spy ace

Chapter 3404 Didn’t go out

The road we were driving on was uneven, and because we didn't want to attract attention, we turned off the engine normally when we should have done so before. But the moment he heard the gunshot, he immediately started to start the car. When An Bing got into the car, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the car forward quickly.

After getting into the car, An Bing turned around and looked through the rear window. Well, there was no pursuit. But it was normal. After he shot Luo Yang before, when he turned to evacuate, he looked back and found that Luo Yang's car was also rushing towards the front door. Therefore, even if the other party wanted to turn around and pursue him, it would not be so quick.

In fact, Luo Yang's two men drove forward and they did have the idea of ​​turning around and pursuing him, but then they felt that this was a professional assassination. In this case, you don't know if the other party has anything else. Ambush, if that's the case, then why don't you chase Gil? Let's get out of the dangerous place first. Therefore, they drove all the way, and the co-pilot quickly turned around to check Luo Yang's condition after he was shot. The result was not optimistic. After all, he was shot seven times at close range, five of which were in vital parts of the chest and abdomen. This basically means there is no hope.

But they still drove the car very fast, and finally entered a hospital and began to rescue Luo Yang. But this is basically just a walk-through procedure, and the person is already dead before they get to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital, it was safe for the time being, so at this time, the two Luo Yang's men began to contact the Central Unification Headquarters to inform them of the matter.

On the other hand, An Bing and others drove quickly out of the city. On the way, they changed clothes in the car. And he still held the certificate, which was a just-in-case measure. After all, there are many key road entrances in and out of the city, and there are secret sighs from the Central Government, or explicit sentinels. They will first use their correct views to try to get through, hoping that the Central Government will not react so quickly.

In fact, the response from the Zhongtong side was not slow. After receiving the call from An Bing's men, especially when they learned that it was a premeditated assassination, the first thing they did was to make notification calls to various checkpoints. . Let them strictly check passing vehicles and pedestrians.

Although there was a bit of a time difference, after all, An Bing's men sent him to the hospital, and then they contacted the Central Unification Headquarters. But there is one thing. The Jiashi case and the prison car robbery incident in the previous year made Zhongtong have spies lurking in choke points such as train stations, ferries, and highways entering and exiting the city. Therefore, they only need to make a phone call.

Therefore, after receiving the call, they immediately began to set up barriers and began to check passing vehicles and pedestrians.

After An Bing, Wei Shan and the uneven car arrived at the edge of the city, there was a main road that could be driven out of the city by just following it. However, it was quite far away, and they saw someone running over to pull up the blockade on the road in the distance. There were four people standing in front of the blockade on a horizontal pole, checking the people and cars passing by. At this time, there were two cars lined up in front. If they were passing by, it would be even harder to rush past them, unless they suddenly turned and rushed through the gap on the side. But this would also be completely exposed. The opponent will immediately start chasing.

The road was uneven and the car wheeled, so the car drove into a small alley formed between two rows of bungalows. He turned around and said, "What should we do now? People from Zhongtong can move so fast."

An Bing, who was behind, said: "Something happened to the Central Command a while ago, so they have light and dark whistles at various chokepoints, which is normal. But if we rush over like this, we will face pursuit. This is a bit troublesome. "

Wei Shan said: "There is an American submachine gun in the trunk of the car. Then we will kill all the people on the block and then rush forward. Even if we kill them openly, there are so many other passers-by and cars, so there is nothing we can do." Hiding it from the Central Command, but it will still take time for them to send people here again. By that time, we have already rushed out for a long time. This is our opportunity. "

After listening to what he said, Lu Buping said: "I agree." An Bing said worriedly: "Are there any bullets left? This gun is out of bullets."

"Here it is." Wei Shan took out another gun from his body and handed it to him. At the same time, he gave him three magazines and said: "Horse brand gun. It doesn't have as strong a fault tolerance rate as a revolver. Assassination is still a revolver." It’s safer, but now it’s no problem.”

An Bing immediately took it and loaded it for himself. Others also drew their guns. Wei Shan got out of the car, went to the trunk, took out the Thompson submachine gun, and returned to the car. Said: "Let's go and line up. Let's go normally first, be more arrogant, hold out your ID, and see if you can get through. If not, remember, you have to beat all the people on the card to death. Nanjing City It’s not small, and there are many intersections in and out of the city, so there shouldn’t be too many Zhongtong agents in each place. Once we kill them, we can at least fight for a while.”

They are all professionals. When Wei Shan said this, they all understood what should be done. So Lu Buping immediately drove the car out of the alley. An Bing opened the rear window, and when he was about to reach the stop, he stretched out the window a military commander's ID that Wei Shan handed him, and shouted: "Military commander, if you have business, open the car! Let us pass!! "

The previous two cars had passed by at this time, so several people from Zhongtong looked at each other. One of them smiled and said, "I'm taking a look at the ID." As he said that, he held the bag on his waist with one hand. The gun handle walked over.

"Fuck, hurry up, we have an urgent mission!!" Lu Buping frowned and cursed.

However, Wei Shan, the co-pilot, immediately whispered: "He is suspicious and is ready to take action."

It turned out that this person's behavior seemed quite normal. But the other three central government agents did not move. Still standing there, they all looked at their car with their hands on their guns.

That's right, they were not notified of the brand of car the assassination gunmen were riding in. They didn't even know there were three of them. After all, when the action was taking place, an assassin appeared in An Bing. But this thing Zhongtong is also a professional spy agency. There was only one shooter at the time, but that doesn't mean it was definitely the same person.

Professionals, on the other hand, are instinctively defensive about coincidences. Because there are so many coincidences in this world. A call just came from that side, and it turns out that just a short time later, a car arrived here. The person on top took out his ID and said that he was from the military commander, and quickly asked himself and others to drive...

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