spy ace

Chapter 812 1 Big Play

Chapter 812 A Big Play

"Okay." Qiu Shengzhong said: "Then we will wait for you."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin paused, and then said, "Haven't you eaten yet?"

Qiu Shengzhong said: "Yes, Xiaoyue and the others just came back."

"Okay, I'll get something to eat." Fan Keqin said, "I'll be there in a while, you can make some soup at home."

After hanging up the phone, Fan Keqin put on his coat and went straight out the door. First he went to the logistics to pick up a few boxes of canned food, and quickly drove to Huangshan District.At the restaurant near Qiu Shengzhong's home, I bought some portable things, various pasta, and finally bought a lot of non-staple food, wrapped them in oiled paper, and went to Qiu Shengzhong's home.

Seeing this, Mo Sheng waited and started to put all the food and drink on the dining table. Before that, Qiu Shengzhong also simply made a pot of soup, and then fried a few eggs.So enough to eat is definitely enough.

Pulled up the chair, sat down and began to eat and drink.

Fan Keqin opened a can of his own, looked at Miao Yue, and said, "How is it? It seems that the progress is going well?"

The reason for saying this is because Miao Yue has a little smile on her face, and there are some women's clothes, handbags, cosmetics and the like in the house.It looks like a new one.

Miao Yue took a sip of the soup and said, "Successful, your method is still very effective. At first, Ah Cheng pretended to be a client and played a scene with me..."

As she said, Jingcheng has been monitoring Cao Yan. After finding out that she was leaving, he deliberately rushed in front of the other party and entered Miao Yue's company. The two of them can be said to be bragging. Moreover, Miao Yue and Jingcheng obviously did some preparatory work before, and a lot of business terms popped up just for Cao Yan to listen to.

As for Miao Yue, when she saw Cao Yan again, she asked her to wait in the next room for a while, and asked her to make tea and serve various snacks.At first glance, this company is very formal.

But the next door is not very soundproof, and the door is ajar with a gap left, so as long as Cao Yan next door is not deaf, she will be able to hear Miao Yue and the others' negotiation.It further established the personality of a strong woman.

After the negotiation was completed, Miao Yue sent away the "big client" Jing Cheng, and extended this kind of persona in front of Cao Yan.He called his secretary, and then, very professionally and quickly, arranged the next company tasks.Then he and Cao Yan went outside, drove the car, and went shopping.

The strong woman's sense of gap with Cao Yan can make her feel it very quickly.And this sense of gap is not negative, but positive.Think about it, such a strong woman has just completed a business and is already very busy, but she treats you kindly, even if she treats you normally, this sense of gap will make you feel good.

Next, the two got a chance to be alone again.If there is a time when women are most likely to open their hearts, it is definitely when they are cheating on the street.

Because no matter what kind of woman she is, when she comes back from shopping, she may complain that she is very tired, and she will never go there again next time.But look, as long as she cheats on the street next time, she is still full of energy, and wants to go in and see almost anything and any storefront.

And this emotion itself is a catalyst, so the relationship between Miao Yue and Cao Yan has made great progress again, and they really feel like friends at first sight.

That's it, after shopping all afternoon, most of Miao Yue was also interested in what Cao Yan was interested in.

The reason why I say most is because you can’t be interested in all of them, that would be deliberate, so it’s enough for most of them to be interested.This will cause Cao Yan to have a feeling that the other party and herself have a lot in common.

Then Miao Yue didn't give much, and only gave Cao Yan a bag. This bag is called Burberry. You know, Burberry is a very famous women's bag in later generations, but it is not famous in this era.At least not well-known in China.But in Europe, it is one of the top handbag brands.

Therefore, this bag is relatively low-key in China.The reason for not giving more famous brands is also Miao Yue's cleverness.It's like when a person approaches you, he will soon give you a very cool thing, although you may accept it in the end.But at that moment, you must have some concerns in your mind.

And Cao Yan is a person with a sensitive mentality, and using a more low-key brand can eliminate her worries.Sure enough, this strategy was very successful. Cao Yan had never heard of the Burberry brand, so she quickly accepted it.And the design of this bag is really beautiful.Women are visual creatures.For beautiful things, even if you don't want to buy them in the end, you still want to fiddle with them first.

So Miao Yue's foreshadowing was created, what does it mean?That is, in fact, although Burberry is not well-known in China at this time, it does not mean that this thing is really an ordinary handbag.And a woman, after getting something she likes, naturally wants to know about it. As long as she works a little harder, she will find that this bag is also top-notch.

And at this time, she is already in the state of accepting handbags, so she will feel even more that it is a good intention for the other party to give her such a valuable thing.Because the other party is so rich, it seems that he has nothing but friendship from him.

In the evening, before they returned, they had almost evolved into the state of girlfriends. Miao Yue and Cao Yan were in a good mood after shopping all day.So we had another meal.

During the meal, Miao Yue still guided the topic as she did two days ago.

When a man is with a man, especially when he is single, there must be a woman in the topic.Conversely, when women chat with women, a large part is also related to men.So, at least this topic is within the normal range.

So Miao Yue seemed to open her heart, and complained to Cao Yan about her boyfriend "Mo Sheng".This state is much better than the previous two days. After all, it is already a topic among girlfriends, and sharing one's own emotional problems has become a matter of course.

And Miao Yue also guided Cao Yan, complaining silently with her, such as: Yanyan, you said that he didn't tell me that he was in this line of business before, is it deceiving me?Can I still trust him?

After this kind of problem came up, it was Miao Yue's private matter, and Cao Yan, as a "best friend", naturally began to help her analyze her emotional situation.To analyze the emotional situation, we must understand this aspect, and it is impossible to avoid deepening the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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