spy ace

Chapter 3222

Chapter 3222 Ten Fingers Connecting Heart
Then, a body search was conducted, and sure enough, these two boys also had guns on them.After confiscating it, he was directly pushed to the ground by the men in black suits.

Fan Keqin came over at this time, glanced at the two people on the ground, and said, "Red party?" The two people were stunned.

Fan Keqin asked again: "Military commander?"

The two men said: "What kind of military command..."

But before he could finish speaking, Fan Keqin said again: "Zhongtong?"

The two people swallowed their saliva and immediately denied it: "We are the police chief..."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "It is indeed from Zhongtong." He then smiled and said: "Call the headquarters and ask them to send someone over and go back and say hello properly!"

"Yes." A man in a black suit from the army said and looked around. This street was okay. There were a few shops with the words: "There is a public phone in the house", so he immediately turned around and walked to about five meters away. In a restaurant about ten meters away. After he came back, about ten minutes later, a security bureau prisoner truck drove over.

Several people came down from above and greeted Fan Keqin one after another, "Virgo." "Virgo, are these guys?" "You are so courageous. Even we, Virgo, are following you."

Fan Keqin waved his hand and said: "Go back and entertain them well. Also, open their mouths and see what's going on. Tell Zhao Debiao and let him take charge of this matter."

"Yes." "Fuck, get up!" Several people agreed one after another, and then they dragged the two boys up and threw them directly into the prison car. They greeted Fan Keqin again and drove away. Head to the Security Bureau headquarters.

Fan Keqin also got into the car with the men in black suits and left directly.It's just that after Fan Keqin and the others left, another car that was waiting to borrow help from the street corner didn't come over to follow them.Because the other two people in the car had already gotten out of the car.In fact, it's not just them, there is also a person who is responsible for the eyes. He smokes at the corner, as if waiting for someone, and then always looks at the situation on the street around the corner. As long as he sees Fan Keqin's motorcade approaching, this person will immediately Give gestures and signals to the people in the car so that they can immediately prepare to take over the tracking.

However, the eyesight of this eye is also good and the observation is quite keen.They were still a certain distance away from the middle of the street, but Fan Keqin and the others stopped in the middle of the avenue in order to stop the car following them, and there was also a car driving across the road.This target is very big, so this person can still see it even though he is a certain distance away.So he immediately looked at the other two people in the car who were preparing to follow him, and waved to them that something had happened and that they should come over quickly.

The two guys in the car quickly got out of the car and hid around the corner to take a peek, although the distance was a bit far.I can only see a rough outline, but a rough outline is enough.They saw Fan Keqin stop a car behind him, and then seemed to call for support. A prison van also drove over, and the people behind him must have been put into the prison van.

As soon as Fan Keqin and the others got into the car, one of them, who was slightly thinner, asked: "How about we still follow? It should be Lao Fei and the others who were discovered." "This is nothing." The other one looked like The stronger man said: "Lao Fei and the others are so damn stupid. They can be discovered even if they use borrowed power. What else can they do? The target must know the situation. If we follow up, isn't it a waste?" ?" He paused and said, "Let's hide for a while, and then immediately report the situation to the peak."

As he said that, the three people, including the eyes, hid aside and watched Fan Keqin's motorcade pass by at the intersection.Then he came out again, found the phone, and began to report what he saw to the superiors...

By the way, after Zhao Debiao received Fan Keqin's order, he immediately began interrogation work.After they were all stripped naked, they immediately started to find trouble. When you stumbled a little when answering the question, Zhao Debiao just waved his hand and said: "Torturing!" Then there were special torture officers next to him, and without saying a word, he started to give them a full set of tasks. .Let me give you a set of finger massage techniques first, so that you can taste the feeling of ten fingers connecting the heart.This thing is a severe punishment. Don't think that even if the finger falls off, it will not affect the person's survival.It was an instant chop. This was because after being hit by a bullet, the person could not react at the time, or it had already caused an established fact. Therefore, although the person would suffer, it was impossible to have time to "feel it properly"

But it's different now. It takes time and careful taste.Even this kind of punishment can make a person feel pain to the extreme.Even in the past, many people had been directly tortured to death by this kind of punishment.So this is a proper punishment.And it's extremely easy to cripple a person. After all, just one injury can damage ten fingers. If it's a little more serious, the person's fingers will be gone.

And the two boys caught were not people with faith in their hearts.And they don't have to bite the bullet just because of this kind of thing, so basically if they do a little bit, they will reveal when they are too thin.Therefore, Zhao Debiao soon knew the cause and effect.

These two boys are indeed agents of Zhongtong.They sealed the deputy director of the Party Communication Bureau, and Li Haishi ordered him to come and monitor Fan Keqin.As for why they were being monitored, they really didn't know.After all, it was impossible for Li Haishi to explain to his subordinates what he was for.And you just need to follow my orders.

The purpose of their tracking was to first provide means to Fan Keqin, to figure out Fan Keqin's activities, to find out who Fan Keqin had come into contact with, where he had been, etc.

The next day, after Fan Keqin came to the Security Bureau, Zhao Debiao reported the situation to Fan Keqin.Then he said: "Commander, these two boys confessed these situations. I think they really don't know how many of them. All ten fingers were pinched by the brothers. They said whatever they asked. So I judged that they said It must be the truth.”

"Yes." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "The person who executed the order is not clear about the specific reasons of the person who issued the order. This is quite normal."

Zhao Debiao said: "Then... what should I do with those two boys? Am I greeting them?"

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "In this case, I don't believe what they said is true. Li Hai is the deputy director of the Party Communication Bureau, how could he come against me. So they must have something..."

(End of this chapter)

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