spy ace

Chapter 3403 Assassination

Luo Yang continued: "These guys were quick enough. They directly found a neighbor and asked him to help them transport all the jewelry. I don't know if the neighbor knew what was in the bag given to him. What. Anyway, he helped. He transported the things outside the city. In the end, guess what? In the early hours of this morning, they arrested this group of people. And among the people who were arrested, there was also the neighbor who helped with the transportation. Do you think the neighbor who caught this gang of thieves was justified?"

Can Manager Wang not understand what he means? He said: "Well, I don't know much about the laws in this area, but I think... I should ask clearly."

"Ask clearly." Luo Yang smiled and said: "That is not a matter of asking clearly. Helping transport stolen goods is light. Who knows if they are accomplices? If they are not accomplices, why should they help so much? Ah. For errand fees? It's possible, but this is all wishful thinking. If it were you, of course you have to say it as if it has nothing to do with you as much as possible. Right, Manager Wang. "

"This...maybe I really don't know." Manager Wang said, "Isn't it right now? The results haven't come out yet."

"Yes." Luo Yang said: "No results have come out. Speaking of which, did you know that Mosaic Company has been semi-closed? Several financial officers have come in, and the goods have been detained. You said you helped them transport goods, In any case, this cargo transportation behavior must have happened. What should I do? Do you think I am good? Otherwise, why don’t you stop the business first? It’s okay, Manager Wang, there won’t be any losses, we need to find out Well, you really don’t know, so it’s okay.”

"No." Manager Wang said, "We really don't know either..."

Luo Yang smiled and said: "Manager Wang, you still didn't understand my story. That neighbor, who can prove that what he said is true? And there is also the fact that he helped with transportation. Manager Wang, you think about it first, you If you can provide evidence of Mosaic's crimes, then some people will believe that you are really innocent. It may be that you were threatened, or there is someone below who is greedy for money. But this may be a personal behavior, with you and yours. The company has nothing to do with it, you’re right.”

Seeing Manager Wang, he became silent. Luo Yang continued: "Think about it, I'll give you one day, that's enough. After one day, I hope you can think of something."

After saying this, Luo Yang stood up, turned to his two men and said, "Let's go."

With that said, he stopped looking at Manager Wang and left the manager's office with his two subordinates. He quickly came downstairs and exited the door of Wang's Freight Company. Standing at the door, Luo Yang looked back at the company, and then said: "I can't cure you yet." With that, he and a group of subordinates walked to the side of the street, then opened the car door and got in. Two of his men also sat on it.

But at this moment, a person hurriedly walked over like a pedestrian on the street. It was An Bing who was acting and eating in the restaurant diagonally opposite. An Bing was eating when he suddenly threw away his chopsticks, stood up and walked out. When he passed the door, he slapped the money on the counter and went out directly. Therefore, the boss at the counter is focused on money. And the amount of money is just a lot more. It's definitely impossible to chase someone out and shout: "Someone is eating Overlord's meal, come and see." It turned out that it was An Bing who immediately paid attention when he saw the door of Wang's Transportation Company opened diagonally opposite. Then three people came out, one of whom An Bing recognized at a glance was Luo Yang. So he quickly walked out the door.

He crossed the road first, but his eyes did not focus on Luo Yang and the others. And the cadence is normal, just like the passersby next to me. Luo Yang looked back and checked Wang's Transportation Company, then he and his two men came to the street beside the transportation company, opened the door and got in the car.

After seeing this situation, An Bing began to speed up. After all, when the other party didn't get in the car just now, he might see that he couldn't walk quickly. It's easy to get the other person's attention, but that's it for now. When the other party gets in the car, there will be a blind spot visually. And getting in the car and getting out of the car is also a process. Also, when you get in a car, even if you start the car right away, there is still a process until it drives away. It's impossible to say that as soon as I got on the car, the car suddenly started running away.

An Bing took advantage of this time. The car had started and he could even start to hear the sound of shifting into gear. He also happened to reach the side of the car. Through the rear window, he saw that Luo Yang was also turning around, making eye contact with him. After Luo Yang saw An Bing, his appearance seemed to be changing. Especially the slight twinkle in his eyes. An Bing might have opened his mouth to speak, but An Bing didn't even pull out his gun. In his pocket, he held the handle of the gun and fired.

Bang, bang, bang... all the bullets in the nest were fired in just an instant. Just through the car window, at such a close distance, with the shooting skills of An Bing's professionals, it was almost a hit. The first shot was on the opponent's neck, the second shot was on the arm, and the remaining shots were all on the torso. And basically all of them are scattered near the chest. This is quite a fatal injury.

After firing the gun, An Bing turned around and ran away. Speaking of which, the two An Bing's men in front of the car, one driving the car and the other on the passenger side, were both looking forward. They didn't pay attention to An Bing, who was coming quickly from behind. Only when the gun went off did he suddenly react.

However, they hurriedly leaned over to reduce their area affected by bullets. They thought they had also encountered an attack. Then he started to draw his gun. The driver of the car had already set the gear. He lowered himself and quickly stepped on the accelerator to drive the car forward. This is a pretty good idea. If you encounter gunfire, leave immediately instead of parking. There is nothing wrong with this approach. But the consequence of his doing so was that he left the scene quickly, but he also lost the opportunity to pursue An Bing.

An Bing let go and sprinted to the previous alley in one breath. The rear door is open. Moreover, Wei Shan, the co-pilot, was also getting on the bus, which showed that what the other party said before that he would be covered was not empty talk. It was probably Wei Shan who was covering him before. Seeing that he had already run back, he also started to get in the car.

An Bing arrived and said, "Drive." He bent down and got into the back seat. And the driving road is uneven...

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