spy ace

Chapter 3140 Shooting

Chapter 3140 Shooting
He glanced at the position where he was now screwing, and he was not in a hurry, and then screwed down again.Then reset it again, and when it was screwed to the position just now, I was sure that the feeling I had just now was correct.Then it starts turning in the opposite direction.

This is to open the second code, the method is the same, first turn the combination lock slowly to confirm its consistency.After you are sure, immediately reset the position you just remembered, and then turn it again, and then start to find the inconsistency this time.

This is the way to open the safe, so, when Kono Tatsu also opened the fourth round of passwords.He took a long breath, looked at his watch, and felt that the time was almost up.So he got up immediately and cleaned up.Then came to the door from the same way, and listened to the situation outside.Without a sound, he opened the door, flashed out, closed the door again, and quickly returned to his office.

Kadono Tatsuya's cigarette is relatively light, but now he wants to have one very urgently, and he still wants to pee a little bit.I lit a cigarette, picked up my pen, and started writing my speech again.About ten minutes later, the sound of footsteps outside the door sounded again.Kanoye Tatsuya immediately took the previously written execution plan manuscript, smoked a cigarette, opened the door generously and walked out.Go straight to the side, across the bathrooms of several rooms.

In this way, we happened to meet two patrolling guards head-on. "Mr. Kadono." When the two guards saw him, they immediately bowed and said hello.The latter returned the favor and said, "Thank you for your hard work. I'm going to the toilet."

"Hi one." The two guards saluted again, then continued to pass by, and went on patrol.

And Kanono Tatsuya really entered the toilet and started to drain the water.At this time, in the corridor of the Chrysanthemum Office, apart from the footsteps of the two guards, the sound of him urinating and draining water was really the loudest.But he did it on purpose. Just now he mentioned to the guard that he needed to go to the bathroom.Those two guards, most likely out of hearing, were fine.But it would be even better if you could hear yourself splashing water.Prove that what you tell them is true.

Shaking vigorously, put it away, and fasten the pants.At this moment, the footsteps of the guards could no longer be heard.But Tatsuya Kanono still came out of the toilet and returned to his office first.He smoked a cigarette again. At this time, there were still the last two passwords. If he had unlocked the lock at the speed he had before, he would have already opened it before the next guard patrol.Well, what I did just now was very good, patient and meticulous.When I get confused for a while, I have to hold my breath and concentrate to get rid of distracting thoughts.In this way, there is no problem.

After thinking about it, Tatsuya Kadono thought about the gold bars again. Well, now I am fighting for the gold bars.Gold bars are my motivation.I put out my cigarette, came to the door, and listened to the sounds outside again.After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he opened the door and walked out.When he came to Toshiyuki Kigata's office again, this time his nervousness dropped significantly.He opened the door and quickly stepped in. Taking the same route as before, he walked to the safe. He took out the stethoscope from his clothes and put it on. After calming down, he started to turn the password knob.

It may be because the mentality is more stable this time, but it is faster than the first time just now.The last two sets of passwords were all unlocked in a total of seven or eight minutes under Kadono Tatsuya's "feeling".

Kanono Tatsuya took another long breath, took out the lighter and lit it, carefully inspected the cracks around the door of the safe again, and followed him to gently pull.Well, it did move.This showed that he had indeed opened the safe, and he felt even more joyful.But you still have to hold on, look around the crack of the door again, follow, pull it a little, and look around again.In this way, after pulling everything apart, I looked inside the safe.

There were quite a few bank certificates of deposit in it, and there was a small stack.He looked with the light of the lighter, and saw that the number on the first deposit slip was ten thousand silver dollars.Fuck me!How much is this stack of deposit slips?And there were several stacks of dollars in it.But he definitely can't touch the money.He looked down, and sure enough, there were a lot of documents inside.

But Kono Tatsuya still didn't move, but lit it with a lighter to see if there were any hidden marks in the gaps between these documents, such as a hair, or a small thread.

He didn't find any, so Kanono Tatsu also stretched out his hand, strangled the entire stack of documents below with his fingers, and carried them out.Then he still pinched the stack of documents vigorously with the fingers of one hand, and with the other hand, he began to check from the bottom at night.

This is done to prevent the secret mark from being a natural positional secret mark.For example, where the previous file is pressed on the next file.There are also lines on the paper. Even if there are no lines, you can secretly draw a slight line with your fingernails.In this way, if the position changes the next time you check it, it means it has been moved by someone else.

And Kono Tatsu pinched in the same way, just to keep his position still.After searching continuously, um... this time his luck came, and he found what he needed within a few pages.

In other words, various latent plans also have code names. As one of the people who participated in the latent plan half a year ago, Kono Tatsu also knew about it.Seeing the word sailboat written on it, he knew that this should be the latent plan.So he carefully pulled out the document.First of all, after a general look, it is indeed a list and a contact password.In fact, if other people saw this document, they would still not understand what it was.Because there is no reference.

A list could be in any city, anywhere.How can you be sure that this list must be you lurking somewhere?But Konoda is different, he once provided two potential candidates.Others don't know the information about these two people, but he definitely does.Therefore, after checking, there were indeed the two people I had provided.In this way, you can be sure that this is the list of latent plans and contact passwords that you are looking for.

Put the other files aside carefully.Then, Tatsuya Kadono quickly laid out the list and passwords one by one.Then he put the lighter aside and shined a light on one of the documents.After he took out the spy camera from his pocket, he looked at the camera and said, OK, light is fine too.So I held my hand steady, clicked it, and pressed the shooting button...

(End of this chapter)

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