spy ace

Chapter 3249

Chapter 3249
Xiao Dou said: "Section Chief, why bother? Just shoot him to death and throw him here and no one will know about it in a short time."

Hua Zhang said: "You also said that no one will find out in a short time. In addition, this is an order from the chief, secret execution. What does it mean? We as subordinates must be more rigorous and dig a hole to bury it. , disappearing from the world without leaving any regrets, this is called the most secret execution."

Xiao Dou said: "I understand, Virgo should be strict."

Hua Zhang said: "I have a shovel in the trunk of my car. Go get it."

Xiao Dou followed her instructions, took the shovel back, and threw it on the ground next to him.This kid is still cautious. If he doesn't give the opponent a shovel first, the opponent will have no chance to hurt someone with the shovel.Then he took out the key and opened the other party's handcuffs and shackles.He was always on guard against the other party's attack, but he also knew that the other party had been severely tortured before, and it had only been a long time, so he could not recover so quickly.Sure enough, the other party was still like that, silent.

Xiao Dou said: "Tough guy, go dig a hole for yourself, don't you dare to do it?" As he spoke, he retreated to Hua Zhang.

Du Qiao glanced at them, bent down, picked up the shovel, and started digging.Hua Zhang kept pointing the gun at Du Qiao with a very defensive look. After digging for a while, Hua Zhang said: "Xiao Dou, go and watch the hilly opening where you turn in. Don't let anyone in again." Encountered."

Xiao Dou said: "Then... section chief, I'm leaving, you..."

Hua Zhang smiled and said: "I didn't let you really leave, just look out of that opening. Besides, why, seeing as I'm a woman, do you think I can't deal with him?"

"Oh, I don't mean that." Xiao Dou said: "Who among us brothers doesn't know that you, section chief, have killed more little devils than all the brothers put together. Then I'll go over and keep an eye on you, section chief. Call me if you need anything." After saying that, he turned around and walked back for a while, stood between the two hills, and took a look outside.

Hua Zhang glanced at him, and then took a step to the left. In this way, the car, himself, and the hills next to him basically blocked Xiao Dou's sight.It's not necessarily true that it was sealed off, because Xiao Dou could still see his back as long as he turned his head.

But that was enough. Hua Zhang whispered: "When digging a hole, go in and dig, and then dig to the right. This will better cover your sight. If someone comes to pick you up, leave your clothes and follow."

Du Qiao also whispered: "Okay." After saying that, he stepped into the pit, took a shovel and started digging to the right.In this way, by taking advantage of Huazhang's position and digging closer to the car, Xiao Dou's view can be further blocked.Wait until he digs almost deep.When Hua Zhang was feeling a little anxious, from the right side, behind a hill on the other side of the car, Bing Ling came out carefully with a red body on his shoulders.Hua Zhang used his body to cover his body, pointed secretly to the right with his finger, and said: "Lower your body and use the car to cover it. Go and help him and change clothes immediately." Du Qiao shoveled another shovel of soil and used this time to go to the right side. Hua Zhang glanced behind him to make sure he couldn't see him.He immediately lowered himself from the right side and climbed up.He took off his clothes and started to change into the clothes Bing Ling had brought for him.Although Hua Zhang is a lesbian, how can he care about this at this time.Then he worked with Bing Ling to quickly put the clothes on the dead body.

Then, they both lay down and carefully moved the dead body in from the rightmost position of the hole they had just dug.Hua Zhang whispered: "Turn your head toward me. Are you ready for blood?" Then he spoke a little louder and said: "Hurry up and dig!" The last sound was deliberately meant for Xiao Dou behind him to hear. .

Bing Ling didn't say anything, lying on the ground, turning the corpse's head to one side with her hands, and carefully took out an oil can wrapped in oil paper from her pocket, and nodded towards Hua Zhang.Then he spread it onto the chest of the corpse and the ground beneath him, and when he was using the rest to make a bottom, he swung it hard against the side wall of the pit, imitating the blood stains on the splash suit.Then he looked up and down, and when he thought it was OK, he looked at Hua Zhang.

Hua Zhang secretly extended a thumb, then waved his hand to the side, and whispered: "Let's go quickly."

Bingling and Du Qiao climbed backwards for a while, paying great attention to the ground for fear of leaving any traces, so they always walked in places with grass. Although it was easy to bend the grass stems, if it was not intentional, If you look down carefully, no one will notice these things.

In this way, the two of them retreated a certain distance, then stood up, but still squatted down and disappeared into the hills on the side.

Hua Zhang made another quick calculation in his mind and said, "In that case, I'll send you on your way." As he said that, he raised his hand to shine on the corpse in the pit and shot him several times.Then she quickly fired the pistol, took the shovel, and shoveled it down. The shovel of soil happened to cover most of the corpse's face that had been turned sideways. There was also a lot of soil on the chest, and then she pretended to continue. The look of shoveling dirt.

After Xiao Dou heard the gunfire, he immediately came back. He also knew that he could not do it when digging, but when it came to burying, how dare he let his boss do such hard work.What's more, Hua Zhang was a woman, so she trotted back, took the shovel from Hua Zhang's hand, and said, "Section Chief, come on, give it to me. You can leave this kind of rough work to me." While talking, he used the shovel. While shoveling the soil down, he said: "This kid really worked hard to dig a hole to bury himself. He dug quite deep. Okay, it saves us some trouble."

Speaking of this, wouldn't Xiao Dou check it carefully?The answer is of course no.It's like your leader is doing a job, and after he messes with it, you go over and check it carefully?Pick a fault?Isn’t that a disease?Xiao Dou also saw a man lying under the pit, with blood all over the bottom and a bullet hole in his heart.But that was it. He had no intention of finding fault. He looked down at the corpse in the pit. That was because he could see it naturally as long as he was not blind.Who would have thought that Hua Zhang had just played a civet cat for the prince role.

In fact, Hua Zhang also deliberately selected Xiao Dou. After all, he was a novice and did not have as much experience as Lao Wang.Furthermore, what she was fighting was psychological warfare. It was impossible for a subordinate to confirm after the section chief personally killed someone.Of course, even if this was the case, she had prepared a backup plan...

(End of this chapter)

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