spy ace

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3243 Octopus
As he spoke, he waved to the other two prison guards who were following him.Two prison guards came over immediately and escorted Du Qiao to the east prison area.Passed through the playground, entered the prison, then turned right, used an inner corridor, and came to the outside of a cell.One of the prison guards also took out the key and opened the door with a bang.Another prison guard pushed Du Qiao, causing him to stumble.Then two prison guards locked the door again, and there was no movement from then on.

Du Qiao looked at the situation of his cell. The place was not big, only about eight or nine square meters.There was nothing inside except a pile of straw.On the wall directly opposite the old door, there is a window at the top, which allows you to see a little outside.However, the window was too high and due to the angle, only a small amount of the sky could be seen, and there were several iron railings inlaid on the window frame.The window is only about two bundles long and one bundle wide...

Hua Zhang was in his office, feeling a little thirsty. After drinking some water, the phone rang.He picked up the receiver and said, "Hello?"

"Section Chief, the target has been escorted in." A younger voice said.

Hua Zhang said: "Okay, I understand, don't take any action today. Let Lao Wang test it out tomorrow."

"Yes. I understand." After saying a few words, he hung up the phone.Hua Zhang knew that the plan had now begun to be implemented.Fan Keqin's plan was obviously to use his identity as a red party member to get close to Du Qiao.After winning the trust of the other party, you can then achieve the purpose of obtaining the secret.

But Hua Zhang didn't know that Fan Keqin was secretly creating conditions for her.So what Hua Zhang was thinking about was how to use this kind of thing to smooth things over.And then achieve the purpose of rescuing Du Qiao.In the current situation, Du Qiao has escaped the Central Unification's sight, which is a very good phenomenon.But prison is not easy either.Fortunately, several of his chosen subordinates are now in prison.

Moreover, among the men Hua Zhang selected to enter the prison, except for one old man, the remaining ones were all new faces and novices.In this way, it is basically certain that they will listen to themselves very much.Whatever you say, they will definitely do.This is an advantage.As long as you don't make it too obvious, you'll be fine.

In addition, I have another advantage, that is, my current purpose is to get close to Du Qiao, so how I use my identity as a red party member is just to deceive Du Qiao.You can definitely take advantage of this and change things up.Approach Du Qiao with true purpose.

But now that Du Qiao has changed prison, whether he believes it or not, he is definitely still defensive.Therefore, the first step, how to really gain Du Qiao's trust, is what he should do.It just so happened that it coincided with Fan Keqin's purpose, which was to win Du Qiao's trust.Therefore, whatever you do is reasonable.

After staying at the Security Bureau until the afternoon, it was almost time to get off work.Hua Zhang came out of the office and went downstairs, drove his car and drove out of the compound.Then he walked around a few times to make sure there was nothing going on behind him, then went to Renhui Medical Center and met Bing Ling.

First, I told Bing Ling the latest situation.Of course Hua Zhang had discussed this plan with Bingling.After hearing this, Bing Ling pondered for a moment and said: "So, our first step now is to use this plan to win trust and turn it into a real one to let Du Qiao know that the organization is rescuing him." Okay." Bingling's statement is basically consistent with Hua Zhang's previous considerations. The first step is to make Du Qiao believe it.So Hua Zhang nodded and said: "That's right, so I want you to contact the organization and ask the organization to tell us Du Qiao's contact password. In this way, Du Qiao will believe us and truly cooperate with us."

Bing Ling said: "I will contact my superiors. I believe the organization will tell us the contact password. But after you get the contact password and gain Du Qiao's trust, what are you going to do?"

Hua Zhang said: "Fan Keqin's plan is the same, so he also wants to win Du Qiao's trust. But I am the one who will execute it. I plan to ask Du Qiao to cooperate and make him appear worthless. The purpose is to make him Executed secretly. I would suggest Fan Keqin do this, and execute secretly... I infer that Fan Keqin should agree after knowing that Du Qiao is worthless. Otherwise, keeping it is useless. Instead, he will give it to others, or This is an opportunity for other departments to interrogate Du Qiao again. As for secret executions, there is room for maneuver. "

Having said this, Hua Zhang paused and explained: "This is just a general plan of mine. The details cannot be considered yet. After all, there are too many situations and we need to adapt accordingly."

Bing Ling listened and said: "Your plan doesn't sound wrong. But I'm a little worried. All of this has to be done under Fan Keqin's nose. This is very dangerous for you. Especially if you really leave. The last step is the rescue during the secret execution. If you don't do it right, you will be suspected by Fan Keqin in an instant. Your biggest advantage now is Fan Keqin's trust in you. Once he doubts you... the consequences will be disastrous. ”

"I know." Hua Zhang said: "So, I have to distract him a little. And at that time, I have to get a fake corpse to use it to fool people. Now, I find that since the little devil was beaten away After that, Fan Keqin's attitude towards money changed. Therefore, I still need to find a goal, a goal that can make Fan Keqin make a fortune again, and the timing is also very important. Only in this way can I achieve my goal. At the same time, let yourself not be suspected by Fan Keqin."

Bing Ling said: "The corpse... is a bit difficult to deal with. But it's not impossible. I am a doctor and have treated many people. In addition, I have met a doctor from South General Hospital. South General Hospital has a special morgue. Think of a way from this perspective...leave the body to me."

Saying that, Bing Ling paused, and then said: "Fengfan, what about the money target? Are you planning to find another little devil left behind? This kind of target is too difficult to find."

Hua Zhang said: "There is no such target now. At least I don't have control of it. However, we can start with some greedy government officials. Or people who secretly supported the Japs in the past. There are still some such people. I If you go back and check carefully, you should be able to find it, it won’t be too difficult.”

(End of this chapter)

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