spy ace

Chapter 3147

Chapter 3147
Nagata Mizuo quickly ordered, saying: "You go to my office and wait for the phone call. If anyone is looking for me, ask me clearly and remember clearly. Then, you have to wait for my call, and I will Calling to ask about your situation. You are not allowed to go there without my order."

"Hi!" The subordinate immediately stood at attention, turned around and entered Mitsuo Nagata's office.

After Nagata Mitsuo gave his orders, he went directly downstairs, summoned the manpower that should have been used for support, and said: "You two, each with four cars, set off from the front door in 3 minutes. After passing two intersections , separate immediately. Go around in SH City, and then come back in the middle of the night, understand?"

"Understood." The two took orders one after another and left separately.Nagata Mitsuo took the rest of the people into the other cars, gave another order, and set off from the back door 5 minutes later.

After giving instructions to Bai Fengtai, Fan Keqin personally led his staff to the Yongtian Mansion, a stronghold across Sijo Street.Around seven o'clock, the phone next to him rang, and he reached out to grab everything and said, "It's me, tell me."

I heard a voice on the phone, saying: "Boss, everything went well, the task has been completed."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "I understand. We will withdraw as planned."

"Yes." After answering the phone, Fan Keqin hung up the phone.And just over ten minutes later, the phone rang once, and Fan Keqin picked up the receiver again, saying: "It's me, say it!"

An investigator on the phone said: "Boss, there is a convoy of eight cars coming out of the front door, each car contains at least four people. After walking about two streets to the east, it is divided into two, and four of them facing west, and the other four facing south."

Fan Keqin pondered for a moment and thought: "I don't know if it's the old team's maze. You know, just 10 minutes ago, I got the information that the operation in the Taicang warehouse was going smoothly. And I also heard a faint explosion. , then will it attract the attention of the Nagata Mansion? Don't underestimate this group of devils, especially Nagata Mitsuo. You must know that you have been confronting him for such a long time, but you have not taken him down. Although the opponent is a bit of an iron bastard, his ability There is no doubt about it. But about ten minutes later, a motorcade came out of the front door of the Nagata Residence. There must be something wrong. "

So Fan Keqin thought of this, and said: "The first group and the second group keep up. You don't have to be afraid to startle the enemy. If you have the opportunity, take decisive measures to kill the opponent. Then immediately enter the latent state."

"Yes!" After the investigator on the phone answered, Fan Keqin hung up the phone again.About 2 minutes after putting down the phone, the phone rang and remembered, and Fan Keqin immediately picked it up, saying: "It's me, say."

The investigator on the other end of the phone said: "A convoy of ten cars came out of the back door of Nagata Mansion again, driving sideways. There were people in the cars, at least four in each car."

After listening to this, Fan Keqin was thinking like lightning in his mind.You know, the team that came out for the first time might really be a suspicion formation.As for the people in the Nagata Mansion, most of them had gone to Taicang. The first convoy, whether it was a suspicious formation or not, had four people in each car and eight cars, which was a minimum of 32.It can be said that the power in Nagata Mansion has decreased again.At this time, ten more cars came out of the back door, and each car had at least four people, that is, forty people.

So at this moment, the Nagata Mansion is not to mention completely empty, but it is definitely the weakest time.Another point is that the ten cars came out of the back door. I don’t know if it’s suspicious, but 10 minutes after Mitsuo Nagata made a move in Taicang, there was a scene of cars coming out of the front and back doors. What’s the meaning?There was only one possibility, and he knew it was not safe.Then he has only two choices.For one, he was moving again in the convoy of the front and rear doors.Second, do the opposite and stay at the Yongtian Mansion.Waiting for support?But waiting for support... Then his previous plan was leaked soon?Can he do this?
Fan Keqin thought quickly for a few seconds and said: "Let the third and fourth groups attack the Nagata Mansion immediately. If they encounter very strong resistance and counterattack, stop the attack immediately and evacuate quickly."

"Yes!" After the other party answered, the phone was hung up again.Fan Keqin's order is specific, that is, whether Nagata Mitsuo chooses to stay in the mansion, or has already evacuated in the convoy at the front and rear gates.The first group and the second group have already begun to chase the eight cars at the front door according to their own instructions, and are looking for opportunities to kill each other.

The third group and the fourth group went to raid the Nagata mansion.There are two possibilities. First, the Nagata Mansion is really empty.This possibility is the greatest.If that's the case, they won't have to fight too hard.But just in case, this is a trap of Mitsuo Nagata. Although the possibility is very small due to Fan Keqin's judgment, it is necessary to guard against it.That's why when he sent the order, he asked groups three and four to pay attention to the enemy's counterattack. If the counterattack was strong, it must be a trap.And retreat immediately.

As for the convoy of ten cars coming out of the back door, Fan Keqin decided to take part in it himself.He knew that there might be big fish in the convoy coming out of the back door, and Mizuo Nagata was very likely to be among them.

Putting down the phone, Fan Keqin got up and said, "Let's go immediately, and search... towards the direction of the waterway on the north side." As he spoke, he took the lead out of the stronghold and quickly got into the car. Following him, they immediately turned into several cars after coming out.Then a group of eight cars drove out of the community quickly.

After leaving the community and entering the road, the door on one side opened and he waved vigorously.The six cars parked on the side of the road also started immediately and followed them from behind.Go all the way north.

In other words, after Nagata Mitsuo left the mansion in the car, he went all the way north.That means he is not going around a few times, doing an anti-stalking action?It is no longer needed.He just wanted to drive to the waterway by the river as soon as possible. There were boats there, as long as he got on the boat and drove away from the shore.How about tracking from behind?Can you go into the water?Looking for a boat now?At that time, I have long since disappeared.

After driving out of the urban area and entering the dirt road, the speed dropped a lot.After all, the dirt road is uneven, and there are some potholes from time to time...

(End of this chapter)

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