spy ace

Chapter 3146 The Last Minute

Chapter 3146 The Last 10 Minutes
If you work hard enough, the long string of bombs and thunder arrays on this road can be laid in one day with enough manpower.

But now, they want to avoid the sight of the surveillance personnel here at Nagata Mansion, and also avoid the occasional pedestrian passing by.Therefore, they must not be open to work, and they have been very, very careful in the past few months. Only when they were sure that it would not be discovered by anyone, did they start planting a bomb or wiring.That would definitely be very slow.But fortunately, they had completely taken care of this a month ago and placed bombs and mine arrays on the entire road.

And TNT itself is waterproof and moisture-proof, plus some other means, so the bombs planted here are not affected at all.Several Security Bureau agents who controlled the bomb hid in the cave, and saw the little devil's commando team, a basically complete squadron, and the following convoy through a gap in the soil and plants. After marking the point, he turned around and squatted in the hole, buried his head, took the detonator next to him, and pressed it down suddenly.

The loud noise of "Boom, Boom" suddenly sounded, and the earth seemed to be shaking, and there was a series of noises.Because there are several such burrows, it is impossible to detonate all of them at the same time, but they have a common reference, just like a bomber bombing, as soon as they saw their own coordinate plane dropping bombs, they began to drop bombs together.They pressed down the detonators one after another.As a result, a series of sounds suddenly sounded in the air.

This time, Fan Keqin used almost all of his stock, and the power was naturally very great. The devil soldiers near the detonation point were immediately blown to pieces, and those cars were also blown up like earth planes, flying into the sky. rise.Or it was severely deformed by the bombing and was overturned to the side.

The lethality of the bomb array is extremely scary. Although many devils were not directly hit by the shock wave, they were still within the absolute killing range.They didn't even have a wound on the surface, but they died because the internal organs had been shattered.There are even some that are particularly soft to the touch, because the bones have been shattered by the shock.

This kind of power is too scary, so the nearest holes dug by these security bureau agents are about a hundred meters away.Otherwise, if they are too close, they will still be injured even if they are hiding in a cave.

In the blink of an eye, the commando of the Nagata Mansion, a squadron of the Sixth Regiment, and the transport vehicles were all destroyed.It is true that there are still some devils who are not dead, so there are many howls of pain of varying heights on this road.Several agents of the Security Bureau who had just detonated the bomb immediately turned into observers again. After watching for a while, they knew that the mission this time was completed.As for that factory, don't bother with it.

So they all started to withdraw from the underground caves and quickly retreated to SH urban area.By the way, Mitsuo Nagata was in the mansion. He looked at the time and should have already started to take action.So he picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said: "Is the car ready... Well, where are the ships to the north? Okay, you must be ready, we may pass by at any time."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and waited quietly.But not long after he put down the phone.There seemed to be a rumbling sound of thunder in my ears. It seemed like thunder struck far away, and then passed through the space and entered my ears.

Since he was in the room, he couldn't tell the direction of the thunder, but thought it came from the direction of the window.But just after hearing this voice, a few seconds later.Mizuo Nagata got up from his chair at once.He opened the window, but only then did he hear the sound. This is the window on the side facing the sun, and the direction of Taicang is facing north.So he immediately pushed away his office, came to the corridor, opened the window of the corridor and looked towards the northern sky.But he is not clairvoyant, how could he see so far away.Moreover, there are many sheltered buildings in the middle.

At this time, several people came out of the corridor.Since most of the elites had already been incorporated into the commandos, the Nagata Mansion was indeed more empty than before.If it was normal, more people would definitely come out, but at this time there were only a few.

Nagata Mitsuo turned around and asked, "Did you hear it too? In which direction?" In fact, these people couldn't confirm it. After all, they were all in the office, on the same floor, with south-facing windows.So Mizuo Nagata immediately pointed and said: "You two, immediately take people to the direction of Taicang to check the situation. Then report to me immediately."

"Hi." The two people bowed immediately, turned around and left.

Nagata Mizuo realized that he couldn't stay longer. If what he was worried about really happened, then the situation in the Nagata Mansion was so empty at this time, it would not be the same as the Super Fortress before.And if something happened to the people who were waiting in the direction of Taicang, it meant that the enemy was absolutely aware of their actions, so would they let go of the emptiest moment and use the Nagata Mansion?If you are the enemy, you will not miss it.

Asking the local garrison for support, isn't your intention leaked?And can I still walk by myself?That is even more impossible.Therefore, Nagata Mizuo immediately returned to the office, walked back and forth in the office for a while, and checked the time again. If the operation went well, the commando team and others should have taken down the warehouse by this time. Sneak attack.Unless it is a sneak attack, it becomes a seesaw, but the squadron in Bishan Heyan will cooperate with the commando to launch a second wave of attack. He does not believe how long it can last with the guards in the warehouse alone.

Looking at his watch again, Mitsuo Nagata decided to wait another 10 minutes, just 10 minutes. If there was no information feedback, it meant that what he was worried about had really happened.Because after taking down the secret warehouse, you can use the phone inside to call directly.If there is no information after 10 minutes...it must be a failure.Moreover, Mizuo Nagata didn't believe in coincidences either. The muffled thunder struck earlier than later, but it happened to coincide with the estimated arrival time of the commando team and others after heading to Taicang.It's [-]% problematic.

10 minutes passed as if the days were like years, but the phone was still the same. Nagata Mizuo walked out very decisively, and immediately found another subordinate after becoming the office...

(End of this chapter)

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