spy ace

Chapter 3182 Insiders of the Central Unification

Chapter 3182 Insiders of the Central Unification
"Okay." Hua Zhang said, "I will go back and spread the word about the brothers. And if there is any news, the two of us will communicate in a timely manner?"

"Yeah, okay." Mo Yu said, "Communicate in time."

After walking out of the Information Department, Hua Zhang returned to his office, immediately called several team leaders over, and ordered: "Now hand over all the cases at hand to the fifth team. As for the one, two, three and four teams, from now on, Let our investigators spread out and secretly keep an eye on the people of the Central Government to see what they are doing, where they have gone, which department they have gone to, etc. In short, all the people of the Central Government need to do is get out of the Central Government Bureau and go outside. , just follow if you can. But the principle remains the same, you have to be concealed and cannot be discovered by the other party. Therefore, it is better to follow and lose than to disturb. Do you understand?"

"Understood." The five team leaders immediately expressed that they heard clearly.As Hua Zhang asked them to start executing, they walked out of the section chief's office and began to set up.The Special Investigation Division itself also handles certain local cases.It's the kind of thing that the police department can't investigate, so just leave it to them.For the most part, people from the Special Division took the initiative to take over the cases, so that they could constantly have something to do and accumulate their own experience.

At this time, they began to hand over the case to the fifth team.There is no rush to close the case, so the fifth team is not panicked when faced with the sudden increase in cases.After all, there were quite a few people in the fifth group. With the tacit understanding between the two parties, it didn't take long for them to finish.Then they basically formed a team of two, walked out of the Security Bureau, and went straight to the Central Unification Bureau. As long as they met a Central Unification agent who was out, they would start to follow and monitor them.

The information department on the other side also started to carry out the same operation, except that Mo Yu personally took out several contact passwords from the safe.Start contacting those insiders of Zhongtong.

These insiders were still in the Intelligence Department. Once again, Qian Jinxun asked Fan Keqin to help him monitor the psychological activities of a wave of Zhongtong in a hotel.It was during this time period that it developed.Of course, there were a few people who were put in by Sun Guoxin a long time ago.

After so many years of development, these insiders are actually considered old men of Zhongtong.But after all, they had just gone through the Anti-Japanese War, and one of them had disappeared a few years ago.I don’t know if he died or something.Among the others, the youngest one is also a little boy.One of the insiders has developed better and has become the chief of the Statistics Department and the Military Organization Section.The other one is the Economic Survey Division, Chief of the First Section.

The chief of the Military Group Section is called Dong Yun.In recent years, he has turned 37 and is definitely an old spy. Dong Yun was already there when both the Central Military Commission and the Military Command belonged to the Statistics Bureau before they were separated.In addition, Yang Zhaodi, chief of the first section of the Economic Investigation Department, is 31 years old this year.She is also one of the few female officers in Zhongtong.The main reason is that Yang Zhaodi was originally sent to Xiaojiizi by her family to study economics.Not long after he came back, he joined the Central Government, and at that time he was still working as an economic investigator in the inspection office.Later, step by step, I did a decent job, and I also had connections in my family. So now, I have become a very rare officer in Zhongtong, and he still has a little real power.

These two people are the most valuable among the insiders of Zhongtong.Therefore, Mo Yu was the first to contact them, and it was Mo Yu who met with them in person.Dong Yun was getting off work normally, when the car passed a corner of the street.He glanced at the corner wall of a residential building and saw a special symbol.He was certain that yesterday, no, not just yesterday, it had been many years since there was no such symbol in this place.Therefore, now he still can't believe it after seeing it.After staring at it for several seconds, I was able to confirm.

After confirming, Dong Yun did not go home directly but continued to drive the car forward.To be honest, he felt a little nervous.He once even had the idea that it would be good to never contact him again.But now, this hope has been dashed.

However, Dong Yun didn't feel much disappointed or panicked.After all, he is an old agent, and his psychological quality is relatively strong.The only solution for now is to take one step at a time.

I looked at my watch, it was still too late.So after driving around a few times, the car stopped in front of a hotel before seven o'clock.After getting off the car and walking in, he glanced at the situation inside and saw that there were still a lot of people.There is an attendance rate of [-]% upwards.And at a table in the corner, a man was guarding four dishes and one soup. There was a hat on the corner of the table, and on the hat was a newspaper folded into a long and narrow piece.Seeing this, Dong Yun immediately controlled his mood, and a smile appeared on his face, as if he was meeting an old friend, and smiled from the bottom of his heart.He walked over and said, "How long have you been waiting? I got into a car accident and was stuck in traffic for a long time. I punished myself with three drinks in a while."

Mo Yu also smiled and helped him pour the wine, and said: "Why three drinks as a penalty? I think you just want to drink."

"Hahaha." Dong Yun sat down with a smile and said, "You know me well, so I'll be at the bottom first." After saying that, he picked up the chopsticks, put a Sixi meatball into the bowl, and ate it in three bites. It’s over, it’s called a fragrance.Then he picked up the wine glass and said, "Here, take a drink."

Mo Yu also raised his glass and touched one with him.Dong Yun drank it all in one gulp, put down the wine glass, picked up the jug and poured wine for the two of them.He lowered his voice and said, "What do you want from me?"

Like Mo Yu, with a smile on his face, he lowered his voice and said, "You guys have been busy lately, right? There's a lot of business, right?"

"Well." Dong Yun put down his wine glass, used chopsticks to pick up some cold dishes for himself, and said, "Yes, dealing with this now is our main task. The overall situation is the same. Xu Shizeng even held a meeting specifically for this purpose. , all departments need to cooperate and strive to eliminate all those involved in this as soon as possible. "

When he said this, he pointed to his tie.It was a dark red tie.Mo Yu nodded after hearing this and said, "Is there any progress?" As he spoke, he also took a bite of food.

Dong Yun said: "There has been a lot of progress. As far as I know, there are three new suspicious clues that have been obtained locally, and someone has already followed them. There are also other places, but you also know that people of this color , that was very careful. So, now I just feel suspicious."

Mo Yu still had a smile on his face and said, "Tell me the three clues you have locally."

Dong Yun actually heard this question and felt in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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