spy ace

Chapter 3145 The Road to Death

Chapter 3145 The Road to Death
Zhou Haiping continued: "As Your Excellency General said, at that time, all eyes will be on Shanghai, which is our vitality."

"Okay." Nagata Mizuo said: "Sooner rather than later, I really don't know when the empire will completely fail, but I think this speed will be very fast. So, tonight is the time for us to do it. Yutian Jun."

"Hi one!" Youtian Sicheng replied immediately beside him.

"You lead the commando team to the warehouse in Taicang at six o'clock sharp tonight." Nagata Mizuo said: "After you go, first contact the peripheral investigators to confirm the situation. If the situation does not change, immediately attack according to the plan and strive for the fastest At that time, it should be not long after they had dinner, and it was a good time to attack."

"Hi!" Yutenji Makoto said, "Then I'll go get ready immediately." Seeing Nagata Mizuo nodding, Youtenji Makoto immediately turned and walked out of the office.

Nagata Mizuo said: "Zhou Sang."

"Hi one." Zhou Haiping said: "Your Excellency General, please give me instructions."

Nagata Mitsuo said: "Your people, you must guard the houses we have prepared. Be sure not to make mistakes."

Zhou Haiping said: "Yes, general, don't worry, there will be no problems."

"Also." Nagata Mitsuo said: "You have to mobilize the prepared convoy and follow behind Mr. Bishan. When they take down the secret warehouse in Taicang, drive in immediately, load the contents inside, and It was shipped back as soon as possible, and placed in every corner of the city as planned."

"Yes." Zhou Haiping said: "I understand. I'm going to make the final preparations." Then he turned and walked out of the office.

Mitsuo Nagata looked at Bishan Heyan again, and said, "Mr. Bishan, how much power can you use?"

Bishan Heyan said: "A squadron."

Nagata Mizuo still understands him, even though he is the captain of the Sixth Wing.But if he mobilizes the entire wing without permission, it will definitely surprise other departments.And what Bishan Heyan said about a squadron at this time means that he can mobilize a squadron without being suspected by anyone.So Nagata Mitsuo was still very satisfied, so he said: "That's enough, you lead your people and follow Yutenji Makoto, he will attack first, and you will follow behind him, forming the second wave of offensive echelon.

In this way, it is possible to completely destroy the guards in Taicang like the waves of the sea, and take them all down immediately without any accidents.In addition, after occupying the entire warehouse, join Zhou Sang's convoy, the three of you, do your best to load the vehicles, strive for the fastest speed, transport the contents back to Shanghai, and put them in the places we have prepared in various areas of the city. inside the room. "Speaking of which, he paused, and then said: "And I deliberately made a few phone calls to the garrison headquarters and various agencies after you started the operation.

Let them subconsciously think that I, and you, are still having a meeting in the Nagata Mansion.In this way, no doubt will be cast on us and we will be given enough time to do so.Then after the operation is completed, we will evacuate Shanghai together. As long as we wait for the timer's pointer to arrive, then... it won't matter. "

Bishan Heyan nodded, and said, "Hey, I understand, General. Then I'll go prepare as well."

For this time today, Mizuo Nagata and his group have been preparing for several months.It can be said that the preparations are still very sufficient, so it is very easy for them to execute at this time.Zhou Haiping made a series of phone calls to various places where the vehicles were stored, asking them to do the final inspection, refueling and so on.But Bishan Heyan went back and mobilized that squadron. In fact, the past few months have never been peaceful, and his sixth squadron itself is in charge of the situation in SH city.Increased patrols, that's his job.

As for this squadron, he directly transferred it away in the name of temporarily adding a patrol team, and then came to a certain place on the outskirts of the city to join the commando team of Nagata Mansion led by Yutenji Makoto.Go to the direction of Taicang together.

In other words, they were fully prepared, and Fan Keqin was even more fully prepared.After Youtian Sicheng led the commando out, Fan Keqin knew about it.The other news came one after another. It was the feedback from the eyeliner who monitored the place where the little devil was preparing the vehicle.

Fan Keqin put down the phone, looked at Bai Fengtai in front of him and said, "Notify the brothers and start taking action immediately. Remember, you don't start until you see the convoy."

"Understood." After Bai Fengtai said that, he turned and walked out, but when he reached the door, he turned around and said, "Brother Heng, then... you must be careful."

Fan Keqin nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry."

Bai Fengtai also nodded, opened the door and walked out...

Before seven o'clock, Youtian Sicheng and his group had arrived near the secret warehouse in Taicang.Youtian Sicheng personally got into the grove, got in touch with the investigators here, and made sure that there was nothing special.So after he came out, he immediately started to act.

There were two cars with plaster flags at the beginning, and then followed the commando.It started to move towards the secret warehouse, followed by the squadron of the Sixth Wing, and finally the convoy preparing to transport.

This arrangement is to avoid immediately arousing suspicion among the guards in the secret warehouse.After all, there are two very high-end cars, and there are plaster flags on the front of the cars.When this kind of car arrives directly in front of the warehouse gate, the other party will probably feel that some high-ranking official is coming, and it is impossible to say that they will take action immediately.This is a kind of behavior that confuses the opponent, and then when you get close, you can suddenly attack and catch the opponent off guard.

The first half of the team had just turned around the hilly area and was heading towards the warehouse.All of a sudden, a series of "Boom, Boom" explosions sounded on the one that hadn't turned around.However, there were a few members of the Security Bureau who had been lying in ambush for a long time. They dug the hole themselves, covered it with a canvas, and sprinkled a layer of soil to monitor the road.And on this road, basically all the TNT explosives of the Security Bureau in Shanghai at this time have been buried on this road.

You know, the amount of this project is relatively small.Because laying a bomb is nothing more than digging a hole. Even if it is controlled by a detonator, it needs to dig a few shallow ditches to connect it.

(End of this chapter)

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