spy ace

Chapter 805

Chapter 805

Mo Sheng nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Zun, I'll see you off." Then he stood up.

Miao Yue also nodded beside her, and replied, "Okay, Brother Zun, don't worry, I'm confident."

Seeing everyone getting up, Fan Keqin waved his hands and said, "Don't move, my car is right behind." After saying that, he put on his coat, opened the door, and went straight down the stairs.

After finding his own car, Fan Keqin went straight up, started the ignition, put the gear on, and started driving along the road in the direction of his home.

It's okay, just stroll slowly, even so, it didn't take long to get home.Sure enough, my father came back early in order to meet his in-laws.People at this time still value time very much, so it is better to be early than late.

Therefore, Fan Keqin entered the room and changed into a very fashionable dark red suit. He also looked a little more cheerful, but not particularly ostentatious.As for Dad, he also made it very trendy.He was wearing a suit with dark patterns that had just become popular.Holding the good wine, cakes and high-grade tea that I bought when I went out today, I went out with Fan Keqin.

After putting their things in the car, the two of them set off directly to the Double Happiness Hotel in Huangshan District.Xinhua Hotel is owned by Qian Jinxun and Guo Meng.Then why are they not together?Anyway, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun have a good relationship, and Guo Meng and Lu Xiaoya get along very well.

In fact, the answer is obvious, because it is convenient and it also gives face to the four families.This is to be engaged, and it is not much different from getting married in this year.When we meet, we must talk about the bride price or something. What conditions do Guo Meng's parents have with Lu Suiyun? Can you talk about it in front of others?Impossible.Even if you are not a busy person, you can't arrange it like this, right!But after that, everything was discussed separately, and relatives walked around each other, had a meal or something, then it would not be a problem.

Double Happiness Hotel is a restaurant of at least the upper-middle class. The reason for saying this is because this restaurant has been newly opened in Huangshan District for a few months, so there are relatively few repeat customers.The reputation is naturally not as great as other old restaurants.But just looking at the floor area and the level of decoration, it is undoubtedly high-end.

The main reason is that the name sounds good, and it is necessary to have a good mouth for engagement.Therefore, the two parties are still very satisfied with meeting their in-laws at this hotel.

My father and I arrived ten minutes early, and entered the second floor, the single room No. [-], both of which are even numbers, which is more auspicious.Although Fan Keqin didn't believe in this thing, there was no need to point it out stupidly, on the contrary, he was quite happy.

As a result, the two of them arrived earlier, but Lu Xiaoya and Lu Suiyun were also particular about others, so they arrived a little earlier than the two of them.

After seeing Lu Suiyun, Qian Yu immediately smiled and shook hands with him, saying: "My in-laws, I'm sorry, I'm late, we should be there first."

Lu Suiyun was also very polite, and said: "No, our appointment is at four o'clock, and my brother is not only not late, but also early. It's my reason. There is a patient who finished reading it ahead of time, so I don't want to stay in the hospital anymore. Bring your daughter here first."

"The kindness of the doctor." Qian Yu pulled Lu Suiyun, sat down together, and said: "Xiaoya, this girl, the first time I saw her, I knew she was an extremely kind and virtuous lady. Brother Suiyun's tutor is really excellent. what."

"Where is there!" Lu Suiyun is an old-school intellectual, so he pays most attention to the issue of education. Hearing what Qian Yu said, he was naturally happy, and he got closer to him.Said: "Keqin is also a very good kid, brother, I'm not telling the truth, I am very satisfied that my daughter can get to know Keqin."

Seeing where they are flattering each other, Fan Keqin and Lu Xiaoya are two juniors, so naturally they can't interrupt, so they start to get bored with each other.After talking, Fan Keqin said, "Where's the eldest sister? Why hasn't the matchmaker arrived?"

Lu Xiaoya glanced at her watch and said, "There are still five minutes left, so I'm probably on the way... Hey, Keqin, do you think we will have a Western or Chinese wedding in the future?"

"I think it's a combination of Chinese and Western." Fan Keqin said: "For example, the wedding dress and suit are pretty good and beautiful. And the scene should be more lively. After all, our relatives and friends are here to cheer us on. You have to make people eat and drink, right? So, there must be a banquet."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin said in a low voice: "However, in this regard, it seems that we have to listen to the elders, and at least we have to discuss it. Hey, does Uncle Lu have any ideas?"

Lu Xiaoya said: "My dad needs to discuss it with Uncle Qian, and then, let's talk about our ideas together and put them together. I think it makes sense..."

Just as she said this, there was a knock on the door, and when the door opened, the waiter ushered Sun Guoxin and Fei Hongxia in.

Then Sun Guoxin and Qian Jinxun have known each other for a longer time, why don't they go there?nonsense!Because Fan Keqin and Lu Xiaoya were introduced by the couple, this is the middle introducer. In the Republic of China, for the newlyweds, it was kind.

Therefore, when meeting in-laws, the introducer in the middle must be present.If the introducer is really unable to come for an extremely important matter, the elders of both parties will not even meet, or the time will be postponed until the middleman can come.Otherwise, it would be a sign of impoliteness.

In addition, Qian Jinxun and Guo Meng were not introduced by Sun Guoxin and his wife, so naturally they couldn't go there when they met their in-laws, which was also a courtesy.

"Uncle, Uncle Qian, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." As soon as Sun Guoxin came in, he shook hands with each other. Although he has great power, Lu Suiyun and Qian Yu are elders, so they must regard themselves as juniors.Said: "Two elders, Guoxin came late. It's all my fault. If I had rushed earlier, I wouldn't have come here now."

In fact, there are still more than three minutes before four o'clock.Even if they were really late, as a matchmaker, no one would blame them.

After being polite, let the waiter start serving the dishes.For in-laws, the dishes must be high-grade, and the quantity must not be small.So they have a table of six people, but they serve sixteen dishes, which is quite a waste! !But this kind of waste is quite necessary.

Fan Keqin, Qian Yu, Lu Suiyun, Sun Guoxin, the four men ordered a few bottles of old rice wine, and started toasting each other.Fei Hongxia accompanied Lu Xiaoya, and the two of them kept talking about what happened once they got married, and the atmosphere made it look like they were going to get married soon.

(End of this chapter)

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