spy ace

Chapter 3342 Date again

And since Fan Keqin personally went to investigate, he couldn't do nothing. But Qin Yun also knew the stakes involved and could not act blindly, so he did not act rashly. Instead, he used his own contact channels to report the matter, his speculations, etc. to the organization in full.

After monitoring Qian Xiaowu for another day, Qin Yun was replaced by the next person and went home to rest. On the way, he went near the Confucius Temple because there was a market here. When he bought some food and drink, he saw a special mark at an agreed-upon place. So Qin Yun took the food and drinks he bought and started to go home. After passing through two residential areas, he already had a small note on his body. When he returned home, he took out the note and looked at it. Qin Yun was stunned for half a second.

Because the content is, as usual, just do what you want to do. Qin Yun tore up the note and threw it into his toilet and flushed it away. I went back inside and ate my dinner, thinking. There are several possibilities. One is that there are no other comrades in the Security Bureau at all. In this case, it is natural to check casually and fail to find them no matter what. The second is that there is a comrade of his own in the Security Bureau, but he hides it deeply and is not afraid of investigation.

But no matter which one it was, Qin Yun was relieved. Now that there are instructions from the organization, I just need to do what I usually do, and that will be fine. To be honest, doing this made Qin Yun more relaxed. Mainly because of my heart, otherwise, if something really happens, for example, if my comrade is found in the end, and I watch helplessly, it must be extremely uncomfortable psychologically. It's much better now, and I don't have to worry about this.

But what Qin Yun didn't know was that almost at the same time, Hua Zhang also got a piece of information from Bing Ling. That was the information about Qin Yun, who was his comrade, and Hua Zhang already knew it. The main consideration is that Qin Yun is the executor of the specific investigation, and Hua Zhang is one of the responsible commanders after all. Some specific things are inconvenient even for Hua Zhang to do. At critical moments, specific executors who do something can provide huge help to the whole thing.

The fact is that Hua Zhang was greatly encouraged after learning that Qin Yun was his comrade. And at a certain moment, asking the other party to help you a little might be able to reverse the situation. Of course, Hua Zhang still hopes to never have to use Qin Yun. After all, by that time, it means that things are a little out of his control, and he needs the help of another person.

As the investigation deepened, Fan Keqin read the surveillance, tracking and other work reports again on this day, and went out for a tryst with Hua Zhang again in the evening. This time the two people drove to a nearby hotel and booked a room. After entering, Fan Keqin and Hua Zhang carefully checked around and made sure there were no problems before sitting down.

Fan Keqin lit a cigarette and said, "I think it's basically OK. When Qian Xiaowu came home from the night shift this morning, he made another move. He got off the car at Shanzi Street and bought some cigarettes at a mobile cigarette stall. He bought a pack of cigarettes. In addition, he did not go home immediately. Instead, he went to Yunbin Hotel, where he had a meal and met a friend. The two of them had dinner and had a good talk at length before returning. Make a home."

Having said this, Fan Keqin took a puff of his cigarette, and then continued: "After investigation, that friend is from Hebei, but he and Qian Xiaowu are old classmates and do business."

Hua Zhang said: "The ones who do business... are the ones who run all over the country?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "He is running in these three places: Hebei, Shanghai, and Nanjing."

"Then he is not suitable." Hua Zhang said: "If you use this person, you must find it in the end, unless he also disappears. Otherwise, after finding it, you can still prove Qian Xiaowu's contact with him. It falls within the normal category."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "We can make this person disappear as well." Hua Zhang said: "That won't work either. Think about it, he has no problem, then follow-up investigations will definitely follow up. This person is a pure businessman, no matter what No matter how you investigate, there will be no problem with him. Besides... he is an innocent man. I am not a benevolent woman, but I want to avoid this situation as much as possible. If you use a gangster, ruffian, scoundrel or the like, , I won’t have any objection. In addition, the follow-up investigation will also show that this person is fine, and then our efforts will be in vain."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, I have considered the problem very comprehensively. In fact, it is very simple to think that a person has a problem. He travels back and forth to Hebei, Shanghai, and Nanjing. Who can guarantee that he has no problem. The follow-up investigation will only be able to investigate him What kind of business have you done in these places? But what about on the road? Who knows what happened during this period? Who can guarantee that there will be no problems during this period... But you are right about one thing, and you can't guarantee that there will be no problems. Question. It doesn’t mean there must be a question, it’s equivalent to an ambiguous answer.”

Saying that, Fan Keqin paused and continued: "Then we can choose another person, the mobile cigarette stand."

Hua Zhang asked: "Who is this mobile cigarette stall? Have you investigated?"

"No investigation." Fan Keqin said: "The reason why I want to meet and talk with you today is, to some extent, because this mobile cigarette stall can make some articles. After Qian Xiaowu got off the car, he bought it normally I packed a pack of cigarettes and left. But what if I noticed this mobile cigarette stall and asked the people below to investigate? It turned out that the mobile cigarette stall was gone and could not be found. What would be the effect? ​​Then, we are arranging people, If, as we discussed before, someone bumped into Qian Xiaowu, and then he had one more thing on his body, or one thing was missing, and the two items are superimposed, there must be something wrong. "

Hua Zhang thought for a while and said: "We have to hurry up, but there is a loophole that needs to be filled. It is impossible for you to not pay attention to this mobile cigarette stall after reading the investigation report. Lao Sun knows you, this kind of details, How could you not investigate in the first place."

Fan Keqin said: "I told you to investigate."

Hua Zhang said: "That's okay, but who should I ask to investigate? Will Lao Sun ask about the specific executor?"

Fan Keqin said: "It's possible, let Miao Xinfeng go investigate. He will be obedient, just change the time and it will be fine."

Hua Zhang thought about it again and said, "Yes, he will follow..."

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