spy ace

Chapter 3303 Radio

Dong Huayi then said: "Check the electricity consumption in this area just now." While he was talking, he had already dialed the phone, reported his identity directly, and asked them to send someone over quickly!

"Report! We found a suspicious location." An agent trotted up to him and stood at attention and said, "It's an ordinary house with no one at home. But they have an electric stove. As soon as we entered the house, we felt that the temperature inside was quite high. High. So I must have just used it, but I haven’t found the radio station yet!”

"Let's go over and have a look." Fan Keqin said, and Dong Huayi walked forward with the agent.It wasn't too far away, and soon we entered a courtyard door that had been smashed open.This is a detached house, and a group of agents are searching inside and outside the house.

As soon as Dong Huayi came in, he said: "It's a private courtyard... there's no one here... it's really suspicious." After he finished speaking, someone inside heard a loud voice: "The radio station was found!"

Fan Keqin looked at him and quickly walked into the house. He saw that a cabinet had been moved away from one wall.A Security Bureau agent took out a box from a pit in the ground. At this time, the box had been opened, revealing the radio inside.

Fan Keqin and Dong Huayi immediately smiled.Fan Keqin said: "It looks like this is the place. Brother Huayi, can you tell that this radio station has just been used?"

"You can't tell." Dong Huayi said, "It's not like a car. After turning off the engine, the engine can still be hot for a while. It's full of circuits and cools down very quickly. Unless the front feet are dry and you touch them after playing. , otherwise, it will cool down immediately after a short while. "

As he spoke, he squatted down, looked at it in detail, and said, "This telegraph machine is very old and has many signs of use. Take it back and let me check the situation inside."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "This is going to trouble Brother Huayi." He said, "I'll see if there are any fingerprints or anything like that." Then, he turned around and said, "There is a thorough inspection here." Search it, and also do a detailed visit to see who owns this house and what's going on. You need to find out!"

"Yes!" several agents replied one after another.

Fan Keqin looked at Dong Huayi and said, "Then let's go." The two of them took the radio they found and took a car back to the security bureau.They came back and forth, this time very efficiently.Fan Keqin first called the survey personnel to see if they could get any fingerprints.

Fingerprint extraction technology still exists today, but it is not as powerful as later generations.Most of today's fingerprint powders use sweat stains. For example, if you touch the glass, even if you feel that your hands are not sweaty, your fingerprints will still be imprinted.In this case, you can actually extract it by using powder noodles, which is the kind of starch that is ground very, very finely.Most extraction techniques of this era are similar to this.Of course, there is also magnetic powder, but this stuff is expensive.Basically, they can't afford it. I'm afraid that in this world, at this time, only Americans can use it.

Neither did the Security Bureau, but they still ordered Fan Keqin to clean the radio station and the box containing the radio station.But it's very clean, no fingerprints left.After Fan Keqin dismissed them, Dong Huayi said: "There are no fingerprints... what should we do?" Fan Keqin said: "Actually, the lack of fingerprints explains the problem better. That is, this must be a very cautious old underground party. . It seems that we may have spotted a big fish this time. Brother Huayi, didn't you say you want to check the inside? You are a technical expert. See if you can find any clues inside. "

"Yeah. Okay." Dong Huayi said, having already picked up a set of tools from under his desk. After carefully disassembling it, he inspected the inside of the radio station in great detail and said, "This The radio must be in good condition, and some of the parts inside have been replaced not long ago. This means that it must have been opened for repair or used recently. And when I just disassembled it, I could also feel that the radio was The casing was also removed recently. Judging from the time... it really matches my monitoring records. "

Fan Keqin said: "You mean that the specific time can be determined, which is completely consistent with the monitoring records you once showed me."

"Hey, that's not what I mean." Dong Huayi said with a smile: "I'm talking about the near future, but I can't specify when. But it must not be too long. If it takes too long, for example, the screws for attaching and removing the shell, then They all have rust stains, and even if they don't, they still have a sense of astringency, but this one doesn't. But if you want me to judge the specific day, that's impossible. "

"Oh." Fan Keqin said: "But the monitoring records and the Yingbin Hotel incident should also be within this time. At the very least, they cannot be ruled out? Is this what you mean?"

"Yes." Dong Huayi said, "It certainly cannot be ruled out. They all happened recently."

Having said this, Dong Huayi handed Fan Keqin a cigarette, then lit one himself, took a puff and said: "The code book is not found, so the location should be right. Now with these clues, you can find person?"

"I don't know." Fan Keqin said, "Let's see, it depends on the situation of the visit. But now we have got a time clue, the time when the report was sent, and the time when he left the detached house. . Walking in the middle of the night, unless he ran directly out of the city. Otherwise, it is also a critical point for him to return home at this time. But whether he can find someone in the end, I can’t say now. "

Having said this, Fan Keqin also took a puff of cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at Dong Huayi, and said, "Can we confirm now that the mysterious signal was sent by this radio station?"

"It's basically certain." Dong Huayi said: "Unless we can find other secret radio stations in these two streets. But if there are, I guess I should have received a letter by now. Isn't this radio station very easy to search? .”

"That's not necessarily the case." Fan Keqin said: "You don't know how far you can hide. Once... I remember it was five years ago... or how long it was. The kid had so many tricks up his sleeve in a radio station. , all the parts are broken up and assembled when used. The bricks and tiles in the house are all empty in the middle. If you don’t dig out every piece, even the gods will not find it. We still arrested the people first and used the big He was forced to find it after he took the initiative to recruit him. "

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