spy ace

Chapter 3185

Chapter 3185

Yang Zhaodi continued: "The two of them once accompanied Xu Shizeng to a meeting at the Ministry of National Defense, but they didn't look good when they came back."

"Hmm." Mo Yu said in his mind: "Are you trying to deal with our director?" He secretly noted this matter in his mind and asked a few more questions, but Yang Zhaodi really didn't know about this matter.So he said: "Going back to the previous topic, what progress or actions have you made regarding the Red Party recently?"

Yang Zhaodi frowned, thought for a while, and said: "It seems that there are three red party connections, and they have been grasped. This has nothing to do with our Economic Investigation Department, I didn't pay much attention to it at the time."

Mo Yu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Let's talk about it. If you can think of anything, just try to recall it."

Yang Zhaodi stretched out her hand and pressed the cigarette ornament she was sitting on, and the whole ornament opened out like it was blooming.She took out two cigarettes from above, held one in her mouth, and handed one to Mo Yu.Then he took a silver lighter, lit it and took a puff.Said: "There are two women among them, they seem to be in Qingshui Alley, at the east end of the bridge. One is named Li Mei, and the other is named Li Li... I am not sure. When I heard it, it was because both of them were She was a woman, so they remembered something. It seemed that one of Wang Tusheng's informants had seen Li Li near Huangshan Pavilion in Huangshan District... They didn't elaborate on it during the meeting, that's all. Lifted his mouth."

"Yeah." Mo Yu made an assessment in his mind. Dong Yun didn't pay much attention to these two women because they didn't care about him.But as a woman, Yang Zhaodi is more concerned about having two women, which is considered normal.Moreover, during the meeting, they would only briefly mention the whole story, such as: "According to the informant's tip, so-and-so is a major suspect in such-and-such a place." But how the informant found out and what the process was, it is impossible to go into detail. illustrate.

So Mo Yu said: "Well, is there anything else about Li Mei and Li Li?"

"No more." Yang Zhaodi said, "I remember this very clearly. The people from the Second Section of the Investigation Division were assigned the task of following up on this line. I don't know what happened next."

Mo Yu paused and said: "It's a bit strange. You are the section chief of the Economic Investigation Department, how could you be called to have such a meeting? And Xu Shizeng also gave three clues about the Red Party?"

"Oh, you don't know." Yang Zhaodi said: "After Director Xu came back from a meeting at the Ministry of National Defense, he told all of us that all departments within the bureau must collaborate with each other to share information and improve efficiency. For example, in our Economic Investigation Division The information is the same, but we haven't found any red yet... It can't be said that we haven't found it yet. Just yesterday, we found something wrong, but we haven't reported it to the weekly cooperation report, so other It’s not clear yet.”

After hearing this, Mo Yu was certain of one thing, that is, Yang Zhaodi's statement was consistent with Dong Yun's.Therefore, what they tell themselves is more reliable.This is not because he judged a gentleman with a villain's heart.But necessary precautions must be taken.For example, for someone who came back from enemy-occupied territory, what if it were you, how could you just use it as you please without even asking?Even if there is a high probability that there is no problem, they are all unswerving warriors.But as long as you meet someone who has really rebelled, it's over.Therefore, this kind of precaution is necessary.

So, Mo Yu calmly continued to ask: "Three lines, what about the other two lines besides Li Li and Li Mei at the east end of Qingshui Alley Bridge?"

Yang Zhaodi said: "One is from Qingcao Alley... called Baitong, or a pawnshop of Botong. The other is from the local garrison, probably a staff officer of the guard division, named Ye Zhiqiang. Of these two, that pawnshop is the same as us The Economic Investigation Department is considered to be an eight-pole department, and it can be touched a little bit. However, after Xu Shizeng introduced it at that time, Deputy Director Wang Tusheng was personally in charge of it, so I didn’t listen much. I just remembered that the owner of the pawn shop was named Liu, and his name was Liu Fei. . I didn’t take anything else seriously. The staff officer of the security division, named Ye Zhiqiang, was in charge of the Operations Division. It had nothing to do with us either. After the meeting, they did not ask our Economic Investigation Division to provide support, or If it’s to help, then I don’t even care.”

Mo Yu said: "Liu Fei, and Ye Zhiqiang...don't you know about other situations?"

"I don't know." Yang Zhaodi said, "Xu Shizeng just introduced the situation during the meeting, and the responsible departments will follow up on the rest. I really don't pay much attention to it." "Yeah." Mo Yu said, "Then from now on , just take it seriously. Of course, I'm not asking you to take risks to steal their secret information, but if you hear this kind of thing in the future, take note of it carefully and inform me. "

"Okay." Yang Zhaodi said, "Does the condition mentioned before still count?"

"Of course it counts." Mo Yu took out another small yellow croaker from his pocket and said, "This is just a greeting gift. From now on, you just need to follow my instructions and pay attention to the situation within your military command. If you do it well, you will be profitable." Big money opportunity."

Yang Zhaodi smiled when she saw the little yellow croaker and said, "Okay, I like the meeting gift very much. I will definitely pay attention to this aspect, so don't worry."

Mo Yu said: "Actually, you have an opportunity now. You can make a lot of money."

"Oh?" Yang Zhaodi asked, "What are you referring to?"

Mo Yu said: "As you told me before, your Economic Investigation Department also found something wrong. If you tell us about it, if there is something substantial, there will definitely be a heavy reward."

Yang Zhaodi's eyes lit up and she said: "There is a company that operates freight trade called Passepartout. It is quite big in our local area. You should have heard of it."

Mo Yu said: "I've heard that their company seems to have many employees, and there are many cargo ships and trucks on waterways and land."

"Yes." Yang Zhaodi said: "We checked their taxes, operating costs, accounts, etc., and found that there were some discrepancies in their finances. Moreover, we secretly monitored several bank accounts that were highly suspicious of the Red Party. ,Connected."

Mo Yu said: "What does it mean to be connected? Please explain it clearly."

Yang Zhaodi said: "I just transferred money to the red party's account. However, we are not sure yet that this behavior is a normal business behavior. After all, you also know that the red party may be anyone, maybe they just touch the red party when doing business." It’s not necessarily possible...”

(End of this chapter)

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