spy ace

Chapter 3236 Struggling

Chapter 3236 Struggling
However, Hua Zhang was really careful. He looked carefully back and forth many times to make sure that no loopholes were found, and then he felt relieved.In your office, write this part of the situation down on a small note, making it as concise as possible.Roll it into a small stick and hide it on your body.By the time I got off work, I had already placed it in the dead mailbox.In addition, Hua Zhang did not go back immediately. Instead, he went to a market five streets away from his home and bought a basket of steamed buns there. Only then did he really go home.

In that market, there is naturally a dead mailbox belonging to Huazhang, which is used by her upline Bingling to deliver information to Huazhang.But no information came through.Therefore, Hua Zhang has now developed a habit of going to this market after get off work every once in a while to buy something to take home.This would rationalize getting her here.

But just when she finished buying the buns, left the market and got into the car, she was about to go home.She suddenly saw a person rushing out of the intersection on the side. Not far behind this person, there were five other people following.This person was throwing things on the ground while running forward, just like a hawker carrying a bag who was being chased and then thought the things were too cumbersome and hurriedly threw them on the ground.But when Hua Zhang saw the few people chasing this hawker, he felt a shiver in his heart.Because two of them looked familiar and were from Zhongtong.Although she didn't know which department of Zhongtong the other party belonged to, there was no doubt that he belonged to Zhongtong.

The man who looked like a hawker was really anxious. After throwing things all over the floor, he gritted his teeth and ran forward as hard as he could.But helplessly, the few Zhongtong agents behind them were all light-weight before, and their speed had already increased.By the time the other party dropped the thing, he was already close.One of them ran very fast, got behind the hawker-looking man, and jumped forward.With a bang, he hugged the man and threw him to the ground.

Several other people also quickly lowered themselves, began to control their arms and legs, and quickly cuffed this man.Just listen to this person shouting: "Robbery, someone is robbing!!! Hurry and help!"

Hua Zhang confirmed that he was a kid from the Zhongtong Special Agents. Just as the kid shouted, he struck twice with unusually ferocious wheel fists.The captured man was immediately hit so dizzy that he couldn't even scream even if he wanted to.

There was also a special agent of the Central Government who showed his ID, held it around, and shouted: "The police station is arresting murderers, don't even look at it!!"

That's right, whether it's the Central Command, the Military Command, or the Security Bureau, many of their actions now are in the name of the Police Bureau.Almost everyone has a police ID.Two cars drove over soon after. These people put the man they had just captured into the car and drove away quickly.

Hua Zhang felt a little uncomfortable after seeing the whole process.Because she knows what Zhongtong's main job is.The person who was just arrested is most likely an underground party.But Hua Zhang could only watch.Started the car and spun it around a bit.Then in the car, he wrote down the place he just saw and what happened in the most concise language.Once again thrown into the dead mailbox.Then he returned home.

By the way, it was about five hours later in Zhongtong’s interrogation room.Two men with vicious looks were staring at the man who had had a piece of flesh ripped off his chest.The man on the left with droopy mouth said: "Okay, Mr. Dong, you are really tough. But do you think we can arrest you for no reason? And if I am right... you are a local."

When he said other words, the captured Dong Merchant showed no other reaction, but when the other party said the last sentence, his eyelids twitched slightly.At this moment, the door of the torture room was opened, and a guard ran in and whispered a few words into the ear of the man with high cheekbones on the right.Then he handed a photo to the other party.The man with high cheekbones pointed the photo at the man with the drooped mouth and shook it. The latter also sneered when he saw it and stared at Dong Merchant again.

The man with very high cheekbones took a step forward, flashed the photo forward, and said, "Mr. Dong, look at this photo. Do you recognize the people on it?" After saying this, he looked at Dong again. The salesman seemed to have no hearing at all. He still lowered his head and didn't even raise his eyelids.

The man with very high cheekbones said, "Look, Mr. Dong, I can't tell you, this is the last time you'll see your old mother, wife, and children. You tell me, I'll take your current appearance as well." Take a photo and show it to your mother, wife, and children, how will they react?"

Dong Merchant, who had no reaction just now, couldn't help but raised his head when he heard these words and glanced at the photo in the other person's hand.There are three people in the photo, the one in the middle is an old woman about 60 years old, and the one on the left is a 33 or [-]-year-old woman.The one on the right is a little boy about ten years old.It can be seen that these three people seem to be a little nervous, especially the little boy, who is holding the hand of the old woman in the middle tightly, as if he wants to hide behind her.

The man with very high cheekbones flicked the photo and said, "It must be the first time for Mr. Dong to see them taking pictures in this scene. Yes, they have been invited upstairs by us and are now in our bureau. . Now you have to answer every question I ask, and you can no longer act like a dead duck like before. Otherwise, every time, I will kill one of your relatives, starting with your old mother."

As he said that, he picked up a phone on the wall and dialed it. After a while, the answer was connected and he said: "I'm starting to ask now. If you hear who I said to kill, just kill him directly!" He didn't hang up the phone, but put the receiver next to him, turned to look at Dong Guolang, and said: "First question, who are you responsible for contacting?"

Dong Gonglang has already lived up to his previous appearance. Since seeing the photo, his expression has changed several times.His body was tense, as if he wanted to break out of the restraints immediately and beat the two people in front of him to death.But after all, he couldn't really break free from the ropes and iron chains.When he heard the other party making that phone call and saying, "Kill him directly," his anger turned into fear, and he shook his head repeatedly.

After the first question came out, the high cheekbones and droopy mouth corners held up the photo like this and looked at Dong Guolang with a look of struggle on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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