spy ace

Chapter 3421 Confusion

It's like a thief who opens your door at night. He will definitely make a small crack, take a look, open it a little more, and then he may stop again, take another careful look, or listen for some noise. But if your family members wake up in the middle of the night, for example, to drink water or open the door, they may be a little dazed from sleep, and the movements will not be so violent, so they will open the door slowly, but in a consistent manner. Why coherent? Because there is no ghost in my heart, this is my home, right? So I opened the door normally. Who would open the door and stop halfway?

Therefore, Fan Keqin's move is also a psychological method of playing. Although he drove slowly, he did not say to stop halfway, observe and listen for a while, and then drive again. But it was driven very coherently. Therefore, this gave the person inside a psychological hint: Do you think this is a friend who is on night watch in another room and came here because of something?

However, he was indeed quite vigilant, and asked first: "Lide?" At this time, if the other party didn't answer, then there was no need to ask, there must be something wrong. And by answering, you will be able to tell clearly whether he is your accomplice or not. If not, then shout immediately, which will definitely alert the accomplices upstairs and downstairs, and then draw your gun and shoot at the same time.

But he didn't know that the Fan Keqin he faced was different from ordinary people. When he asked, Fan Keqin used his strong sense of space to locate his position in his mind almost as soon as he opened his mouth. Fan Keqin didn't hesitate at all and answered: "It's me."

And when he said these two words, the door had already been opened by him, and at the same time, he rushed out quickly. At this moment, Fan Keqin relied on his five senses that were beyond ordinary people to determine several things at the same time. First, the person who just answered was turning his head to look in the direction of the door. Secondly, there was only one person in this room besides him, lying on the sofa, and there was no movement for the time being. Third, these questions and answers are all at a normal volume, so people upstairs may not be able to hear them.

This is why Fan Keqin used his superhuman quick reaction and judgment to form this judgment in his mind at the moment he ran into the house. And his excellent flexibility and speed also allowed him to be in front of the person just now in an instant.

In the second me, Fan Keqin's fist fell first before I could even finish my words. That's right, Fan Keqin relied on his super power to crush him in terms of speed. Someone asked, what is the fastest speed in the world? Some people say that light, the speed of light is the fastest. Some people also say that it is human thinking. The speed of light is nothing more than nearly 300,000 kilometers per second, but my only thought is that it is a few light years away in the universe, is that okay?

But even if thinking is the fastest, it is just thinking. Can your movements keep up with your thoughts? I knew clearly that the other party had already punched me, and I saw it clearly, but why couldn't I get out of the way? It's not just ordinary people who feel this way. Many trained boxers, even top professional boxing champions, sometimes can't get out of the way? Anyone who knows something about this will know that many boxing champions have been knocked down by one punch when fighting with their opponents!

Not to mention knockdown, even if you face someone who is not that powerful, after a boxing match, even a boxing champion cannot dodge all the punches. This is not nonsense. We can often see that in a twelve-round boxing championship match, when the boxing champion faces a less powerful challenger, the whole boxing seems to be an absolutely overwhelming victory. There are twelve rounds in total, and each round is ten to eight or ten to seven. Even if there are twelve mergings, all with this kind of points, you will win all twelve rounds, and the opponent will not have an advantage in any round. But how did the other party get those points? Don't you still hit what you get? So even if you are the top boxing champion, you will still be hit. This is inevitable.

Why? Just because your thinking may be fast. But your body cannot keep up with your thinking. This is what Fan Keqin is doing now. When the second word "yes" just sounded, Fan Keqin had already arrived in front of him, and his movements were coherent. When he arrived in front of him, he had already punched out.

But before the words could even be heard, Fan Keqin's punch had already made a small arc and hit the opponent's left temple directly. Following Fan Keqin, I feel quite confident. Because he could feel that this punch was very honest. Even if Tyson at his peak comes, with his neck so thick and his ability to resist blows so fiercely, it will still be useless. And it's even worse if it's a deadly part like the temple.

There is a rumor that a professional boxer can kill an ordinary person with just one punch. In fact, this is not very rigorous. Just saying this is definitely wrong. But does it make sense? There is some truth to this. That’s why this boxer must be an outstanding one, you can’t just pick up any one. And he has to be a heavyweight boxer! After all, in the super lightweight category, the weight is too small. No matter how hard you fight, the weight is not enough, which will seriously affect your punching power. Therefore, it must be a heavyweight or sub-heavyweight master. And the hits were those of untrained, ordinary people, excluding parts such as arms and legs. You also need to hit a very strong punch, then it is really possible to kill someone with one punch.

And Fan Keqin...I'm sorry, he is already at his true limit. It's not just about punching power here. Including his judgment, he can instantly customize the path of his punch. And calculate the opponent's behavior trajectory, how to hit the opponent's most vulnerable part with this punch, etc. This is something no boxing champion level boxer can do. But Fan Keqin can do every punch he throws, because not only his body is at its limit, but his brain is also at its limit. When the hands and brain fully cooperate with each other, the power is simply incredible.

Therefore, after the punch hit the target, Fan Keqin didn't stop at all and came to the sofa with a side jump. His left hand was like a vise, and with a pop, he grabbed the man's neck. By the way, in the question and answer just now, although this person is sleeping, he is a professional after all. Even if he is sleeping, his basic alertness is still there...

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