spy ace

Chapter 813

Chapter 813

There is a good saying that when you look into the abyss, the abyss is also looking into you.

So, this time went more smoothly, because Cao Yan began to communicate with Miao Yue with some examples that happened to her.This time, she completely entered the result that Miao Yue wanted.

Moreover, it was Cao Yan who said it himself, and the effect was even better.Miao Yue began to ask Cao Yan's personal questions with the feeling of "solving her own troubles".What does that mean?For example: "Yanyan, what did you and your husband do then?"

After receiving Cao Yan's reply, Miao Yue will say again: "Hey! Man. I think it's all like this."; this sentence sounds normal, but the connotation will give Cao Yan a kind of: "We two It's a camp" feeling.

So the cycle continued like this, and when Miao Yue sent Cao Yan home, both of them showed a feeling of unfinished business.That is: "I just made a good friend who is very close to me and has a common topic. I want to spend more time with each other."

This point can be fully reflected when Cao Yan pulled Miao Yue and said: "Let's go, come to my house to drink some water, and then recognize the door."Miao Yue followed suit and entered Cao Yan's house as a guest.

So the two women who had just evolved into best friends chatted for more than an hour before ending. If it wasn't for fear that it would be too late, Cao Yan would not have let Miao Yue go.

After Miao Yue reported the situation to Fan Keqin in detail, she finally said, "Brother Zun, aren't you and your sister-in-law getting married tomorrow? I asked Cao Yan to come with me, are you okay?"

It's an engagement party, not a wedding party.But Fan Keqin didn't correct her, but asked with a smile, "It's all right. Did she agree?"

"She was a little embarrassed at first, and struggled a little bit." Miao Yue said, "But she finally agreed."

"Well. This shows that you have a very good impression on her." Fan Keqin nodded with a smile, and said: "Although you have just become close friends in the boudoir, you can agree to accompany you to a wedding where she doesn't know anyone. That means I have accepted you psychologically."

Mo Sheng at the side also agreed very much, and said: "I think there is another advantage to bringing her to Brother Zun's wedding. In addition to strengthening your relationship, it can also plant an impression in her mind that you are She has a lot of important friends. So when she encounters troubles later, she will feel in her mind that you are the one who can solve that trouble. Asking you for help will become her first choice. "

Fan Keqin put the last mouthful of canned beef in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, and said, "That's right. In addition, we have to make preparations for Dai Chundi to commit suicide. Starting tomorrow, we will strengthen the monitoring of the other party. Wait until tomorrow It's over, we find an opportunity, let's start to act."

Everyone nodded to express their understanding.Mo Sheng said: "Brother Zun, let me see... I will monitor him tomorrow morning, and in the afternoon... let's change to Yuhui and watch Dai Chundi. Then at night, Shengzhong will replace Yuhui. In the middle of the night, Ah Cheng will go Take over Shengzhong. This cycle ensures that he is under our control at all times. In this way, we will not delay the opportunity for Xiaoyue and Cao Yan to get along with each other at any time. You can also always maintain a fresh face for monitoring work .”

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Okay, you can make arrangements for this." Then he looked at Fang Yuhui and said, "You can't come to my engagement banquet tomorrow, but you can ask Ah Sheng and the others to bring you more Happy candy, happy smoke, happy wine come back."

Fang Yuhui smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Zun, just to be part of your happiness."

After assigning the task, Fan Keqin saw that it was past nine o'clock, so he got up and said, "Okay, I'll go back first. If there is any situation, you can contact me at any time." After finishing speaking, he took his coat, put it on, and walked out Qiu Shengzhong's small villa.

He drove his own car and quickly returned to his home.This time Dad was still waiting for him, Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Okay, Dad, go to bed quickly."

"No, do you think I'm waiting for you?" Qian Yu said: "Some relatives and friends have arrived, and I found a hotel for them nearby, a hotel or something, and I just had a meal with them, and I just came back. "

"Hey." Fan Keqin smiled and said, "How many people are here?" After that, he gave his father a cigarette and helped him light it.

"Not much, just some old friends and relatives nearby." Qian Yu said: "They arrived in the morning. And they studied how to go to the banquet with your second uncle and them."

"Oh." Fan Keqin nodded to show he understood, and said, "I forgot, I should have staggered the time with my brother."

"Isn't it?" Qian Yu also nodded, and said: "At that time, your second uncle and I forgot about this matter, so we wanted to make a metaphor that good things come in pairs. In the end, this problem was ignored. But it's okay It was resolved today."

"How did you solve it?" Fan Keqin asked with a smile, "Shall I learn it?"

"Simple." Qian Yu said: "For relatives and friends, add two and one to make five, half and half will be over."

Fan Keqin gave a thumbs up and said, "Simple, efficient, and reasonable. I like this method."

"Okay, I won't chat with you anymore." Qian Yu stood up with a smile, and was about to walk back, but stopped, and said again: "No, are you busy with work today? It's so late?"

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Yes."

Qian Yu asked again: "Is the arrangement ready? Tomorrow is the day."

"Don't worry." Fan Keqin said: "I have arranged all the work that should be arranged, and I don't have to go tomorrow."

"That's fine." After Qian Yu said, he turned and went upstairs.

Seeing that his father went upstairs to sleep, Fan Keqin immediately went back to his room and fell asleep.

The next morning, when Fan Keqin woke up, he found that his father was also up and fully dressed, so he smiled and said, "What's wrong? Father, why did you wake up so early?"

"It's still early? It's already eight o'clock." Qian Yu glanced at his watch and said, "Hurry up and wash up, go out to get your hair done, shave your face, and then have a meal or something. It's almost time. Go again Your father-in-law's family will pick up their father and daughter."

"Hehe." Fan Keqin said: "The arrangements are well organized. Okay, I'll listen to you." After speaking, he also dressed neatly and went out with his father.

After getting in the car, Fan Keqin said: "I have chosen the barber shop a long time ago. I just entered Huangshan District and there is a crossroads. There is a pretty girl barber shop there. The master there is from Shanghai and has an English name. , called 'steal you'!"

(End of this chapter)

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