spy ace

Chapter 3380 3 boxes

Bing Ling continued: "Tell me the warehouse and I'll get it myself."

"Okay." Hua Zhang said, "That's it." After that, he hung up the phone. You definitely can't talk on this phone for too long. After all, it's a secret answer. If you talk for too long, it will be bad if the other party finds out when you are using the phone. So, she returned to the car, took a pen and paper from her bag, and wrote an address on it. On the way home, Hua Zhang put his things in an agreed "dead mailbox".

After Bingling put down the phone, she looked at the time and said, "Liuzi, I'm going out for a trip, and you stay to look after the house. If someone comes to the door during this period to take medicine, you can do it for him. If you want to see a doctor, just say I'm out for a consultation, and I don't know when I'll be back. Then when the time comes, you close the door normally. After closing the door, you go and check the newly prepared safe house. See if it's safe."

"I understand." Liu Zi said: "If it is safe, I will do nothing. If it is unsafe, I will draw a mark at the entrance of the alley."

"Yes." Bingling said. He had already put on his coat and came to the door. "This matter is very important. You must check it. Otherwise, it will harm Mr. Li too."

"Yes." Liuzi said seriously, "Don't worry, I will check it clearly."

Bing Ling nodded to him and stopped talking. He opened the door and walked out. After crossing a few streets, he took a circle. Arriving at the agreed upon location, I found the note left by Hua Zhang from the dead mailbox. After he memorized the above content in his mind, the note was not big, so he tore it up and threw it into a sewer. Follow out and follow the address.

After making sure that he was safe behind him, Bing Ling finally arrived at Xinghu Street, which was less than twenty minutes' walk from the ferry. The buildings on both sides of the streets here are mostly companies engaged in ferry transportation business. Of course, the scale of the companies is actually not large. With a house and three or five people, it is considered a company. But don’t look down on these companies. They control nearly 30% of the ferry’s water transportation business.

Bing Ling entered through a doorway, turned a corner, came to the residential area at the back, and entered a unit door. Just at the door on the right side of the first floor, Bing Ling confirmed that the address was indeed correct. So he took out two wires from his pocket and inserted them into the keyhole.

That's right, there is no key to this door. This is how the content of Huazhang is written. Bing Ling also knew how to unlock the door. After tinkering for a while, he opened the door. As soon as you enter, you will see that it is an old house, and it seems that it has not been decorated for a long time. He first walked around each house and confirmed the following conditions before entering the big house.

There are not many furnishings in the big house, including a table, two chairs, a single wooden sofa, and a double bed, which should be about one and a half meters wide. The bedding above is also very old. Looks like it hasn't been washed in quite some time.

However, Bing Ling didn't feel much about this. He came directly to the bed. He lowered himself and lifted up the drooped sheets and looked under the bed. I saw two large suitcases and one medium suitcase under the bed, three in total. They all looked quite old.

Regardless of this, Bing Ling reached down and pulled one of them out. Then he opened the lid, and inside there were five submachine guns packed side by side wrapped in velvet. However, these submachine guns are not the same model. There are Bobosha, Sten, M3 grease gun, and MP . The magazine was placed in the gap. There are five in total, four models of submachine guns, including two grease guns. Each gun has two magazines.

Bing Ling picked up one of them, checked it back and forth, and found that it was fine. Then without moving, he closed the suitcase lid again and pushed it under the bed. Then he pulled out another large suitcase and a medium suitcase with his hands. After opening the two suitcases, Bing Ling found that the contents of this large suitcase were similar to the previous one, but there was no Sten, replaced by a Somi submachine gun, and an MP 38 was added to it. There are still five guns in total, and there are two magazines for each gun.

The other medium-sized box was filled with bullets. Looking at the types of ammunition, they are obviously for several different submachine guns in two large boxes. Bing Ling picked up the bullet and looked at it. Well, it's okay. They are all standard, not the kind that are fake or inferior goods made privately.

Bing Ling made a rough calculation in her mind. There are a total of ten submachine guns here, which is definitely enough. So he covered the boxes again and pushed them under the bed again. Then he stopped lingering and returned to the door. After listening to the noise outside, there was no one there, so he opened the door and walked out.

Bing Ling left this residential area and then came to the northern part of the city. There is a small hotel here with not many rooms. There are less than ten rooms in total. Four of them are Datongbu, where a group of people live in a big house, and three are considered high-end single rooms. Two of the single rooms have two separate beds. There is only one double room, and the area inside is not large. Of the remaining three rooms, one is the kitchen, and there is also a canteen, which contains some pancakes, porridge, pickles, etc. If the hotel guests don't want to go out, they can also eat here.

The last room is occupied by the hotel owner and is slightly larger. At this time, Bing Ling came to this small hotel. The innkeeper, who was about forty years old, looked at him and said, "Want to stay in a hotel?"

"No, let's eat." Bingling said, "Do you have some noodles?"

"We have plain noodles, but we have to order them for you first." The store owner said, "You still have to make some noodles, which is very troublesome. How about you eat a pancake, some pickles, and a bowl of porridge?"

"I don't want to eat it." Bing Ling showed a little disgust and said, "I'll add some money, and you can bake me a pancake and make tofu soup."

"No." The store owner said, "There are dry pancakes. How about... I can give you some egg soup?"

"You really don't know how to do business." Bingling said, "Okay, that's it."

"Hey, okay." The storekeeper said, "Then you come with me." After saying that, he turned to one of his store clerks and said, "Just keep an eye on it."

"Okay boss." The guy replied. The store owner ignored him and moved to a room at the back with Bing Ling in front of his head...

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