spy ace

Chapter 3343 Arrangement

Hua Zhang continued: "He will do what we say... What are you going to do about that mobile cigarette stand?"

Fan Keqin took another puff of cigarette and said: "Just arrange for him to go to Hong Kong and leave immediately. In this way, he will completely disappear."

After hearing this, Hua Zhang nodded and said, "That's okay, but the person who hit him..."

Fan Keqin said: "It's up to you to arrange it."

Hua Zhang said: "Okay, then I understand." At this point, the two people have basically completed their discussion. The next two people stayed in the room for more than an hour before coming out. Fan Keqin first sent Hua Zhang home and then drove away. However, after Hua Zhang entered the house and saw Fan Keqin leaving, he came out again.

After circling the street a few times, he made sure there was nothing wrong behind him and came to Renhui Medical Center. Liu Zi gave them a break at the door. Hua Zhang still asked Bingling to check his pulse, and in a low voice told Fan Keqin about the discussion they had just met, and finally said: "Please organize and arrange for someone to be ready. As long as I notify you, Take action immediately."

Bing Ling said: "I will convey it to the organization. But shouldn't this person have some requirements? For example, he'd better be registered in your bureau."

After thinking about it for a while, Hua Zhang understood what Bing Ling meant. If a person once passed by an image, what does it mean if he appears again? For example, if the Security Bureau once learned that a person was a red party member, but he appeared now and had contact with Qian Xiaowu, then Qian Xiaowu's suspicion would increase indefinitely. But after thinking about it, she said, "If it's too obvious, it's not good."

Bing Ling said: "Well, I will ask the organization to find someone who is not so conspicuous. The Security Bureau will only find this person after its own in-depth exploration."

Hua Zhang said: "Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes." Bing Ling said: "A few days ago, the Security Bureau set up checkpoints at ferries, docks, train stations, roads in and out of the city, etc. Do you still remember? One of our comrades came from other places, but he quickly I found the guarantor and took him over."

Hua Zhang frowned and said, "No, then his guarantor won't be able to continue his activities locally."

Bing Ling said: "No. This guarantor is a bit special. He is a captain of the inspection team of the Eastern District Police Bureau. Once, this comrade of ours took advantage of the captain's greed for money and let him drive through Some conveniences. It's the same this time. After he came over to be the guarantor, he got a lot of money. And this comrade, after cooperating with us to complete the task, will be transferred elsewhere. And after you conduct in-depth investigation, you will find that he was once in During your blockade, you entered the local area, was registered, and was taken away by the captain as your guarantor. In addition, he had contact with Qian Xiaowu, and he had done some transactions with this captain before. Then It is basically certain of his identity. In this way, Qian Xiaowu can also become one of ours in the eyes of the Security Bureau. "

"Yeah." After hearing Bingling's explanation, Hua Zhang felt relieved and said, "That's the best. Let that comrade get ready, but I don't know if he knows how to do this." Binling said: "He's sure I have never done Three Hands. But his skills are very good. If you have specific things to steal and place them in specific places, I believe he can still complete it. In addition, if you don’t feel that his appearance is needed, as long as you have money I have had contact with Xiaowu, so that can be proven."

Hua Zhang felt it made sense and said, "Okay, then wait for my notification."

Bing Ling said: "Then what are you going to do with Qian Xiaowu? After you have suspicions in this regard, won't you take action immediately?"

Hua Zhang said: "After having this contact, it will only increase the suspicion of him. So we will strengthen the means against him, such as increasing the manpower for tracking and monitoring, etc. On the other hand, we will also increase our efforts. , regarding the investigation of his past. But he himself has no problems, but this point will become a point of doubt. It is because the undercover agent must be a person with no problems in the past that there is no doubt for such a long time. "

Bing Ling said: "Well, this is reasonable. But what I'm worried about is how to make him disappear if we increase the means of monitoring him. After all, so many pairs of eyes are secretly staring at him. One person can't do it Well, it will be self-defeating."

Hua Zhang said: "Fan Keqin will have all the information. If he has all the information, it means we have it too. After all, he is cooperating well with us now and has great interests in intersecting with us. He has no reason. Reckless destruction. In this way, with a detailed understanding of all Qian Xiaowu's surveillance, tracking and other methods, you can find opportunities to attack Qian Xiaowu. Moreover, even if the power is increased, the investigation will not be directly pointed out. After all, we still have to see if we can catch big fish in the long term. So all the methods are carried out in secret. In other words, there must be a blind spot, so there must be a chance to attack him. "

Bing Ling said: "But I am still worried. Even if Qian Xiaowu disappears under this situation, wouldn't someone in the Security Bureau suspect that there is another undercover agent? I mean, you are targeting him with such intensity. But Qian Xiaowu still disappeared under the nose. Is there a leak? If someone in the security bureau doubts this, I'm afraid the undercover investigation will not stop. Your danger will not disappear. "

Hua Zhang said: "As long as I am lurking in the Security Bureau, the danger will never disappear. But you are right, so when I discussed it with Fan Keqin, I thought that we must do it more cleverly and let people investigate afterwards. , it should be that Qian Xiaowu sensed the danger, or even discovered that someone was using methods against him, so he evacuated decisively."

"Yeah." Bing Ling said, "That's okay. I know that Fan Keqin is very capable in this area. I can use his ability to do this in a reasonable way."

Hua Zhang nodded and said, "That's it. You prepare it for me and then notify me. Just use method No. 1."

"Okay." Bing Ling said, "You should leave quickly, it's been a long time." After saying that, he and Hua Zhang stood up together, and gave Hua Zhang another pair of medicines to regulate a woman's vitality. At Liuzi's signal, Hua Zhang generously carried the medicine and went out, and then returned home directly.

The next morning, Hua Zhang got up very early. After washing up, he had breakfast on the street, then came to the Security Bureau and went directly upstairs to find Fan Keqin. But Zhuang Xiaoman told him that Fan Keqin was not here...

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