spy ace

Chapter 3420 Serious

It's not locked, it's open. In fact, the main function of a sentry station is to detect suspicious situations. And what about after discovery? You must pass on your findings to your peers. The transmission is naturally done as convenient as possible. Therefore, most of the security posts, such as those in the city, basically do not lock the door. Of course, in fact, this is not absolutely good or bad. There is also a guard post, which is in a quite advantageous position. In order to prevent people from entering rashly, it is normal to lock the door. This is why Fan Keqin tested it with his hands first.

Since it's not locked, it's easier to do. Fan Keqin still showed his eyes and stared at this boy. Seeing that the man was still napping, he hung the handle with his thumb, pressed against the door frame with his other fingers, and opened the door little by little.

After the crack in the door allowed him to enter, Fan Keqin stopped opening the door. Instead, he looked up and down to make sure that this person had not set up any self-warning such as crossing the line, so he took a step forward, tapped the ground gently inward, stepped firmly, and then moved his body's center of gravity in. Then switch to the other leg, step forward, land gently again, and then shift your center of gravity. In this cycle, after taking four steps, Fan Keqin was already standing quietly behind the whistle.

This person slept quite honestly, but Fan Keqin could feel from the other person's breathing that in fact, this person did not sleep too deeply. It may be due to environmental factors, so Fan Keqin stretched out his hand and covered the man's mouth and nose with his left hand. His right fist was like a hammer. He punched the man diagonally downwards, hitting the opponent's temple. superior. Then he grabbed the man's head with both hands and twisted it hard from left to right, and there was a crisp click sound at the neck.

Very good, now I can sleep peacefully. Fan Keqin touched the other party's clothes and found that he had weapons, documents, and some change. He turned the ID over to the window, and when the moonlight reflected a little light, Fan Keqin saw that what the other person was holding was a police station ID. This certificate looks genuine, but very new. Well, it's quite good. People from the Security Bureau also like to use the ID of the police station when they need to take action.

Fan Keqin put the ID card back into his pocket and did not touch anything else. Still moving the other person's head, he made it look like he was staring blankly on the chair. After examining him with satisfaction for a second or two, he turned around and walked out of the room again.

After closing the door behind him, he suddenly heard another conversation upstairs, but the communication was really not loud. Therefore, Fan Keqin could only guess that one person asked another person for a cigarette, but the other person did not speak. But then there was the sound of a lighter, and then the sound of a lighter being placed on a hard table, and then everything calmed down again.

This means that there are at least two people upstairs. Fan Keqin didn't care about this. He came to the opposite door and listened quietly to what was going on inside. I didn't hear anything, either the people inside were very quiet, or the people inside were sleeping like the person before. But he couldn't see it either. After all, there was no glass on the door.

So Fan Keqin gently tried the door with his hand to see if it could be opened. Use gentle force and apply a little force, huh? It can also be opened. This was good, so Fan Keqin stood on one side and continued to open the door softly and slowly with his hands. As the door opened a gap, the first thing that caught his eye was a fabric sofa. There was another one upstairs a few steps behind the sofa. stairs. As the gap widened, the field of vision became better. On a double sofa, a pair of feet stretched out from the second hand of one end and rested on the second hand of the sofa.

Well, there is a person lying on this sofa, but although it is a double sofa, it is still a bit short, so this person's feet are stretched out and rested on the deputy hand at this end. But this person dared to lie down on the sofa in such a grand manner. Fan Keqin's first reaction in his heart was that there should be someone else in the room besides the person lying on the sofa. However, the gap when the door is opened is still a little small, so other people are very likely to be in the blind spot of your field of vision.

By the way, it was at this time that a person suddenly asked a question in the room, saying: "Lide?"

It turned out that Fan Keqin's judgment about the situation of this house was correct at this moment. This house is a large room on the first floor of the house. It is a bit like a combination of living room and dining room. It is obvious that this family is in good condition in this alley. And it’s quite particular, with a living room on the first floor. And this house is the same as the one Fan Keqin just came out of. There are people standing guard at the observation point itself.

It's just that there is one person in the other small room, and there are two people in this big room, which is the living room. As for the two people who posted security posts in this big house, their personalities were of the more serious type. They were not like the people in another house who had been killed by Fan Keqin. They were alone and felt that there would be no What's going on, so I just relaxed, sat on the chair and started to sleep.

One of the two people in this room is quite serious, so although the other boy doesn't think anything will happen, he is very serious. So what should we do? You can't say, no, you are willing to keep your eyes open all night, don't take me with you, I have to sleep.

It wasn't appropriate to tell his colleagues like this, so he suggested staying overnight half the time. As for the other person, who has a more serious personality, I think it's right when I hear it. It's impossible for the two of them to just stare out the window all night long. Moreover, the warning post at this observation point itself is only conventional, and the probability of it happening is very low. Therefore, it was agreed. So he asked his accomplices to go to bed while he stayed on duty first.

So the colleague ran to the double sofa and began to sleep. He moved a chair and placed it by the window, sitting on it to be on guard. To be honest, just sitting like this, staring at it all night, does feel a bit like "working hard". No one feels comfortable. Even now he feels a little uncomfortable.

It's just that his character is naturally more serious. Therefore, he stayed upright and did not sleep. When Fan Keqin opened the door, he used a better technique, which was to open it slightly slower, but without stopping. A pause means something is wrong, but opening the door slowly but coherently is different.

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