spy ace

Chapter 3341 Qin Yun

"Okay." Dong Huayi said, "Then be careful and don't let the man named Wang work against you."

"Okay, I'll pay attention." Fan Keqin said, "That's it." When he spoke, he had already reached the middle of the corridor. After separating from Dong Huayi, Fan Keqin went directly to the other end and quickly stopped in front of the office door with the sign of the Director of the General Affairs Office. There was a secretary outside, and Fan Keqin said, "Is your director here?"

"Oh, Director Fan." The secretary said hello, pressed the button, and said: "Director, Director Fan is here to see you."

There was no reply, but after a while, the door opened with a click. A 45-year-old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit opened the door and walked out. This man's hair was neatly combed, he had a hooked nose, thin lips, and his eyes were quite big and long. When he saw Fan Keqin, he already had a smile on his face and said: "Director Fan, why are you here? Come on, please come in. Normally, I can't even invite you." That's right, this person, This is Wang Zijie, the director of the General Affairs Office.

By the way, Wang Zijie's transfer was quite sudden. After he arrived, these people actually wanted to give him a welcome banquet, but they had just arrived in Nanjing not long ago and were very busy, so they postponed it. During this period, Dong Huayi, including Dong Huayi, had many interactions with the General Affairs Office. Maybe he felt that Wang Zijie was deliberately blocking him, which made him quite unhappy. The same goes for the Confidential Department. In other departments, I have a good relationship with them, so why don't I have to hold a reception banquet?

"Director Wang is very polite." Fan Keqin said, "I came to sit here with you. I want to ask you for a favor." As he spoke, he and Wang Zijie entered his office.

Wang Zijie poured a glass of water for Fan Keqin and put it on the coffee table. He said, "Help, I wonder what kind of work you are doing? I'm good at handling logistics, but I can't help but charge into battle, but my arms and legs are useless." With that said, he handed Fan Keqin another cigarette. He himself lost one.

Fan Keqin took a sip and said: "Director Wang, I have been ordered by the bureau chief to take full responsibility for the secret investigation of the Ying Guest Inn. Doesn't this require funds and equipment? So I would like to ask Director Wang to give the green light. In addition, alone It is sealed in an account book, and the person who enters and exits the account needs to be strict with his words, so why don’t I come here to ask you to do this? "

"Hey, what do I think it is?" Wang Zijie said with a smile: "Okay, the bureau has given the order, I will definitely cooperate with you fully. When will it be used, now? I will accompany you down?"

"Not now." Fan Keqin said: "My people are preparing. They will go directly to the equipment room and finance room of the General Affairs Office. Director Wang will help say hello."

"Okay." Wang Zijie said, "I will definitely do it." He agreed happily. He didn't have any intention of delaying, and he didn't know whether Dong Huayi was lying to him or claiming that he and Sun Guoxin were related, which made him behave like this. But as long as it can be done, it will be enough to achieve the goal.

So, Fan Keqin and Wang Zijie chatted for a while, finished smoking the cigarette, stood up and said goodbye: "Then I'll bother Director Wang, this matter is too confidential, please take care of Director Wang." I'll go back first." "Don't worry, I'll say hello to the finance room and equipment room right away. It's none of your business." Wang Zijie also got up and walked him to the door, saying: "You go slowly, I'll see you when you have time. Come sit here."

After bidding farewell to Wang Zijie, Fan Keqin returned to the office directly. In his office, Dong Huayi took off his earphones at this time. With a crooked corner of his mouth, he said to himself: "What a smiling tiger." But that's all.

Things were carried out in an orderly manner, and Wang Zijie did not deviate from his side. Equipment and funds were soon in place. As a result, surveillance points were set up, and people who went on business trips to other places basically left the next day. This routine is already familiar to them, so at night, basically the eyes, the people being followed, and even the eavesdropping equipment in two people's homes are all in place.

When Fan Keqin and the others followed the plan to investigate the undercover agent, one person in the security bureau became a little worried. This person is Qin Yun, the leader of the second team of the Investigation Department. Because after Fan Keqin held this meeting, Qin Yun got the task of tracking and monitoring Qian Xiaowu, the chief secretary of the Secretariat.

One of the tasks he got that day was to install a bug in Qian Xiaowu's house. Qian Xiaowu, his parents are still alive, but they are in his hometown. In Nanjing, he lived with his wife. They don't have children, but they plan to have one soon. So Qin Yun and his men slightly damaged his phone line.

However, Qian Xiaowu's wife was a bit quiet and did nothing during the day. When Qian Xiaowu came back in the evening, he contacted the telephone company. Someone has already been arranged at the telephone exchange. After all, it's too late today. I'll go and fix it tomorrow morning.

It seemed that Qian Xiaowu had no suspicion. After all, when he contacted the telephone exchange, he went outside and used a public phone to actually call the telephone exchange. So Qin Yun and his men disguised themselves as two maintenance workers when Qian Xiaowu went to work the next day and entered Qian Xiaowu's home. Then, when they inspected the maintenance, they installed a bug into Qian Xiaowu's house. 's home.

This is tracking, surveillance, and bugging. Even if Qin Yun wasn't told what the purpose was, he could still guess it. Therefore, Qin Yun was basically certain in his heart that he was looking for an undercover agent in the Security Bureau.

And why is Qin Yun worried? Yes, he is indeed an undercover agent himself. He is the Special Branch of the Red Party. He was an undercover agent who broke into the Security Bureau three years ago. Because of his high operational ability, he became the leader of the second team of the Investigation Division. But at this time, he knew that the Investigation Department was actually investigating undercover agents. How could he not be worried? In particular, every day's work must be reported in a timely manner. The work report was handed over directly to Huazhang, and Qin Yun had seen Zhuang Xiaoman coming out of Huazhang's office. Does this mean that Fan Keqin personally started the investigation?

If this is the case, Qin Yun feels that it is really dangerous. However, he knew that what happened at the Yingying Inn last time, although the specific details were not clear, he knew that there was such a thing. But then he checked himself carefully and found that he had nothing to do with this matter in any way. Therefore, he judged that the target of this undercover investigation might not be him. But that’s not okay. You know, there may be comrades of your own in the Security Bureau...

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