock-picking technology of the [-] D-type safe very well.

According to Weimin's words: "What you lack now is proficiency, just how fast you can open this kind of safe. But you have indeed learned it. I don't know what task you want to perform. At that time, you left it to you to open this kind of lock." How much time do you have. But I really give you everything I can give you for this kind of safe. It is nothing more than a question of proficiency. As long as you practice diligently, you will be able to open more and more for this kind of safe. Sooner."

It's just like driving a car, how to start it, how to put it into gear, how to control the turn signal, anyway, it will definitely turn on.But proficiency is its own problem.

Weimin contacted Fan Keqin and reported the progress to apply for evacuation, Fan Keqin directly agreed.Wei Min left Shanghai directly.Kanono Tatsuya also received a notice immediately, asking him to act at his discretion, but he should not delay for too long.

Fan Keqin knew that it was actually very convenient for Kadono Tatsu to do it too.He is a member of the Chrysanthemum Agency, and it is not suspicious to appear anywhere in it.And he has the conditions to choose a sufficient time, for example, at night, after Kiheda Toshiyuki leaves, he will start, then he can basically get one night.And it doesn't take long for him to open the safe now.Even if he was nervous because of the environment at the time, it was just one night.Even if he is slow, it is impossible to be that slow.Therefore, Fan Keqin issued an order to act at his discretion, but without delay.

When Konoda also received this order, he also received the same equipment, that is, a spy camera.This toy should be very small, perhaps not much bigger than a cigarette case, but the paper is not a small paper, it can be used with normal models.So this camera is thicker.Other than that, everything is much smaller than any other camera on the market.This is more convenient to carry and concealed.

Konoda also knew that no one would search him, so he hid the spy camera in his briefcase the next day and brought it to the office building of Juju.The journey went smoothly, no difference from usual.When it was time, in his own office, Kanoda also hid the camera in the small cabinet under the desk, and then locked it, feeling relieved.Then start working normally.

In other words, it was about two o'clock in the afternoon, and Kiheta Toshiyuki held a meeting of their working group. After finishing the work, Kanono Tatsuya worked for a while, and he did not leave the office when it was time to get off work.Instead, he continued to write some implementation plans on the content of the meeting.Of course, he did this on purpose.After six o'clock, he went to the cafeteria of Juju, which was very good. He didn't see many people eating here, so he finished his meal, greeted some colleagues, and returned to his office again.

In other words, when he was off work, he was at the window of his office, looking at the situation in the compound outside the building, and he saw Mu Hetian Toshiyuki's car going out.But looking down from upstairs, I didn't see Toshiyuki Kiheta in the car after all, the angle was different.Although he was basically sure that more than 90.00% of Kiheta Toshiyuki had left, because this was very in line with the other party's habits.But it was the first time for Kanono Tatsu to do such a thing, and he felt that he could not be too careful, so he went to the cafeteria.

Because he also knew that Kiheta Toshiyuki also had the habit of going to the cafeteria to eat when he was working overtime.But he didn't see it just now, so he felt more confident.Back in the office, Tatsuya Kanono was also in the room, brushing up and continuing to write about the implementation plan of today's meeting, as well as the content of the speech that Toshiyuki Kiagata will attend in three days.The little devil is very struggling now, so some key people in various ministries are constantly calling and encouraging. To put it bluntly, they are continuing to hypnotize other people and themselves.

Kakuno Tatsuya's writing style is not bad, and the writing is fairly smooth, but the progress is still a little slower than before.After all, he has other things on his mind.When he finished writing the implementation plan and about half of the speech was completed, he looked at his watch and felt that it should be almost done.So he came to the door, opened it and took a look outside.Well, it's dark in the hallway.Every office is dark except his own, but this is his intention.Because if he didn't turn on the light, the time when he went out would not match the light, and that would be really suspicious.How about...

(End of this chapter)

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