spy ace

Chapter 3242 Prison

Chapter 3242 Prison
Du Qiao remained calm on the surface, but thought to himself: "Is the organization trying to rescue me and then ask me to cooperate with this person? No, I can't believe it now, because the people in Zhongtong are still very cunning, and they might do it in this way. , to deceive yourself. Once you are fooled, it will be bad. I will cooperate on the surface and see what is going on. "

After making up his mind, Du Qiao cooperated.In fact, there was nothing to cooperate with. Two guards came over, one on the left and one on the right, to escort him.Du Qiao didn't resist at all, just like a zombie who couldn't speak or react, letting the other party hold him.

"Okay, thank you, brother." The man with the gun on his waist who finished signing said something to the other man.He waved his hand and said: "Take the prisoner away."

With that said, he followed the two guards out, and together they watched Du Qiao walk out of Zhongtong's underground cell.After exiting the gate, Du Qiao felt a little dazzled.He squinted his eyes and determined the position of the sun. He felt that it was almost noon, it should be more than ten o'clock, not even eleven o'clock.

Not far from the entrance of the main building of Zhongtong, there is a prison van.The man with the gun on his waist stepped forward and opened the door.The two guards pressed each other into the car.Then the man with the gun in his waist reached out and closed the door of the prison car again, turned around and got into the passenger seat of the car, and reached out from the car window to wave.

The driver of the military truck in front of him, who was wearing a guard, saw it in the rearview mirror and immediately started the car.After driving out of the Zhongtong compound, we drove forward along the road and went straight to the prison directly under the Ministry of National Defense and Internal Affairs.

By the way, this prison is a place where some so-called official prisoners of the government are detained. Of course, in order to deal with reporters, they also gave them nice names, called "controversial persons." Many of them have scolded Chiang Kai-shek or criticized the government. people.Or they sympathize with the Red Party and help people who have helped the Red Party.Of course, there are also many really greedy people inside.After all, after the little devil ran away, the officials in the government were called ruthless and greedy. There was basically no one from top to bottom who was not greedy.But this also depends on the situation.

If you have a background, such as the four families of Jiang, Song, Kong, and Chen, then you won’t get much money.If you take advantage of your position and your family members do business, you will have good fortune.No one can rob them. They are hoarding all kinds of strange goods. For example, what is the price of food on the market?But the four families have plenty of it in their warehouses, but they just won’t put it out.Cause the price to skyrocket, and then take action at the appropriate time. In this way, huge wealth will roll in.It seems like normal trade, but this is really greedy.

But the four major families have such strong backgrounds that no one can touch them.On the other hand, if Chiang Kai-shek wants to fight corruption, the people below must take action. How to do it?It's not appropriate for you to do nothing.Therefore, those who have no background, or those whose background is not easy to use, become targets.Therefore, there are some real prisoners in this prison.

The entire prison is not small, covering an area of ​​about [-] square meters.There are also watchtowers and barbed wire on the high walls.The whole prison has only one big iron door to enter and exit.The prison guards at the gate took turns to stand guard, all carrying long guns.Moreover, there is a submachine gun in the guard box, and the person on guard also has a submachine gun.

There is a playground in the center of the prison where prisoners can relax.However, the area is not large. This Caocang is about the size of two basketball courts. The playground is surrounded by iron fences, and prisoners can only move inside the iron fences.Caocang is surrounded by four prison areas: southeast, southeast, northwest.The southern prison area is slightly smaller. There is a road leading directly to the playground and the gate, with an empty space in the middle.The other three prison areas are larger.However, there are no factories in this prison. After being released from prison, there is only one hour of relaxation every day, without any other activities.But in name, there is a row of buildings under this row of walls to the south of the gate.Warden's office, prison guard's office, dormitory, infirmary.There are police weapons rooms and garages.It's just that they are all relatively small.For example, the infirmary is only fourteen square meters in total. It has a desk, two cabinets, and two chairs.Just that big.The prison guard's office is larger here. After all, there are about thirty guards in this prison. It is too small and there is no room for so many people.

But in terms of usable area, the warden's office is definitely the largest. It has an office area of ​​more than 30 square meters, and there is a small cubicle at the end with a bed inside, where you can sleep.

After the car stopped at the door and the ID was issued, a rookie prison guard standing guard at the door with only a number [-] on his collar looked at the document, nodded and raised his hand behind, saying: "The new prisoner has arrived. Open the door!" "

Another person immediately raised the pole manually, released the military truck and the prison truck and drove in.Drive along the road and drive inward until you reach the large fence gate of the playground.

Du Qiao was inside and was watched by two guards along the way, but they didn't make any small moves.But he had been calculating in his mind, and he could judge some of the sounds coming from the time the car was traveling and the only limited window above the prison van, which was larger than a palm.The car had traveled quite a distance and had reached the edge of the city.Is it going to be a prison change?
He couldn't say change, after all, he was only being held in Zhongtong's underground cell.If you really want to break away from Zhongtong and go to jail...it's still pretty good in comparison.Because if you go to jail, you will have more time to be independent. It is impossible to be like in Zhongtong's dungeon, where someone will come over and check on you after an hour and a half.In this way, you can implement your own suicide plan.Or it depends.Because if he really went to prison, this might really be a rescue operation organized by the organization.After all, if he stayed in the Zhongtong dungeon, he would have absolutely no chance.Although the prison has basically no chance, it is still better than Zhongtong after all.

Thinking of these, the car has stopped.Just as a crash was heard, the door of the prison van was opened.Two guards took him down.The man with the gun on his waist was laughing and talking to a man with a senior police rank on his collar.

"Brother, they're here. Please prove your identity and sign for me." The man with the gun in his waist said, "I'm starving to death, and I haven't eaten yet."

"Are you hungry? The cafeteria will open soon." As he said that, the senior prison guard looked at the documents.No problem, he signed and said: "Okay, let's go eat. Just let them escort this kid in..."

(End of this chapter)

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