spy ace

Chapter 3335 Analysis

Liu Sizheng said: "Understood, my current identity is also a businessman. So look at this clothes. Although you are not used to it, you have to adapt to it."

"Yes, in any environment, you have to adapt to the surrounding situation." Li Qiang paused and then said: "Are you passing through Nanjing this time? Or do you have other tasks? If you need my help, you are welcome. .”

Liu Sizheng nodded and said: "I won't be polite, but let's not talk about it for now." After saying that, he picked up a glass of wine and continued: "My sister borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha, and I want to toast you first..."

Fan Keqin stayed at the ferry until two o'clock in the afternoon. There are not many people who have left under the guarantee of the insured, but there are still a group of people who have no guarantor to pick them up for the time being. I don’t know if there is any goal of my own here. However, it was already time, and he needed to go back and tell Hua Zhang to prevent her from getting anxious. So he said: "Tiger, you stay here and keep an eye on it for a while. We have to keep an eye on it for a day, so it's safe. I'll go back first."

"Yes. Then walk slowly." Zhao Debiao escorted Fan Keqin to the parking spot on the roadside. After watching Fan Keqin drive away, he turned around and continued to arrange the ferry work.

Fan Keqin drove all the way back to the train station and found Hua Zhang and Wang Yang. Fan Keqin asked: "How's it going?"

"Every arriving train and everyone who gets off is checked." Hua Zhang said: "Most of them have guarantors. After all, many people come to pick them up at the station. There are also some who are not picked up by guarantors, but they are basically there. Contact us, there may be a lot of people on the way. Captain Wang and I went to each card to check and found no problems. "

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said: "It's the same on the ferry side. Some were picked up, and some were not. Our information came from the Tianjin side, and it was considered urgent information. Before, we had no news at all. No. That is to say, the target should not know it, so the other party should not be so fully prepared. The move of guarantor was a temporary decision by me. It is even less likely that the other party will know in advance. Or, the information is there Either by mistake, or the person has already arrived. We extend the time a little longer, and the final key identification work will fall on those who are after the fourth wave of guarantors, or who have no guarantor at all."

Wang Yang nodded beside him and said: "Virgin is a smart person, even if the other party reacts quickly. If the guarantor comes, there must be several subsequent waves. After all, they don't know our actions in advance."

Hua Zhang said: "Then should we continue here? If I remember correctly, the intelligence shows it is noon."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Between eleven o'clock and one o'clock in the afternoon. But we should be more careful, just in case. We will last one day, and you two will go to the evening. I will go back to the bureau first and ask someone to replace you. , just when you are changing, take back all those who have not yet contacted the local guarantor."

Wang Yang said: "Virgin, these passengers may listen too much. Even if most of them are taken away by the guarantors, the remaining people...can our bureau be able to contain them?"

Fan Keqin said: "If that doesn't work, just borrow the police station, or free up the training building next to our headquarters."

"Understood." The two people replied. Fan Keqin said: "Okay, I'll go back first. In the evening, someone will come to replace you." After saying that, he ignored it and turned back to the car again, driving along the road back to the Security Bureau headquarters. After entering, Fan Keqin first arranged the manpower and asked them to go there at what time in the evening to change Huazhang, Wang Yang and Zhao Debiao. Then he went upstairs, worried Sun Guoxin, and explained the situation, and finally said: "Bureau chief, I can't see any effect now. Did the Tianjin side contact us again after I left?"

"I sent a secret message to the other side." Sun Guoxin said: "The other side also called me back and communicated with each other several times. I know the cause and effect of the matter, but furthermore, there is no news from the Tianjin side. It is very simple. , there was a telecommunications expert at the Tianjin branch who deciphered the code of a secret radio station and knew the content. But when he deciphered it, it was already past eleven o'clock. After reporting it to He Li, he first called me , but there was no answer, so I called you again. There is nothing else."

Fan Keqin said: "I don't know if I can catch the big fish on the Red Party side this time. If I can't catch it... I'm afraid the mysterious radio station that has been deciphered will also disappear. After all, the method I used, but there are It’s quite a movement. The red parties will most likely think of this when they combine with each other.”

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "But if you don't act like this and leave it alone, you won't have a chance, so why not give it a try. I just listened to your report, and the arrangements are still very strict. In the end, no matter whether there is no guarantee Human, or those who have been taken away... there are too many targets. If you really don't find him right away, what are your follow-up plans? "

Fan Keqin said: "Then we can only investigate one by one. Anyone with errors in the registration information is a suspect. If there is no guarantor, check the information they dictated. Those that cannot be verified, or there are discrepancies, are also suspects. We can only use this stupid method."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said, "Yes, there is really no better way now. But I have a feeling that even if we check like this, we may not be able to catch this big fish."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Secretary, why are you so relieved all of a sudden?"

"Hahaha." Sun Guoxin laughed and said: "I'm not giving you any relief. The main thing is the process, especially the call from Tianjin...it's a long distance. How can I take care of such a long distance? It may happen at any point. Being monitored, or connected to a branch line. What if someone else really eavesdropped on the line."

Fan Keqin thought for a while and said: "If I am the eavesdropper, I will immediately prepare everything I can. First, I will try to see if I can contact the person who came to Nanjing in time. If not, then prepare a commando team." . But this is the last resort. At the same time, we must prepare to rescue people. And send out observers to see what the other party's actions are.

If I can observe that train stations, ferries, bus stations, highways in and out of the city, etc., will be registered, or only those with local guarantors will be released, then I will immediately prepare a guarantor to let this person from Nanjing The person will be picked up by the normal insured.

After all, the other party's big move blocked so many..."

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