spy ace

Chapter 3221

Chapter 3221
Hua Zhang was waiting for Fan Keqin's words so that she could operate flexibly.After all, the organization is indeed very difficult and lacks funds.Now that Fan Keqin says this, Huazhang has reason to sell for less.In this case, it is still possible to at least make a difference in price.

After Huazhang agreed, Fan Keqin left directly.After returning to his office, he was still quite relaxed.When the time came, I got off work directly, went downstairs, and took a car home with a group of bodyguards.But just when he was halfway there, Fan Keqin looked in the rearview mirror and saw a black car turning out from just around the corner.He followed, but at the next intersection, when his convoy turned again, the car left, and then another car turned around from the opposite intersection, and then started driving behind him.

In fact, normally, other people might not care about this situation. After all, it is time to get off work, and the traffic on the road is much more than at other times.Therefore, it is normal for cars to drive towards you on every stretch of road.But Fan Keqin is different. His eyesight is so strong that he can see everything in [-]K high definition.Observation skills are also strong.

Under normal circumstances, if there is a car driving behind you, there will be no problem.But almost every intersection, the car that had been following him for a while would turn away, and then another car would come to take over.That's not right, because the normal situation is that even if there are always cars behind you, they may be irregular. There may be two or three cars at once, or even more, and then a few cars will pass by in the same direction as you. , and then one of them may continue to follow you for a while, and several new cars may come at the next corner, but these old cars will still follow you for a while before leaving.

But it's not the case now, it's an orderly kind, more like a relay, one goes out and one comes in, mixed in the traffic, although it is indeed not easy to spot.But they were following Fan Keqin, and with his observation skills, they still discovered this pattern.

Fan Keqin immediately made some calculations in his mind. There was no way that those following him were the remnants of the Japs.Even though they were defeated, they managed to survive, and yet they still caused trouble. Isn't that not taking the initiative to kill someone?It is impossible for the Red Party and the underground party. How can the other party have so many cars?There may be some people, but the way of relaying is to replace one car with another, and the red party simply does not have that much money.So there is only one possibility, either military unification or central unification.The Central Command is more likely. After all, after Boss Dai's death, the Military Command was reorganized and became the Secret Bureau. The relationship with the Security Bureau has been eased.Directly send people to follow one of the top officials of the Security Bureau...

But no matter who it is, Fan Keqin has no intention of giving face to the other party.Sitting in the back seat, just as he turned into a new intersection, he said, "Do you have a gun?"

The driver who was driving was also a bodyguard of the black suit army. Hearing this, he said, "I'll take you with me. Do you want to use it?"

"You want to use it." Fan Keqin said: "The black Ford behind is following us. You drive normally, drive to the middle of this section of the road, and immediately brake suddenly. Then stop that car!" "

"Yes." The driver agreed, looked at the rear mirror, and then drove normally.After a while, we reached the middle of the street.He slowed down, then suddenly turned the wheel and hit the brakes, causing the entire car to stop sideways in the middle of the road.By the way, there were two bodyguard cars following behind. The previous slowdown was a reminder to them. When they saw Fan Keqin's car in the middle suddenly sideways, he immediately stopped the car.Thinking something happened, he opened the car door, drew his gun and surrounded them.

But the driver immediately shouted: "The black Ford behind you, the virgin ordered to stop him!!
The black Ford was still some distance away from them.But he didn't dare to speed up or slow down easily.Because it is tracking, if it accelerates or decelerates suddenly, it may arouse the target's suspicion.Even if there are other vehicles on the road to provide cover, you cannot do this.That's too eye-catching.Therefore, when Fan Keqin's motorcade slowed down, he kept driving forward.He didn't dare to slow down too much. Even if Fan Keqin's car was parked on the side of the road, he would choose to drive by normally so as not to be discovered.

But suddenly Fan Keqin's motorcade stopped in the middle of the road.One of the cars was still parked sideways.The black Ford started to slow down, but it couldn't turn around and run away in an instant. Doesn't that mean I'm just afraid of you finding out?As a result, at this moment, a group of men in black suits got out of the car and immediately turned to look at themselves, pointing their guns at themselves and yelling: "Stop the car!! Or I'll beat you to death!!" "

The driver and co-pilot of the black Ford car immediately had a thought in their minds: "Have they been discovered?" But it didn't matter, just stop normally, and they themselves and others were already prepared.After all, you are following the "number one master" and it's okay if you don't prepare enough.

So he stopped the car, and the driver rolled down the window. He was very skilled in acting and said confidently: "What are you doing? Guns are openly held on the street. Which unit do you belong to?" As he said that, he also took out his ID. He lit up and said: "He's from the Police General Administration!!"

"I want you to fucking get off the car!! Both of you get off, use your hands!! If you move your hands, I'll beat you to death!!" Two of the eight men in black suits were still protecting Fan Keqin. Wrong, Fan Keqin also got off the bus.But he didn't move, just stood by the car and watched.

The remaining six men in black suits pointed their guns at the people in the black Ford. They didn't care about the IDs they showed or what they said. They only recognized Fan Keqin's order and stopped them as soon as they were told. Get off the car as soon as you get off the car.You say you are useless to anyone.

At this time, the driver of the black Ford who evacuated and the co-pilot were a little panicked.Because the things I prepared are useless, and people won’t listen.But at this time, I must continue to cover up. It is impossible to directly admit that I am the stalker.So he said: "You guys put your guns away, we are police officers from the General Police Department, don't you hear me!! Put your guns down!!"

"You idiot! Didn't you hear me telling you to get out of the car?" Several men in black suits immediately surrounded them and held them at bay with guns. With the other hand, they started to pull the car door.After the car door opened, they hurriedly dragged them out of the car...

(End of this chapter)

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