spy ace

Chapter 3422 2nd Floor

In addition, the volume was not lowered deliberately, so although the people upstairs may be separated by the floor, and they don't have a hearing as abnormal as Fan Keqin's, they may not be able to hear it. But this person was right next to him, so how could he not hear it? But he heard it first, his companion speaking. And it wasn't the yelling kind, so even though he woke up, he didn't feel very nervous. There was also no yelling warning.

Then he heard the answer "It's me", and at the same time, the answer was accompanied by a muffled sound. It seemed like someone was talking under the quilt. He could hear it, but it was muffled. In fact, by the time he got here, this person had already opened his eyes and wanted to get up and take a look. But helplessly, Fan Keqin's movements were too fast. Almost the next moment, when he was about to get up, a black figure appeared in his sight. And his neck was also pinched by the opponent's hand.

In fact, the whole process may only take about one second, and this person's reaction is actually quite fast. As soon as his neck was pinched, he hurriedly stretched out his left hand to grab the other person's hand, and started to touch the gun at his waist with the other hand. Logically speaking, his reaction was completely correct, but what he didn't know was that Fan Keqin's movements were too coherent and his power was too great. When holding the opponent's neck with his left hand, he tightened his fingers hard. The five fingers were like a vise. Almost instantly, they pinched the main artery of the opponent's neck so that blood could not flow. The trachea and throat bones were twisted together, making a crisp sound. There was a soft sound and it immediately broke into pieces.

And this is just one aspect. On the other hand, Fan Keqin's right hand also fell out of control at the same time. Aiming at the opponent's temple, he punched him. There was another crisp click, and the man's movements had just begun. As a result, when we got here, we suddenly stopped.

Fan Keqin immediately let go and turned around, and came to the side of the agent who asked who was Lide again. He touched the other's temple with his hand. It was very good. He had already been hit by himself and collapsed into it. This was an absolutely fatal injury. Therefore, Fan Keqin quickly turned around again and came to the side of the agent lying on the sofa. He checked his injuries again with his hands. They were almost the same. His temple had collapsed deeper than his punch.

Fan Keqin stood quietly for a few seconds, continuing to observe the situation of these two people on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was doing two things at once, quietly listening to the sounds upstairs. Very good, the few sounds just made were not intense, so there was no reaction from upstairs. In addition, Fan Keqin also went through the situation just now in his mind. Whether it was the other party's question, his own answer, or his actions of killing these two people in succession, although there was a sound, the decibel of the sound must be There is no level to cross the floor and attract the attention of those above.

So Fan Keqin shifted his eyes from the two dead people and looked around the living room again. There was nothing worth noting, so Fan Keqin came to the stairs quietly, raised his head and always paid attention to the situation above, took steps, and started to go up without making any sound.

As he climbed higher and higher, Fan Keqin could gradually see clearly the situation on the second floor. Because before, he had used his excellent ears to hear voices coming from the second floor. Therefore, the location of the sound source was already in his mind, and the location was basically accurate.

However, Fan Keqin was too cautious for fear of missing something, so as his body moved up, he began to observe the surroundings comprehensively. The layout upstairs is not much different from that downstairs, except that the living room has been transformed into a second-floor platform, and two pots of flowers and plants are placed in the corner. On the other side of the platform are two rooms. The doors of these two rooms are closed and the other is open. Closed, the sound source Fan Keqin located was not in this position. But in the room with the door open.

Therefore, Fan Keqin listened carefully for a while again, and he found that the second floor was not silent. With his ears, he could still hear the sound. One person seemed to be breathing a little heavier, and when he exhaled, it seemed as if he was blowing with some force. Then there was a very smiling rubbing sound, and two crackling sounds. Voice. However, whether it was a deliberate blowing or a scratching sound, it only came out once and disappeared immediately.

If there were these sounds, even if there were other people, they would be able to notice such weak sounds. But he certainly had no way of knowing why these sounds were made. Does Fan Keqin know? Fan Keqin didn't dare to say that he knew it completely, but he did have an answer that he thought was quite reliable. That is, after he came in, he heard a sentence coming from the second floor. What he heard at that time was also a very vague voice. I am afraid that only his superhuman hearing could notice it. The content was that a person seemed to be asking for something from another person. Smoking.

The content of smoking, coupled with the weak blowing and friction sounds at this time. Fan Keqin judged that the noise he heard at this time was someone smoking. The sound of blowing is easy to understand. After taking a puff of cigarette and then exhaling it, this faint sound will be made unconsciously. As for the friction sound, Fan Keqin judged that it should be the sound made by the contact with the cigarette rod when flicking the ash with his fingers.

Put down the closed door and ignore it, Fan Keqin walked up the stairs. From this angle, he could only see part of the inside of the door. There is a corner of a table in the distance, and the ground is quite elegant. There is a floor. The door opens inward. There are a few hooks above the door, but there are no clothes hanging on it now. There are two chairs made of bamboo and rattan on one side of the wall, and there is a small table also made of bamboo and rattan between the chairs. There is a white porcelain kettle placed on it. Others are invisible.

Fan Keqin moved his steps carefully. As his position changed, he gradually saw more of the situation in the house. A man was sitting in front of the table, facing him from the side. Judging from the direction he was looking, this person was heading towards the back door of the Great World Hotel where he came out. It was now obvious that the group was using this house to spy on the back entrance of the Grand World Hotel.

There is another person in this room, lying on the bed next to the door. Fan Keqin only saw one of his feet, slightly exposed under the thin quilt. Maybe the other foot is curled up inside, so you can't see clearly...

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