spy ace

Chapter 3372 Hint

As he spoke, he placed a cigarette case on the table with his other hand. Then I took a bite of food and really started eating. The person opposite didn't make a sound after listening, but silently repeated it several times in his mind. After confirming that he remembered it completely, he said: "Yes, I remember it." After saying that, he naturally grabbed the cigarette case. In hand...

"Sir, he's back." Liuzi said, "Boss Li has been waiting here for a while and said that he started having stomachaches yesterday."

"Ah, okay." Bingling put the medical fee for the door-to-door consultation on the counter and said, "Liuzi, go to the back and get the food first. If you need to prescribe medicine, I will just fill it up for Boss Li later." "As he spoke, he came to the consultation table, gestured to Boss Li, stretched out his hand, and asked at the same time: "How are you doing? Does it still hurt now?"

"It really doesn't hurt much now." Boss Li said, "It just comes in waves. It has been like this since yesterday. I was very scared, so I came over quickly."

Bing Ling felt her pulse and said, "Let me take a look at the coating on my tongue." Boss Li made a slight gesture. Bing Ling only looked at it for two or three seconds, nodded, and said, "Okay, are you constipated?"

"Ah, I'm really a little bit." Boss Li and Bingling asked and answered questions. After Bingling argued, she said: "You have obvious heat knot and abdominal pain. In autumn, it will get better naturally without medical treatment. But this time it's a little bigger, the heat Stagnation in the intestines leads to blockage of visceral qi, resulting in abdominal pain and bloating, which generally manifests as constipation and blockage; easy dry mouth and thirst, yellow and red urine, and tongue coating and pulse conditions are signs of gastrointestinal excess heat. I will prescribe three prescriptions for you After taking the second dose of medicine, it will be effective. After three doses, you will basically be cured, but you still come here and I will give you a follow-up examination, which is safer."

"Hey, okay. What you said is absolutely right." Boss Li said, "Can you please prescribe medicine for me? Is there anything I shouldn't eat?"

"No." Bingling said: "For these three medicines, boil five bowls of water into one bowl of water for each dose, but it must be divided into three times in the morning, noon and evening. Three times a day, finish in three days..." He ordered as he came Here in the medicine cabinet, he quickly started to grab the medicine, then tied it with paper rope, handed it to Boss Li, and said: "Okay."

"Hey, thank you doctor." Boss Li paid the consultation fee, thanked him and left with the medicine bag.

After he went out, Liuzi had already come out from the back and said, "You asked me to go to the back to heat up the food first. Is there any mission?"

"Yes." Bing Ling said: "You remember one thing: the information in this photo is just the preliminary battle plan drawn up by Chiang Kai-shek. Others will definitely complete various other steps later, so it is almost certain that the complete plan , will be different from this one. When organizations make reference to this information, they must take these things into consideration. "

After saying it, he repeated it again. Liu Zi himself is a liaison officer. In addition to being smart and cautious, he also has a good memory. It's not something that's hard to understand. So after Bing Ling finished repeating it, Liu Zi directly said: Don't worry, I have already remembered it.

Bingling took out a cigarette case from her body and said: "This is the film inside. The comrade who obtained the information only has this original film due to environmental factors, so you must give it to the organization. No mistakes can be made."

"Yes." Liuzi said, "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task..."

Fan Keqin carried a suitcase to the second floor and went directly into the director's office. He put the suitcase on Sun Guoxin's office table and said: "The director heard your tone when you called me. You asked me to come up because you were out of touch." What happened?"

"I heard it." Sun Guoxin opened the suitcase and looked at the golden and joyful things inside, then put it on the ground at his feet and said: "Director Gan...doesn't deal with the other one, you know Right?" "The last time I had a drink with him." Fan Keqin said, "I heard him complain a few times. Was he talking about Deputy Chief Ouyang?"

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "Now the first department is doing a good job, and it has somewhat suppressed the second department supported by Deputy Minister Ouyang. Deputy Minister Ouyang believes that the first department has given us too many resources and privileges, and he also thinks that the first department has given us too many resources and privileges. Director Gan has a problem. Director Gan told me that he knew that Deputy Director Ouyang wanted to move him, but he was not sure how to move him. He might be transferred to another place. In this way, his good situation in the first hall would be If it is ruined, our security bureau will no longer have the convenience it had before."

Fan Keqin asked: "What did the minister say?"

Sun Guoxin said: "I didn't say it. It's like not knowing about it. This is actually an attitude in itself. No matter which of you wins, he doesn't care. Anyway, his seat is secure."

"Understood." Fan Keqin said: "He will support whoever wins."

Sun Guoxin was happy and said: "That's what it means." Then his expression suddenly changed and he said: "He hinted to me that Minister Ouyang was not in good health and might die. But he also said that sometimes people who are in poor health , but it will lead to longer life. This sounds contradictory. "

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Well, it's a contradiction. Then, what did you say?"

Sun Guoxin said: "He said that if Minister Ouyang dies, he will actually be very sad. After all, they are colleagues and superiors. According to the original words, I will be very happy, because in this way, the affairs of the first hall , it won’t change. Then he asked me, what do you think if there are unforeseen circumstances? He was asking me to express my position."

Fan Keqin frowned and said, "What did you say?"

"What else can I say, let's do Tai Chi." Sun Guoxin also frowned and said, "Did I just say that Deputy Chief Ouyang's health is really not good? Is he sick? What kind of disease does he have? Just ask. He doesn't have it either. Tell me why, and then it’s time to eat, drink, and have fun.”

Speaking of this, Sun Guoxin said: "I feel... don't feel it. This is a hint that we should get rid of Deputy Chief Ouyang and not get into his way. What do you think?"

Fan Keqin said: "You are right. That's it."

Sun Guoxin said: "That's not what I'm asking. What I'm asking is, what do you think of his hints?"

After hearing this, Fan Keqin thought about it carefully and said: "Then it depends on whether it is worth it. If Deputy Chief Ouyang lives, then Director Gan will have two outcomes. One is that he wins, and Deputy Chief Ouyang does not. What if he becomes Director Gan? So what? The other is that if he loses, Director Gan may be transferred to other departments, such as Qingshui Yamen. Then, someone may take over. Director Gan's position may be replaced by someone from Deputy Director Ouyang..."

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