spy ace

Chapter 3302 find

Dong Huayi continued: "It finally calmed down. I guess everything will be fine in the middle of the night."

The two people were talking and had arrived at Dong Huayi's office.He took a bottle of foreign wine from the inner hut, took two more glasses, poured them in, touched one with Fan Keqin, and then said: "Oh, I am getting older now, and my energy is not as good as before. It turns out that I At the most, I didn’t sleep for 48 hours, and I didn’t feel anything. I went home to sleep and everything was fine. Now...it’s only been half a night, and I can’t stand it any longer.”

Fan Keqin touched the cup he handed him and said, "No, why are you so down-to-earth? Are you still holding on? If I have anything to do, I can just say hello to you."

Dong Huayi said: "I know, I won't be able to hold on for the rest of the night, and I won't be able to hold on anymore."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, I'll have a drink with you, and I'll go back. After a nap, I have to go to work again."

"Isn't it?" Dong Huayi said, "Every day passes by so fast."

The two people were talking when the phone suddenly rang.Dong Huayi picked up the phone and said, "Hello...what?" At this point, he glanced at Fan Keqin, and then said, "Okay, I understand."

Dong Huayi put down the phone and said, "The signal I mentioned to you before has appeared. What do you think? Do you want to participate?"

Fan Keqin said: "Then hurry up." After saying that, Dong Huayi picked up the phone again, dialed a number, and said: "Hurry up, let the power plant pull power in batches." After saying that, he pointed again. Another phone on the table said to Fan Keqin: "Call my telecommunications duty room."

Fan Keqin directly picked up the phone and dialed it. He was quickly picked up and said, "How is the call your director asked me to make? Is the signal still there? When did it come?"

"It just appeared for less than 30 seconds. I don't know how long it lasted." The person on the other side of the phone said, "It's still there now."

Fan Keqin said: "Your director is contacting the power plant to pull power in batches. Please pay attention and tell me if there is any situation."

"Yes!" The person on the other side of the phone answered immediately.Dong Huayi looked at the phone on the other side and said: "Did you pull it? Yes." Then he looked at Fan Keqin, who said to the phone: "How is it?"

"The signal is still there," the person on the other end of the phone replied.

Fan Keqin immediately repeated: "Still."

Dong Huayi immediately said: "Still here, change to the next area... pull it." After saying that, he looked at Fan Keqin, but before Fan Keqin could ask, the person on the other end of the phone said urgently: " No more, the signal is gone.”

"The signal is gone." Fan Keqin looked at Dong Huayi and said, "What area?"

Dong Huayi said: "What area is it? Tell me...the area around Jinxiang Road, Huixiang Road, Meixiang Road, Huixiang Road and Huaixiang Road in Xicheng, South District." He looked at Fan Keqin as he spoke.Fan Keqin asked: "Can it be more accurate?" Dong Huayi said towards the phone: "Restore it quickly..." Then he looked at Fan Keqin and said: "Has the signal been restored?"

Fan Keqin asked repeatedly: "Has the signal been restored?" The person on the other end of the phone said: "No, the signal has disappeared... Wait, the signal has been restored, the signal has been restored."

Fan Keqin looked at Dong Huayi, nodded and said, "The signal has been restored."

Dong Huayi patted his thigh and said, "Hurry up and open the gates again in batches in the area where the gates were opened last time. Hurry up... pull them out." Then he looked at Fan Keqin and said, "How about it?"

Fan Keqin asked: "Is the signal still there?"

"Disappeared, repeated, the signal disappeared again!" the person on the other end of the phone said eagerly.

Fan Keqin said: "Disappeared, where?"

Dong Huayi said: "The road to Xiang and the road back home!" Fan Keqin patted him and said, "That's enough! Let's go, let's go with me to close the net. It may be too late to finish."

Dong Huayi grabbed Fan Keqin's phone and ordered: "You continue to monitor this signal, Director Fan and I will go out to arrest people."

With that said, he put down the phone and walked out quickly with Fan Keqin.After rushing downstairs, Fan Keqin broke into the duty room on the first floor, went directly to a microphone, pressed the switch, and said: "I am Fan Keqin, the field team on duty, the guard duty team, the investigation department on duty Team, urgent assembly! Emergency assembly! Get in the car and follow me!!!"

After saying that, he turned off the button and walked out of the building with Dong Huayi. Fan Keqin drove the car himself, and Dong Huayi got into his passenger seat.Several groups of people quickly rushed out of the building, and they all got into the car. Fan Keqin honked the horn several times, and took the lead to rush out of the security bureau gate.The whole journey was very fast. Anyway, I stepped on the accelerator as hard as I could without slowing down at all. It can be said that I arrived at the destination as fast as possible.

As soon as Fan Keqin got out of the car, the leading personnel following behind him immediately came up.Fan Keqin didn't waste any time and said directly: "You and you, lead the people to block the road to Xiangxiang and the road back home! For safety reasons, people will also be posted on the streets in front and behind these two streets! No one is allowed to enter or exit. !!The rest, go to all the houses on the two streets and search them door to door. The focus is to check whether there are telegraph machines or electrical appliances that consume a lot of electricity!! If there is any suspicious situation, report it immediately!! "

After a few words of instruction, the agents and security guards immediately began to take action.The blockade was blocked, and the searchers began to search door to door.Dong Huayi was not idle either. He turned around and entered the door of a roadside hotel. After entering, he directly picked up the phone at the front desk and dialed. After waiting for the connection, he said: "How is it? Is the signal still there?" "Report, the signal has disappeared."

"Yes." In fact, this answer was within Dong Huayi's expectation. After all, a power outage could be an accident, but two consecutive power outages. With the vigilance of a professional, it would be impossible to continue foolishly.And although Fan Keqin drives very fast, it will take a certain amount of time to get here after all. Unless it is a very, very long telegram, otherwise it will be over long ago.

After hanging up the phone, Dong Huayi told Fan Keqin, and Fan Keqin said: "Wait a minute, we are not slow this time, there is no way he can carry such a big radio and walk on the street in the middle of the night. , that would be too conspicuous. As long as he meets any patrol, he will inevitably be exposed. So even if no one is held down this time, we can almost find the place where he sent the report."

Dong Huayi said: "Yes, I think so too." After saying that, he picked up the phone again and said: "I'll ask someone from the power supply bureau..."

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