spy ace

Chapter 3250 Protest Incident

Of course, Hua Zhang also prepared a backup plan. If an accident happened, for example, if Xiao Dou saw it, he would have to sacrifice Xiao Dou.Then he was using a gun to harm himself, but he couldn't hit his arms. He had to have Bing Ling's help and hit his body from the opposite side as if he was really shot.Otherwise, if Fan Keqin intervened personally, the self-inflicted injuries would most likely not be hidden from his eyes.

But I don’t need it now, so it’s good.Waiting for Xiao Dou to bury the pit, the corpse inside will basically rot after a while.By then it will be basically unverifiable.After finishing, Xiao Dou put the shovel into the trunk of Hua Zhang's car again, and then the two of them started to return the same way.

After entering the Security Bureau headquarters, Hua Zhang called the leaders of the first and second groups and asked: "What stage is the matter of Lu Yang and Miao Xinghuai at?"

The leader of one group said: "Lu Yang has basically spoken. I am confirming with him repeatedly and then verifying it. I think there should be no problem."

After hearing what he said, the leader of the second team also said: "Miao Xinghuai is just hoping for luck. Section Chief, I might as well give him a severe punishment. Otherwise, this kid is too cunning."

Hua Zhang said: "Okay, let's use electrocution. Don't do it in one place. It will burn the skin. It's not good. Change the place from time to time."

After hearing this, the leader of the second group smiled and said: "That's no problem. Don't worry, I won't be able to keep this kid for long."

Hua Zhang said: "Okay, that's it. Come and tell me when everything is done. I'll go to Virgo to report something."

After several people went out, Hua Zhang went directly upstairs to find Fan Keqin and told him about the secret execution first.Then he continued: "When I just came back, I asked the leaders of the first and second groups about Lu Yang and Miao Xinghuai. Lu Yang has basically given up. Miao Xinghuai is still a bit naughty, but The leader of my second team told me that this guy will definitely not be successful for a long time. Virgo, if these two people give up, how will we deal with it? "

Fan Keqin said: "They all have families, right?"

"Yeah." Hua Zhang said, "Yes, you mean... after you take over their industry, use their families to shut them up?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "From the perspective of the fish that escaped the net, these two people are just two brats with no background. Even if there is, it is not big. There is no need to kill them directly, it is still troublesome. As long as they We have acquired all their assets, and we can consider letting them go. Otherwise, we will kill them... The families of these two boys may be in more trouble. By then, they will be begging for help, complaining, and stabbing reporters... ...Although this possibility is very small, we still have to guard against it. Therefore, we warn them that if they want to save their families, they must be honest."

At this point, Fan Keqin paused, as if he thought of something again, and said: "We still need to remain invincible. We should interrogate them normally and find out all their traitorous behaviors. Then it's time to sign. Sign and sign what should be signed. In this way, we can control it. Even if we have to deal with them in the end, it is useless for their families to make trouble. "

"Understood." Hua Zhang said: "I will take care of it later. Then what? Virgo, what should I do with their assets? Directly operate them? Or sell them off?"

"Sell it." Fan Keqin said: "It's troublesome to keep the assets in your hands. The old rule is to exchange it for something valuable like yellow croaker, without legal currency." "Okay." Hua Zhang said: "It's okay then, I'll go back. .”

After walking out of Fan Keqin's office, Hua Zhang returned to his special department and once again ordered the leaders of the first and second groups to interrogate the signatures.Then basically nothing happens.Indeed, as the two team leaders said, at night, Lu Yang and Miao Xinghuai basically failed.

If these two people cooperate fully, things will be much easier to handle.The assets should be sold, and they should be exchanged for money. It's just a matter of time.Basically there is no need to worry.Anyway, someone is watching them all the time, so they can't run away.

Suddenly, Hua Zhang got a reply from Bing Ling in the dead mailbox, saying that Du Qiao had been successfully transferred.At this point, Hua Zhang felt completely relieved.In the car, I tore the small pieces of paper into pieces and threw them away at intervals along the way.Just sprinkle it on the street.They are already small pieces of crumbling paper. They can be thrown away casually and scattered so widely that there can be no problem.

As a result, Hua Zhang entered the office and had not been working normally for an hour.There was a knock on the door, and Hua Zhang said, "Come in." Just then, Kang Changming came in from outside.

Lao Qi, Zhao Debiao, Bai Fengtai, and Kang Changming were all the people who originally did Sun Guoxin's dirty work.But later, Fan Keqin saw that some of them had very good abilities, so he gave them their real identities and took them directly to the Intelligence Department.Since then, it has been directly under Fan Keqin.Definitely a member of Fan Keqin's inner circle.

"Captain Kang, have you just come back?" Hua Zhang said with a smile: "Come, sit down and talk. Do you want to see me for anything?"

"I just came back." Kang Changming also said with a smile: "But I won't sit down anymore, Section Chief Hua, I just came back from the Virtue Department and asked you for help. I have to leave immediately."

"Ah." Hua Zhang said, "It's not you, what's wrong? Why are you asking for help?"

"There's trouble." Kang Changming said: "As for the city government, you haven't gotten the letter yet. That's normal, but I just came back from there. There was a group of people holding signs to protest against the government. Collusion between government and businessmen has led to rising food prices. People in the police station have no other choice but to create personal walls. As you know, the main task of our Fourth Brigade is to maintain local stability, so we It’s over. It turned out that there were so many people protesting. I was thinking of knocking on the mountain to sway the tiger, find the leader, and arrest them head-on-head of the people protesting and marching. However, these people are quite alert and will watch us do something. , It’s really a bit organized. Even if we didn’t catch it, Section Chief Hua also knows that our fourth team is okay at taking action, but when it comes to investigation, evidence collection, and criminal investigation, it is definitely far inferior to the special investigation department. No, I will follow As soon as Virgo reported, Virgo directly asked me to come over and ask for your help."

"It's easy to say, we are all our own people. We don't ask for help or not." Hua Zhang said: "Captain Kang, do you want to borrow some people? Or should the two of us cooperate?"

"It would be better if we can get the cooperation of Section Chief Hua." Kang Changming said: "I just don't know if Section Chief Hua is busy. If he is busy..."

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