spy ace

Chapter 3139

Chapter 3139
It's better to work overtime generously, anyway, I didn't work less overtime before.

Seeing that there was no movement in this corridor, Kanono Tatsuya certainly didn't think it was all right, so he turned around and continued to write.About half an hour later, and almost finished writing, I heard footsteps outside the corridor, and then stopped at my door, followed by a knock on the door.

Kanono Tatsuya got up, came to the door, and opened it.Just look at the two guards with guns standing outside.The two guards stood at attention immediately when they saw Kanono Tatsuya, and one of them said, "So you are working overtime. We happened to see the light on in your office when we were patrolling, so I knocked on the door to take a look. I'm sorry to disturb you." As he spoke, he and his companion bowed to him at the same time.

"Ah, it's okay." Tatsuya Kanono said with a smile: "I know this is your responsibility, I understand very well. I am rushing to draft, and some ideas and inspirations have come, so I want to finish it in one go."

"Hi one," said the guard, "then we won't bother you."

"Okay. You guys are busy." Kanono Tatsuya finished speaking, nodded to the guard, closed the door and immediately lay down on the side, listening to the guard's footsteps going further and further away.Then Tatsuya Kadono quickly returned to his desk, opened the small cabinet below, took out the spy camera and handed in the papers.He put one of the papers inside.Then he put the others in his pocket.Then, he took the execution plan he had written, opened the door and took another look, but there was no one there.Then he came directly to the door of Toshiyuki Kigata's office.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk." Tatsuya Kadono knocked on the door gently while looking at both sides.This is done just in case.After knocking on the door again, Tatsuya Kadono was almost certain that no one was inside.So, I took out two crochet hooks.This move was also taught to him by Wei Min. He was not very skilled at it either, but the principle was already clear.He tinkered for a full minute before unlocking the door.But that's fine. In one minute, there was no response from the door when I knocked on the door, so now I was even more sure that there was no one inside.

But he didn't dare to be careless. These days, he mainly contacted him to open the safe and also taught him some other knowledge.One of them is to be careful with secret notes.Kanoda didn't even open the lock, and immediately checked the cracks in the door up, down, left, and right.He also specially brought a lighter. Although he also has a flashlight, he is afraid that the light of the thing is too bright. If he really encounters a patrolman, he may not be able to see him, but he may feel some light at a certain turning. The presence of a light source.

After lighting the lighter and looking around, Kono Tatsu didn't care.It is said that it was the first time he did such a thing, but he was more cautious.So after pushing the door open a little, he checked around again.In this way, every time he pushes away a little, he checks around.It took five minutes until the door was fully opened.

These five minutes are the most dangerous. Once someone comes, for example, if he hears footsteps, he needs to return to his office immediately. No one can see him, otherwise, he will be exposed as a mole.

Fortunately, he deliberately waited for a wave of guards to patrol before, giving him plenty of time.Opening the door, he also used a lighter to move near the door on the ground, but found nothing wrong.Then he stepped in.Then he closed the door immediately, stopped and took a breath for a while, which relieved the tension.

Looked at the situation inside the house.Blocking it with his hand, he ignited the lighter again, squatted down, and took a step forward every time the ground was illuminated, and finally walked behind Muhetian Toshiyuki's desk.This is a safe built into the wall.

He unbuttoned his coat, revealing the medical stethoscope he was wearing inside, and first used the lighter to light the four cracks of the safe door again.Only then did he put away the lighter, glanced at his watch, and then at the current rotary combination lock, remembering it in his heart.Then, he put the radio end of the stethoscope on the right side of the safe, about ten centimeters away from the crack in the door.

This is the core position of the mechanical movement inside the [-]D-type safe.Then Tatsuya Kanono closed his eyes and began to turn the knob slowly.He turned very slowly. After all, he was still unskilled. First of all, he had to determine the consistency of the knob according to the feel and hearing.

To put it bluntly, only one position of the knob is correct, and the other positions are all wrong.Then he has to look at all the wrong positions and the consistency when rotating.Only by confirming these consistency and remembering him can one of the correct positions be found.This requires careful discrimination by hand and hearing.

In fact, this method is basically impossible in later generations.Because the craftsmanship of later generations is already very high, although the mechanical principles are similar, but because of the progress of craftsmanship and materials, it is unlikely to find inconsistent "feelings" just by using human hands and hearing.It is very smooth and also very soundproof. The smoothness itself means that the friction is small, and the friction is small, so the sound is even smaller.In addition, the material is also very sound-proof, and it is impossible for people with sensitive ears to feel it in this way.

But this time is different, and the materials are not good enough.Although the same is very small, with a stethoscope, it is indeed possible to hear some sounds of internal mechanical movements.It's just that if ordinary people don't understand this thing, even if you can hear it, you still feel the same and can't tell the difference.

But Kanoda is different, Weimin has already told him the principles and tricks of magic, he will not change other magic tricks, but he can change this single magic trick without any problem.Patiently turning the combination lock bit by bit, after a full circle, he was basically sure of the consistency of the feeling.

Then he reset the combination lock and started turning it again, this time it was different.The first time is to find consistency, this time is to find one of the inconsistent "feelings" after confirming the consistency, which requires a lot of patience.If the psychological quality is not enough, in this environment, patience is very easy to run out.

But Konoda also knew that he had one night.Just avoid the time when the patrols are patrolling.But he didn't turn on the light in this room either.But just to be on the safe side, he'd better go back to his office the next time the guards patrol.

Finally, when Kono Tatsuya screwed to one of the positions, he felt a slight inconsistency...

(End of this chapter)

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