spy ace

Chapter 3373 A solid foundation

Fan Keqin continued: "But this is equivalent to saying that Deputy Chief Ouyang is in charge of the first hall, and under this situation, does he want the first hall to perform well? Or does he hope that the first hall will sink?"

Sun Guoxin said: "If I am in charge of the department, I will naturally let Shangfeng see how excellent the department I am in charge of is. I believe that Deputy Minister Ouyang thinks so too."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said: "I think so too. Unless he is extremely simple, his eyes will turn blue whenever he sees us. Otherwise, it is already a department under his own control, and he cannot let him The department in charge is in ruins.”

Sun Guoxin said: "Well, from his point of view, if there was competition between the first hall and the second hall in the past, the second hall under his control was not as good as the first hall, so naturally he felt uncomfortable. But now that he is also managing the first hall, then the two Reasonable competition between departments can actually make things better. This is definitely what he wants to see."

Having said this, Sun Guoxin nodded and said: "Well, it becomes clear after this analysis. Of course, we don't know what kind of changes there will be in the end. But it should generally move towards the results of our analysis. "

Fan Keqin thought for a moment and said: "What should Director Gan do? Just ignore it? It doesn't seem to work. If he sees that we really don't support him, he will know that he can't win against Deputy Director Ouyang. What if? ...To punish us all at once, or to compromise with Deputy Commander Ouyang. For example, if you abolish your martial arts, look, my current first hall has no suppression on your second hall. If I show weakness to you, you can let go. Pass me. What will Deputy Chief Ouyang think? Will he let go a little bit? Otherwise, if he really uses all his strength to deal with the opponent. Even a trapped beast still fighting is dangerous. Maybe he will just give up when he sees it. Then in the end , we will become victims."

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin thought for a while and said: "You are right. Then we must find a way to make Director Gan feel that we still support him before he fails or succeeds. In this way, he will not Before that, use us as sacrifices." Then he stopped talking and slowly said: "What can you think of? Pretend to agree?"

Fan Keqin said: "You mean, we pretend to ask for hints that he wants to get rid of Director Gan?" Sun Guoxin nodded. Fan Keqin thought again and continued: "This method of pretending to agree seems feasible. It just depends on whether Director Gan can believe it and how he will judge our subsequent rhetoric against him."

Sun Guoxin said: "What do you mean? Please explain it clearly."

Fan Keqin explained: "We found Director Gan, pretended to understand his hint, and said that Deputy Director Ouyang was not very good, and something might really happen. Just like him, we made it clear. It's all possible. Because it's impossible to say clearly, I will help you kill Deputy Chief Ouyang. Just like what he said to you, he was just hinting. And as long as we have this attitude, he It’s impossible not to understand. But, how long will he wait after we agree? How long can he survive the attack of Deputy Commander Ouyang? "

Fan Keqin paused here and continued: "I believe that Director Gan can still hold on, at least for a while, which will not be too short. And he has his own strength, otherwise , faced with Deputy Chief Ouyang's attack, how did he know? And how did he know that the other party was going to move him to another position? This is very specific, indicating that there must be someone behind him. Therefore, there must be a back-up plan Under such circumstances, Director Gan will not fall down soon."

"Agree." Sun Guoxin said: "Then when he doesn't fall, we will make it look like we are on his side. But it is impossible for him to say that after we have agreed, he will not pay attention at all. He will always ask What is the situation as we progress? Therefore, we still need to prepare in advance for this response. "

Fan Keqin said: "He won't be too anxious at first, and things always go from slow to urgent. So when he asks, we can find some reasons at the beginning and we can pass the test smoothly. After all, he also knows that if he wants to make a It is indeed very difficult for a senior person to die. Even if he is not very professional, he knows this truth. So in the first part, we can pass smoothly. The difficulty is in the second part, that is, when he may know that he has failed, This is the period before the real failure. Deputy Commander Ouyang's attack will double his pressure and make him anxious. In this way, there will be opportunities to frequently urge us to take action and ask about the progress of the matter."

Sun Guoxin said: "At this time, you need to be careful in your answer. You must give him some hope and a reasonable explanation. If you don't give him hope, it may become the situation you mentioned before. He may simply ask Deputy Minister Ouyang By abolishing martial arts, we have the possibility of becoming sacrifices. Reasonableness is also necessary, and he must have his own judgment. I can't hope that he will be too anxious and blindly trust us. Although It's a possibility, but we can't consider it."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "Then let's study it. What's the excuse?"

"There's no rush." ​​Sun Guoxin said with a smile: "We are the ones who know the answer now. So just take it step by step. Let's first discuss how to agree to Gan Ruicong's hint. As for the reason for asking later, we can think about it slowly. After all, Gan Ruicong Director, you are still very uncertain. It may not fall, or it may fall. Even if it falls, there will be a process, and this process will not be too fast. So we have plenty of time." At this point, he felt a haze in his heart. Already swept away. So he took out two cigars, lit them with Fan Keqin, and started smoking.

That's how it goes sometimes, when you get news, and it's not friendly news. Naturally, your mood will not be very good, but if you know in your heart what you should do, can you handle this matter? That's completely different. After all, you have a good idea in your mind, just like studying is a good thing. If I get full marks no matter how I answer the questions, are you still afraid of the college entrance examination? This means you have confidence in your heart and don’t panic naturally.

Fan Keqin exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "It's easy to agree to him. I'll go see him with you. As before, ask him to come out and play. In fact, taking the initiative to ask him out to play is a hint in itself. A hint. We stood on his side. Then during the dinner, we raised our glasses to wish Mr. Ouyang a long life..."

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