spy ace

Chapter 3183 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 3183 Meeting Ceremony

Dong Yun actually felt a little moved in his mind after hearing this question.I did a quick risk assessment and thought it should be fine.After all, many people know about it, and this is all due to the fact that in the previous stage, Xu Shizeng held a meeting to allow various departments to collaborate.Therefore, if this information is revealed, it is impossible to doubt him.

So Dong Yun said: "There is a Baitong pawnshop in Qingcao Alley. I don't know the specific reason why it is suspicious. I am not responsible for the details. There are also two women living in Qingshui Alley, the second house at the east end of Qiaotou. Same, it is not my responsibility. I don’t know the specifics, but I heard that these two women usually mend clothes and make clothes for others. There is also a staff officer of the local army, named Ye Zhiqiang, 34 years old this year. He is involved in It's a mysterious murder case in a village."

Mo Yu nodded. He knew that Dong Yun was the section chief of the military department.The full name of the Military Organization Section is the Military Organization Investigation Section.Any investigation involving paramilitary or internal military affairs is the focus of this section.Of course, even though it's called this, it doesn't mean that other things can't be taken care of.For example, if they find a suspicious seller selling fried dough sticks on a street, they will still take care of it.They will not be treated as invisible or ignored at all.

So Mo Yu said: "Tell me about Ye Zhiqiang."

Dong Yun said: "Ye Zhiqiang has a wife. His home is in No. 29, Courtyard [-], Dongbin Road, Huangshan District, No. [-], Building [-], Gate [-]. When he has nothing to do, Ye Zhiqiang goes home. The couple has no children. His wife's name is Yun Duo. He is [-] years old this year. Ye Zhiqiang came into view because the military intelligence team of their garrison finally caught a person of this color. "As he said that, he pointed to his red tie again and continued: "This person is He was a very rare kind of weakling among people of this color. He then rebelled and surrendered.

However, this boy named Wang Xi is always thinking clever things and has never revealed any big secrets. After we intervened in the investigation, we evaluated that he probably wanted to use these secrets in exchange for more life-saving chips.But it was in the safe house found for him by the garrison's military intelligence unit, Room [-] of the Yangtze River Hotel.On the first of this month, he was assassinated.Among them, quite a few people knew about Wang Xi's existence, including Ye Zhiqiang.After investigation, it was found that Ye Zhiqiang returned home once at the end of last month.

As for his wife Yun Duo, after investigation, someone saw Yun Duo going to a vegetable market to buy some meat, vegetables, eggs and the like that same day.Up to this point, it was actually considered normal, because Ye Zhiqiang would go home every once in a while, and when he went home, Yun Duo also went out many times to buy more of Ye Zhiqiang's favorite ingredients.But this time, when we investigated, we found that the egg seller was missing. We also asked other vendors in the market that none of them remembered that the egg seller had been there before.

Of course, among the people garrisoned with knowledge, not even Ye Zhiqiang was not suspected, but most of them were.And the activity track is very clear.A few of them had witnesses during that time.There are still a few people who have no witnesses, but their life trajectories are quite clear.Ye Zhiqiang was actually like this, and he was still very cooperative when conducting further investigations.However, we still haven't found the missing egg vendor.And it’s really suspicious, isn’t it?Therefore, it has temporarily become our main target of suspicion. "

What Dong Yun said was still very detailed. After Mo Yu listened, he said, "Well, is this the stage of investigation?"

"Yes." Dong Yundao said: "After all, Ye Zhiqiang is also related. He is protected by superiors, which is different from other people. There is no actual evidence. Just quelling the disappearance of an egg vendor cannot really touch him. In fact, if this matter is taken into account, From an independent perspective, it is normal. There is a lot of population flow in the vegetable market, and it is normal for a strange-looking hawker to come every now and then. It’s just that the timing is a coincidence. And we all know that the most unbelievable thing in this business is coincidence. So , it is necessary to continue in-depth investigation.”

Mo Yu nodded and said: "Eat vegetables, eat vegetables!" Then he also made a Sixi meatball.Then he picked up the wine glass, touched one with Dong Yun again, and then lowered his voice and asked: "I understand, then the other two you are talking about are the Baitong Pawn Shop in Qingcao Alley and the two at the east end of Qingshui Alley Bridge. What's going on with women who make a living by sewing and making clothes?" Dong Yun said: "I really don't know the specifics of this. These two lines are investigated by the Statistics Department. I only know these, and I really don't know the rest. ."

Mo Yu said: "I'm not sure... Then please help me and figure it out."

Dong Yun looked at him, nodded, and said: "I'll try my best, but you also have to understand my difficulties. I'm from the Military Section, and my work focus is different from that of the Statistics Department. And taking the initiative to inquire can easily attract attention. . All I can say is that I will definitely try to find out as much as possible."

Mo Yu said: "Didn't your chief officer, Lao Xu, say that all departments should cooperate? There is always a chance."

"There is a chance." Dong Yun said: But not many. After all, it is said to be collaboration, and there is indeed collaboration, but it is a small number, and there is not enough manpower, so we cooperate with each other.The rest, that is, informing each other during the meeting to see if there are any repeated investigations, or repeated inspections to avoid conflicts with each other. "

Mo Yu said: "Well, okay, in short, if you can, just pay attention to these as much as possible. Besides, I don't want your investigation to be in vain." After saying that, he took out a box of cigarettes and handed it to Dong Yun. Said: "One small yellow croaker. Don't worry, this is just a greeting gift. When you make it later, you will have more."

Dong Yun felt heavy when he took it. How heavy is the cigarette?Now this pack of cigarettes is quite substantial.He was immediately overjoyed and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best. Come on, let me toast you."

Mo Yu picked up the wine glass, had sex with him again, and said: "I won't stay any longer, so as not to be caught by others, we are together. The bill has been settled, you can eat slowly by yourself. I will leave first." "With that said, he stood up, picked up the hat and put it on his head, then patted Dong Yun on the shoulder and walked out of the small restaurant.

I arrived at a community normally and entered a unit door.Then he quickly went up to the first and a half floors and looked down from the back window. There was no one in the backyard, so he flew out of the window and jumped into the backyard...

(End of this chapter)

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