spy ace

Chapter 3371 Alternate Method

"Yes. Don't be afraid if you go slower." The lieutenant general said: "What Lao Jiang means, I estimate that no action will be taken until the middle of next month at the earliest. So you have plenty of time. Don't be afraid of being slow, but you must do it Only when the goal is achieved." As he spoke, the lieutenant general had already put the cigar box on his body again.

"Okay." The major general nodded and said, "It's nothing, I'll leave. You won't go?"

"I won't go back." The lieutenant general said, "I can deal with it here for one night."

"Well, I'll go back then." The major general said goodbye to him, turned around, took his hat, and walked out of the other party's office. It is true that you have to pass through several sentries to enter and exit here, but he is a deputy chief inspector and a general officer, so he can naturally pass smoothly.

After getting in the car, the major general said: "I'm hungry after the meeting. Let's go to...Penghui Hotel for some late-night snacks."

"Yes, sir." The driver said, then drove the car steadily towards the Penghui Hotel. In about ten minutes, we arrived at the place. The major general got out of the car and said, "Okay, you go back first and put the car here."

"Yes." The driver replied, handed the key to the other party, and then left. After the major general entered the restaurant, the waiter was very respectful when he saw him and said, "Sir, are you here? What do you want for supper today?"

The major general said: "It's been very hot recently. Ask your master chef to prepare two lighter dishes. Where's the phone? I'll make a call."

"Here, you can use it while I prepare the dishes for you." The waiter moved the phone from behind the front desk to the table, then turned and left. The major general picked up the receiver and dialed a number. After one ring, he pressed his tongue and hung up. Then he dialed again. This time he didn't hang up. After a few rings, the call was connected: "Hello? Who is it? Who are you calling?"

"Huh?" the major general said, "Who are you? Isn't this a big man?"

"What's the approximate time? You dialed wrongly." The other party was very impatient and said: "It's correct, what time is it." Then a busy signal came from the receiver.

"Fuck!" the major general cursed and started to dial again. This time he seemed to have made the right call. After the other party picked up, he said: "Absolutely, didn't you sleep? Yes, I just got off work. I didn't do it last time. I said I'd like to get together with you recently. I'll finally have a day off tomorrow. I don't think I'll wait any longer. I'll give you a call even in the middle of the night and let you know... Well, yes, tomorrow, I'll take my younger siblings with me. With your sister-in-law, let’s have a nice get-together with our families... Hey, what are you talking about? Come to my house at nine o’clock tomorrow. Then we will set off together. The car has just been prepared... Well, okay, okay, I won’t disturb you. Go to bed...me? I'm going to have some late-night snacks. I just finished a meeting and I'm hungry. Then I go home and go to bed quickly. Okay, hang up now, um, bye!"

Then the major general came directly to his seat. After a while, several dishes were served. The major general looked at the waiter and said: "So much, how much food I have. Isn't this a waste? Make it smaller next time." "Yes, yes." The waiter did not dare to refute, and said: "Then I won't disturb your meal. If you have any orders, just ask me directly."

"Yes." The major general waved his hand and said, "You go ahead." After saying that, he picked up his chopsticks and started eating and drinking. Speaking of which, he was really a little hungry. It was already midnight and he hadn't eaten dinner. It just so happens that it is only reasonable to use eating as a cover when conveying signals. So he began to feast.

As for the call just now, only the first one, which he put down before the call was connected, was the backup signal. After ringing it a few times and putting it down, it means one thing. Then, he dialed a wrong number on purpose. Then he made a phone call under the pretext of making an appointment as a cover, which allowed the signal he sent to be hidden deeper.

After finishing eating and drinking, I threw some money to the waiter. I left the hotel directly and drove away. But he left, but he didn't go home immediately. Instead, he wandered around the street for a while. Then he parked the car at the door opening of a residential building, got out of the car, passed through the door opening, and turned into a unit door. As soon as you enter the unit door, there is a compartment under the stairs going up, which is used to store some sundries.

He put his hand through a gap in the wooden board below. I pulled out half of the wood, and then drew three horizontal lines on the wood with my fingernails. Then he turned around and walked out, got in the car, and went straight home. This is his second step in activating backup contact methods. Because the first step is to hang up after the phone rings a few times. This has a certain error tolerance. Maybe someone really dialed the wrong number, then realized that he dialed the wrong number and hung up again.

So, after getting the signal, the person on the other end of the phone wanted to come to the corridor and check the three marks on the wooden board. This is really the key to activating backup contact methods. If not, it means that it is really a typo. Just ignore it.

The major general returned home and did nothing else the next day. Instead, he hid the film in a safe place. Then I actually went out to get together with that person called Roughly. Then again, he woke up very early in the morning. I drove to a restaurant called Yuanlai. After ordering a few breakfast items, a man walked in and saw what he ordered, as well as the folded newspaper on the table. I also ordered some breakfast and sat across from him.

Then I read the newspaper that had passed the Major General's, just like my own newspaper. After flipping around for a while, when he came up early, he folded the newspaper and muttered: "There's no news." Then, he folded it a few times in the opposite direction and put it on the table.

The two people had already matched their secret codes. The person who came poured soy sauce and vinegar into his plate and whispered, "What's the matter?"

Major General Zuo Li had nothing, but he still looked like he was chewing, and said: "This film contains extremely important information, about Chiang Kai-shek's plan to attack the Jiangsu and Anhui areas. In addition, you have to bring a sentence to the organization. The information on this photo , is just a preliminary battle plan drawn up by Lao Jiang, and other people will definitely complete various other steps later, so it is almost certain that the complete plan will be different from this one. The organization is making reference to this information You must take all these things into consideration.”

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