spy ace

Chapter 3381 Prisoner Robbery

After closing the door, the store owner turned around with a smile on his face and said, "Is it Comrade Bingling?" He then stretched out his hands towards the other party, looking very happy.

"It's me." Bing Ling also smiled, shook hands with him vigorously, and said, "Are you Lao He?"

"Yes." Lao He said: "I knew you were here. My superiors informed me that you would contact me. But I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"It won't work if we don't hurry up." Bingling said: "The two comrades may be transferred by the secret agents in the near future, and they may be transferred at any time. Moreover, the problem of weapons has been solved. I just went to confirm it, and then I came over quickly to find it." You. How are you doing here? Are the manpower in place? Have the routes been reconnoitred? "

"It's in place." Lao He said: "There are twelve comrades in total. The routes have been investigated. We can basically determine that there are three routes from the Party Communications Bureau to the prison in the southeast, which are the most likely routes for them to take. In addition, in the southwest At the southern end of Luoming Road, no matter which one of these three routes you take, it is basically a must-pass."

"Twelve comrades." Bing Ling said: "The total number of firearms I just confirmed is ten, which is a little less. I will think of a way..."

"Hey, that's enough." Lao He said, "The special agents are very strict in investigating, so it's really not easy to transport some weapons in, and in such a short period of time. But we have already brought in four long guns, and we still have them." There are six short guns. Now with your ten guns, it is completely enough."

"Oh, that's good." Bingling nodded and said: "I will tell you the address now. It's... there is a double bed in the big house, and there are three suitcases under the bed, two big ones and one The medium one. The medium one is full of bullets, and the two large ones are filled with submachine guns. However, there is no key to this house, so you need to be able to unlock it yourself. "

"Okay." Lao He said: "There is no problem in unlocking. With these ten guns, we will definitely be able to rescue those two comrades."

Bing Ling said: "There is another thing, that is, I have prepared an extra safe house for you. The address is... Lao He, you tell those twelve comrades. The safe house I prepared is arranged now, and it is Although I think it is safe because I found it on the spot, I am not sure when the family will come back. There is no other way, the time is too short, so I can only do this."

"Understood." Lao He said: "You can prepare so much in less than two days, which is completely fine."

"It's not my credit." Bing Ling said, "But who it is... please understand." He smiled and continued: "Also, my correspondent is checking and monitoring this safe house. Don't Misunderstanding, this is just in case, it is a normal home, but the people living in it have gone out. Let my correspondent check to be more safe. In addition, if there are really special circumstances, that is, he discovered it The question is, he will draw a triangle at the entrance of the safe house alley. There is a square and three wavy lines inside the triangle. If comrades are going to the safe house after the operation and see this mark, it already means that they are not safe. It can be used again. As for where to go... I will think of another way and continue to look for another available house. After all, the more one you prepare, the more insurance you will have. "

Lao He smiled and said: "I will tell them, but I don't think you need to prepare. I have already arranged a way out for them. And I have also prepared a safe house for them, or a temporary transit point. place. After they complete their mission, they will retreat through a special evacuation route."    "Oh?" Although Bingling was curious, the discipline was like this. Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. So he nodded and said: "That's good. I'm always worried about my lack of preparation. So, that's great. But the two of us now have a horizontal connection. This...does the organization have any instructions?"

Lao He said: "Yes, after completing this mission, you will be my superior. I can do a lot of things here. Just like this operation, you provide information and equipment, and then I will do the actual work. manage."

Bing Ling said: "Okay, is it safe for you here? After all, you have to contact the comrades in this mission. Once the investigation is carried out afterwards, are you sure?"

"Yes." Lao He said: "I am just like a bridge, or a fuse, between you and the comrades who implement it. This is a more stable activity group structure model that I recently learned from the rear. . If there is danger, I will be your fuse. If there is a mission, I will be your bridge. So, if something happens to me, you will evacuate immediately. Of course, I will be careful. After the mission, I will temporarily Leave this shop for a while, and then observe the situation in this shop. In this way, you can determine whether I have been targeted. Then I will send you a signal at a certain time. If not, it means that I have been caught. You must retreat immediately."

Bingling thought for a while and said: "Actually, I can also provide you with insurance, but I can't tell you the details. Let's discuss some contact methods first..."

"Okay." Lao He also didn't ask, so he said: "I have a good relationship with the grocery store next to me. If there is an emergency, you can actually use this phone number..."

The two people quickly discussed several contact methods, many of which were emergency contact methods. After everything was discussed, Bing Ling said: "Then I won't stay any longer and will go back now."

"Okay." Lao He said, "Don't worry about me. These twelve comrades are all veterans and will definitely succeed."

After sending Bing Ling away, Lao He looked at the store again with peace of mind. But it was around ten o'clock in the evening. He has entered a single room in a store. The guest in this single room looks like he is in his early thirties, and he is a lean man. Apparently he was also waiting for Lao He to come to his door.

After the two of them sat down, the energetic man whispered to Lao He about today's investigation and several selected rescue locations, and finally said: "When the time comes, there will be public telephones at both ends. , In this way, we can communicate in time and not miss the prison car where the special agents escorted our two comrades. Then, we ambush at the predetermined location in time. As soon as the prison car arrives, we intercept it immediately. No matter whether the other party is a convoy of several vehicles, front or rear There was a block immediately, and it would take a lot of time to run again..."

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