spy ace

Chapter 3334

The man who looked like a businessman followed up and analyzed: "In fact, he doesn't have to comfort everyone, it's okay. So he seems to be talking to everyone like this... Could it be that he is conveying a message to a specific person?" Thinking of this, people who look like businessmen are actually not completely sure. After all, what Fan Keqin said is normal in itself. If you have to interpret it hard, even a three-year-old child might interpret it as having a very profound meaning.

This businessman-looking man thought about it again and decided to wait. It's better not to act rashly. No matter what the other party says is meaningful or not, just wait and you will find out. If there is no deep meaning, then it would be bad if you take action yourself. If there is a deeper meaning, the guarantor in the other party's words, then you only need to wait and see to find out.

After Fan Keqin comforted everyone, he turned and walked out of the house, looked in the direction of the ferry, and together with Zhao Debiao again, started to get another boat. Of course, Fan Keqin doesn't need to take action, just his subordinates. He just looked on. In fact, he didn't know whether that person came, but when he arrived here, it was already past one o'clock. According to Tianjin He Li's side, it was noon, between eleven and one o'clock, so the time had passed. There should be no target on the incoming ship.

In the following time, people came to the pier one after another. These people were all passengers who found the sponsor and got off the ship. One of them came in a car with a person who looked like a secretary. After entering the room, he came to the registration table and said, "Hello, I'm here to vouch for you."

"Who do you want to vouch for?" The agent behind the desk in charge of registration looked up at him and asked. The visitor replied: "I'm here to protect Liu Sizheng."

"Liu Sizheng! Someone is guarantoring you, come here." The agent in charge of registration turned around and shouted. The businessman sitting inside listened and immediately agreed and came over. The person who came to guarantee heard that Liu Sizheng had agreed to the stall, saw the other party's clothes and the appearance of two entourages, and knew that this was the person he came to pick up. There was a smile on his face and he said: "Oh, brother Sizheng, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be able to catch up with this kind of thing. You said you wouldn't tell me in advance, otherwise, I would come directly to pick you up to avoid unnecessary trouble. You’ve been here so long.”

"Hahahaha." When Liu Sizheng heard what the visitor said, he immediately straightened out his thoughts. What the "Virgo" said just now probably has a profound meaning. At this time, the guarantor really came, so he immediately sent back his acting skills and said familiarly: "What the hell, I just don't want to trouble you, brother, but in the end I still have to make a trip for you."

"What's this?" the person said, looking at the agent at the table and saying, "Little brother, can I let you go now?"

"Register the information, do you have the ID bag?" the agent said.

"Here I am, here you go." The person said and showed his ID to the other party. It was the agent who took it, looked at it, and began to fill in the registration form according to the information on the certificate. Then after giving it back to the other party, he asked: "What is your relationship?"

"Brother Sizheng and I are naturally good friends, and we will do business together." The visitor replied, "Do you want to ask this too?"

The registered agent did not answer, but wrote a few words: "Is the address on the certificate your current address? Also, do you have a phone number? What kind of work do you do?"

The visitor smiled after hearing this and said, "Yes, that's my current address, [-], and this is my phone number. Of course I opened my own company, Li Qiang Business and Trading Company."

"Well." After the registered agent wrote it again with a pen, he asked again: "When did you come to settle in Nanjing?" "Ah?" Li Qiang seemed stunned for a moment, and then answered: "I have been growing up since I was a child." Big one, when the Japs came, I went to Kawachi with many people. After the Japs surrendered, I came back."

The registered agent filled in all these things, and then asked a few more questions. After filling in all the information for his two followers, he said: "Okay, we will get your information later. You can leave now. ”

"Hey, thank you." Li Qiang turned to look at Liu Sizheng and said, "Brother Sizheng, let's go, I'll help you catch the wind and wash away the dust."

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders." Liu Sizheng led his entourage, and while walking out with Li Qiang, he said: "How is your drinking capacity? Have you improved..."

After the two people successfully left the ferry, they got into the car. When he was driving forward, Li Qiang stretched out his hand to shake Liu Sizheng's hand and said, "Hello, welcome to Nanjing."

"I have to thank you." Liu Sizheng said, "Without you, I'm afraid this time would have been very troublesome. However, you have come forward to protect me now. What will you do in the future? Will there be no problems?"

"It should be no problem." Li Qiang said: "I have not been exposed, and the job I am engaged in has a very small possibility of being exposed. And even if I am exposed in the future, you should not be in Nanjing by then. So, no matter what, It should all be safe..."

The two people exchanged information with each other in the car. Of course, despite the fact that they have developed some horizontal anxieties, their party spirit is very reliable and they don’t ask questions that shouldn’t be asked and don’t say anything that shouldn’t be said. Of course, these things can be said.

The car drove all the way for more than 20 minutes. In less than 10 minutes, it came to a house on the other side of the city. It drove in through the courtyard gate and stopped. Several people got out of the car, and Li Qiang said: "This is my real residence, and it is also the address when the agents registered it just now, so no matter how they check it later, they will be able to match the registered information. The same goes for other information. Same thing, they can't find any problems. So you can live here with peace of mind."

As he spoke, Liu Sizheng was led into the house inside. A man who looked like a butler came over and said, "Sir, the meal is ready."

"Okay." Li Qiang, Liu Sizheng and others entered the restaurant next to the kitchen again. After everyone was seated, Liu Sizheng looked at the dishes in front of him and said with a smile: "The conditions here are quite good. I am here to enjoy the blessings with you."

Li Qiang smiled and said: "I am now a profiteer who has interests in collusion with those officials in the government. Sometimes I even accompany them to some clubs and high-end hotels to eat and drink. You haven't seen their extravagance."

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