spy ace

Chapter 3235 Conclusion

Chapter 3235 Conclusion
Fan Keqin continued: "But it is also possible that he was prepared. He discovered that he was being watched, so he immediately launched an evacuation plan. This possibility also exists, so your purpose now is to take our internal Figure it out. If it's positive, then there's no problem. But if it's negative, you have to find out the insider."

Having said this, Fan Keqin paused and said, "How is it? Do you have any ideas?"

Hua Zhang frowned and said, "Actually, I think the possibility of a mole is very small."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said, "Let's talk about it."

Hua Zhang said: "Virgo, think about it. Our operation this time is actually not large in scale. The scale and number of people involved in monitoring and tracking Xue Mingmin are also very limited. If there is really a spy, then he He wants to die. As long as he is suspected, he will be immediately targeted. Would a mole do this? "

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. If I really want to be this mole, my first priority must be to protect myself. This is always the first rule. Once I send a message to the target, there will be The risk of being trapped. And from the current point of view, it is only the surveillance stage, so there is no need to be so anxious. And when the target was withdrawn, it seemed very sudden. This was absolutely no action to protect this insider. Would the Red Party do this? ?So this possibility is indeed very small.

However... no matter how small the possibility is, it is still necessary to self-examine Yizheng's innocence.The method of elimination is to eliminate the internal possibilities first, and then go all out to the outside world. "

"Yes." Hua Zhang said: "I understand... Then I will first isolate all the members of the special investigation unit who participated in this time. Let them limit the time and write down all the actions and trajectories clearly, and then Confirm each other. Then also confirm with Captain Zhao. In such a short period of time, if the mole really makes any moves, he must have separate time for activities. This is unavoidable, and then separate those who have acted alone. Circle it and narrow it down.”

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "Do it your way."

After receiving Fan Keqin's affirmation, Hua Zhang said goodbye, turned around and walked out.Then immediately isolate all participating members of the special investigation unit.Let them write down a detailed course of action. Even if they go to the toilet, this kind of thing must be written clearly.

The entire action was actually very short, so these people wrote down the entire process in a short time.Moreover, this group of people are all old agents, and they all understand that if they act alone on this kind of thing, if there is a problem later, they will definitely be suspected.Therefore, after comparing each other, it was found that basically all actions were taken by at least two people, even when going to the toilet.All can be correct.

Then Hua Zhang and Zhao Debiao confirmed each other again, and they were still right.There is no alone time at all for everyone involved.Even if there is, it's just a matter of turning around, grabbing a cigarette, and lighting a fire.And they were all inside the surveillance point, and they never went out.In addition, the results of the survey interviews were also released.They also found something at a home in the back alley of the target's home.That was the reaction of an old lady who lived alone in one family. She remembered that she had closed the doors and windows before going to bed, but when she woke up the next day, she found that the rear window latch of the outer door frame was open.But the windows were only ajar, and there were other people's footprints on the ground, so it couldn't be faked.

After all, it is next to the stove, and there is a lot of dust on the ground. Even if the old lady is very clean and always picks it up in the house, after all, she always makes a fire to cook. Compared with other places, the dust around the stove is also very dusty. big.Therefore, when Xue Mingmin passed through here, he could not fly, so he did leave footprints.

Hua Zhang said: "After finding this clue, we can see that Xue Mingmin must have had a plan in advance. The old lady who lives alone, the back window of the door frame, just ran away without a plan in advance? Is it possible? Such luck? So he may have discovered on his own that the surrounding area was unsafe, which is even more likely. In addition, our brothers can all confirm each other... I tend to think that this kid discovered us by himself. Without him What kind of insurance measures have been put in place that we didn’t discover? We set out inadvertently, but we haven’t discovered it yet.”

Zhao Debiao participated in all the investigations and also leaned towards Hua Zhang's statement, saying: "Well, I think so. The route he ran is so precise, which shows a certain problem." Then he looked at Hua Zhang and said: "Then let's do it now Are you going to report to Virgo like this?"

"Let's go." Hua Zhang agreed, and both of them agreed.Then I found Fan Keqin again and told Fan Keqin in detail about the investigation and speculation.Zhao Debiao said: "That's it. Virgo, I feel that there should be no problems within us. And everything is correct. Next time, I will be more careful when performing a task. I won't think about it again."

"Well." Fan Keqin thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since the possibility of internal involvement has been basically ruled out, that is the best result. Be more careful next time when setting up a surveillance point, but I read your report and the location you chose There's no problem, and it's not your fault. Don't be mentally burdened. In addition, your informant should still be paid the informant fee. The target ran away, which further illustrates the problem. It means that the clues he provided are valuable. and encourage him to be more motivated.”

"Yes." Zhao Debiao said, "Then I'll give him a second-class reward. After all, he ran away."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "If it's second-class, it's okay." Then, he lit a cigarette and said: "Informants are quite useful. But the failure of this operation also let us know that Hong The party's underground party is very smart. There is no warning before running away. Next time, we must be more careful."

After summarizing the gains and losses of this operation with Fan Keqin, Hua Zhang and Zhao Debiao said goodbye.Basically this thing ends here.After Hua Zhang returned to his office, he carefully reviewed his situation again. Well, there was still no problem.His methods were quite secretive. From beginning to end, he could only be considered involved when Fan Keqin asked him to send someone to Zhao Debiao.And later, in order to avoid suspicion, he asked his subordinates not to report to him.This is a pretty good point.Even if you check, you can't find yourself...

(End of this chapter)

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