spy ace

Chapter 806 Alternative Dowry

Chapter 806 Alternative Dowry
After drinking for three rounds and eating five flavors, Qian Yu once again had a drink with everyone, put down his cup, and said, "Guoxin and Hongxia are also there. Brother Suiyun, tell me, what are your conditions?" No. Don’t worry, as long as Brother Suiyun brings it up, I’ll have nothing to say.”

Lu Suiyun is an old-fashioned cultural person, and he pays attention to people respecting me a foot, and I respect others a foot, so he said: "Brother, I really don't have one. As long as two children can live well together, it is better than anything else."

Seeing his sincere words, Qian Yu was also very happy in his heart. After all, we will be relatives in the future, so it is already very good to be able to speak like this.Reaching out for a glass of wine, he said, "Brother Suiyun is so virtuous and virtuous, which makes me admire you. But brother, you have to listen to my advice, there is nothing between us, but the engagement banquet is not a big deal, and the small one always has to do it." Yes. Some relatives and friends should be invited. So there are still wines and dowry gifts. In fact, I understand your feelings. As elders, we really don’t care about the money. Even if we want it, we will Don’t they still belong to this group of children? Just treat it as a congratulatory gift from our elders to the children.”

It's good for the two of them, one doesn't want a bride price, and the other wants to give it in a different way. This is almost the opposite of what others do.But I have to say, this way, the atmosphere is very good.In the end, under the persuasion of Sun Guoxin and Fei Hongxia, he got a lottery with another act, what?That is, Qian Yu opened a publishing house here by buying shares, with half of the shares.Lu Xiaoya used the publishing copyrights of several of her books as shares.

Lu Suiyun, an old-school intellectual, feels that this method is very good. A publishing house, publishing books and writing, and spreading culture sounds very elegant, but he has an old-fashioned personality after all, so he has to spend part of the money to form a joint venture.So in the end, both parties are happy.

The engagement banquet was scheduled for five days later, there was a few days of buffer time, and each of them could invite relatives and friends or something.As for where to put the wine, Fan Keqin called Feng Shichao. When the boy answered the phone and heard that Fan Keqin was getting engaged, he naturally congratulated him immediately, and directly promised that he would be very happy that day.Fan Keqin didn't care about anything else.

The time to eat a meal is neither long nor short, and ends in about three hours.Sun Guoxin and his wife drove here by themselves and went back straight away.Fan Keqin first sent Lu Xiaoya's father and daughter home, and then drove his father back to his home.

Where Fan Keqin lives, the usable area is not too small, and it is enough to simply tidy up a room for his father.Because he drank some wine, the old man took a quick wash and went back to his room to sleep first.Fan Keqin was still the third child who hadn't changed for thousands of years. After taking a bath slowly and enjoying red wine and cigars, he began to fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Fan Keqin went for a long run outside to maintain his physical condition and returned home.I want to ask my dad what he wants to eat when he goes out to buy.As a result, when he was running, Dad had already woken up, washed up, put on his clothes, and waited for him.

"Send me to your brother's place." Qian Yu said: "I don't know how your brother's in-laws are doing, but I'll make a call yesterday. I just go to ask. I can buy some food on the way."

"That's fine." Fan Keqin said: "Then wait for me, Dad, I'll take care of it briefly." After saying that, he went directly to the bathroom to wash up.After finishing the work, I wiped it clean and came out to change my clothes.I went out with my father Qian Yu and bought several breakfasts nearby.All the way to Qian Jinxun's home unimpeded.

They came early, so when they entered the room, Second Uncle Qian Kun and the others had just woken up and were washing their faces and brushing their teeth.Fan Keqin put the breakfast on the table and said, "How about it, will the in-laws meet?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Qian Jinxun looked as if he was in control, but he was a little sleepy, and said: "You still have to say, just with my looks and eloquence, I will take down Taishan Taishui in a few minutes in the future. And we still have undercover agents lurking inside the enemy, as long as Guo Meng acts coquettishly with his father and mother, it will be as smooth as turning the palm of his hand."

After speaking, she was about to light up the cigarette, but Wang Minglei came out of the bathroom, reached out to take it away for him, and said, "I haven't eaten, why are you smoking?"

Qian Jinxun nodded and said, "Success, let's eat first."

Everyone sat together, Qian Jinxun ate a mouthful of tofu, and said, "How about you? How are you?"

Fan Keqin wiped out the tofu in one gulp, then picked up another steamed bun, and said, "You don't have to ask, just with my looks and eloquence... as long as I act like a baby with his father, it will be as smooth as picking something out of a pocket."

A few people were having fun while eating and drinking, and after eating and drinking, they all got to know each other more or less. The two groom-to-be officials would do whatever they wanted, invite relatives and friends, and the third would go to the telegraph office to send a message.Of course, relatives who are too far away don't matter. The transportation is not developed these days, and we are catching up with little devils.The risk factor of going out is too high.So it is also some acquaintances nearby.Invite an invite.

After dinner, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun went out together and drove to work separately.After Fan Keqin came to the Security Bureau, he began to arrange his daily work.

Another telegram came from Changsha, reporting on the work situation. It can be said that there are basically no Japanese expatriates in the market, and almost all of them have been taken down by the Security Bureau.Not to mention, after being brought back for the first trial, [-]% of them were spies.Among the other [-] percent, most of them have also helped these spies, either by hiding their identities, or by helping them pass on news or something.

In other words, no snowflake under the avalanche is truly innocent.There is still some truth to this sentence.

There was no news from Fengtian, but Fan Keqin felt normal, and the wolves were gathering towards their destination, so it was impossible to get there so quickly.They must be prepared, such as what status to use and where to live when they arrive. These issues need to be resolved on the spot.Otherwise it is easy to expose.

Also, even if all these things are resolved, they still need to have a preliminary investigation. It is impossible to grasp the situation in an instant, and there must be a process.So Fan Keqin was not in a hurry.

In this way, three consecutive days passed.But in these three days, the progress of the group of five was relatively fast.Miao Yue has already approached Cao Yan.

They first set up a seemingly formal company.It's on the second floor of a small building not far from Cao Yan's house.And it is affiliated with Donovan's company.So if you say it's a shell company, it doesn't count!I have all the five insides, and I am still very formal.

(End of this chapter)

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