spy ace

Chapter 3184 Yang Zhaodi

Chapter 3184 Yang Zhaodi

He jumped into the backyard, quickly walked through, and found the car he had parked here in a doorway.Drive away quickly...

Soon, Mo Yu confirmed that the soldiers behind him had no tail.In fact, if there was a tail at this time, he would suspect that something was wrong with Dong Yun.But now there is no need to worry.After a while, Mo Yu drove to an apartment building.The surrounding environment of this apartment building is okay, but not far away, it was once bombed by Japs, so you need to pass through a ruins and then cross two streets before you can get here.

When Mo Yu arrived nearby, he didn't drive forward. Instead, he parked the car on one of the roads.I got off the car and walked forward, and after a while I arrived at the apartment building with a nice environment. At this time, everyone was either eating at home or playing outside, so it was relatively deserted at this time.In addition, the apartment building itself has only three floors, and there are not many interesting places to play around, so there are still relatively few people active outside.Mo Yu didn't stand out very much. He walked in openly and saw a [-]% new car parked under the building.

He glanced at the license plate and saw, OK, it was the vehicle that was his magnetic target. It looked like it was going home.So Mo Yu entered the building door and walked to the second floor.The entire corridor is even more deserted. Being on the second floor, you can "see clearly" with your ears.After all, there are only three floors in total.

I leaned against the door on the right side and listened for a while, but there was no movement.So he raised his hand and knocked on the door.After a while, he knocked again.

"Who is it?" A voice seemed to ring from behind the door. It was a female voice, but the door was not opened.

Mo Yu said: "Oh, I'm from Lewis Cosmetics Company. Miss, you have an appointment with us to try out the cosmetics today."

When Yang Zhaodi inside heard this, her heart tightened and she didn't react for several seconds.That was when I first had the intention to join Zhongtong, and someone suddenly came to my door.He told himself openly that he was from the Second Secret Service.Let yourself join them secretly, but then follow the normal track to join Zhongtong.

Yang Zhaodi herself had a pretty good life when she was a child. Not only did her family have good food and clothing, it wasn't much different.His father was in business and had some connections with the government, and he opened several shops.Although Yang Zhaodi is a daughter, she is the only child of the old Yang family. She is naturally doted on by all kinds of people, so how can she live a bad life?But just when he finished middle school and entered college, his father and mother went to visit relatives and did some business on the way, and agreed to come back to celebrate him.As a result, on the way back, we caught up with an air raid by the Japs.

As a result, the old couple were all killed in the bombing. At that time, Yang Zhaodi was immediately stunned. She had been cared for like a hothouse flower since she was a child. How could she react to the huge changes in her family?Therefore, Yang Zhaodi barely managed to deal with her parents' funeral, and the shops at home were not doing well, so she simply bought two of them, and she simply stopped doing business for the rest, and rented them out to pay the rent.

It was also because of this incident that Yang Zhaodi wanted to study finance and trade economics.In this way, after graduating from college, he was spotted by Zhongtong.After all, at that time, no matter which system it was, the economic situation was not good.When people like Yang Zhaodi come back, they can be regarded as talents in the economic field.In fact, Zhongtong is considered to be a jujube but not a jujube. Let me make three poles first.

But Yang Zhaodi also knew that no one behind her could do it these days, so she agreed.But before she could officially join, people from the military command came to visit... So, in the end, Yang Zhaodi was considered a secret move arranged by the military commander within Zhongtong. As for whether it would work... there was no loss anyway.

Later, Yang Zhaodi became the team leader.The military commander felt that she had great development potential, so he told her not to take risks yet.So she was allowed to focus on climbing up, and even helped a lot secretly, so she went from team leader to financial investigation director of the first section of the Economic Investigation Division, and then was promoted to deputy section chief, and just last year, she became section chief. long.For a woman in this era, this is a pretty fast promotion rate.

Yang Zhaodi took a deep breath, but still did not open the door immediately. Instead, she said: "Have you brought the mascara and purple eyebrow pencil I want? If not, I won't use it."

"Oh, I'm wearing dark blue eyebrow pencil." Mo Yu said outside the door.

"Click." The code word matched, and the door was opened from the inside.After seeing Mo Yu, Yang Zhaodi lowered her voice and said urgently: "Come in quickly." After Mo Yu came in, Yang Zhaodi immediately looked at the situation in the corridor, listened to the noise again, and found nothing, and then immediately retreated. When he came back, he closed the door and hung the chain lock on it.Yang Zhaodi turned around and complained in a low voice, "Why did you come directly to my house? How dangerous it is. Are you so anxious?"

"It's not that urgent." Mo Yu said, "I'm just visiting your home." He then smiled and said, "Don't worry, I paid attention when I came. No one will see me."

Yang Zhaodi nodded and said, "Come in quickly." As she said that, she pulled up her pajamas and led Mo Yu to the sofa in the living room.

After both of them were done, Yang Zhaodi said, "I won't make tea for you. What are you doing here?"

Mo Yu said: "What's the matter? What time is it? Are you in a hurry to go to bed?"

Yang Zhaodi said: "I've been busy at work today. After dinner, I'll go to bed early. Get down to business quickly."

Mo Yu said: "Chief Yang is dedicated to his work, which is great. I came here this time just to ask, regarding the Red Party, what progress has your Central Unification Committee made recently?"

"Red party?" Yang Zhaodi said, "I heard, isn't your main business not dealing with internal affairs?"

Mo Yu asked: "Who told you."

Yang Zhaodi said: "Our director, after coming back from another meeting, held a meeting with all our section chiefs and above, and mentioned something in it."

Mo Yu asked: "You mentioned it... Our two unifications have never dealt with each other, why are you mentioning us?"

Yang Zhaodi said: "Before, you had a chief, it seems that his surname is Fan, which made our director angry, but I don't know the details. I just heard what Wang Tusheng said during a private chat."

"Wang Tusheng." Mo Yu said, "The deputy director of your first department."

"Yes." Yang Zhaodi said: "The director of the first branch is concurrently served by our deputy director Li Haishi. It seems that one day before, the two of them accompanied Xu Shizeng..."

(End of this chapter)

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