spy ace

Chapter 825

Chapter 825
Fan Keqin went on to say: "In addition, the Americans are now out. It can be said that although Little Japan is still rampant, failure is almost an inevitable result. It is just a matter of time. We have to consider for the long-term interests of the future. We need to deploy as soon as possible... At least these port cities, we can't give up, especially Hong Kong. Although the British will still be in the territory for a while, in the end, they are still beyond their reach, and the sooner they start, the sooner they will take the initiative."

After Sun Guoxin listened, he didn't answer right away, but fell into silence.It took five or six minutes for him to break this silence, and said, "Keqin, are the properties, land, etc. you bought in Hong Kong just for the purpose of developing in Hong Kong in the future?"

"That's right." Fan Keqin said: "I'm very optimistic about Hong Kong. Once we win the war, Hong Kong will definitely have great development. After all, the infrastructure there is very complete. Little Japan will also build, and he also wants to use the port. So it will definitely be cheaper for us in the future.”

Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "That's right. If you need to move the headquarters of the Security Bureau to Hong Kong, what do you think?"

Fan Keqin laughed and said, "Boss Dai and the old man...can you let us do this?"

Sun Guoxin said: "That's not what it means. It's our main force, the main force we can trust."

Fan Keqin immediately understood what the other party meant. The Security Bureau belonged to the Nationalist Government, so it was natural that Chiang would move wherever he wanted.But definitely not moving to Hong Kong.

But Sun Guoxin was undoubtedly very interested in Fan Keqin's suggestion, after all Fan Keqin was talking about private interests.That is the company's interests.In this regard, Sun Guoxin must be more concerned than the Security Bureau, and it is also related to his vital interests.Definitely going to be number one.

Sun Guoxin continued: "If one day, the war is won, Hong Kong is a concession. But it is only a concession. In the end, it is still ours. Hmm... Keqin, if you feel wronged, transfer to Shanghai as a branch of the Security Bureau The person in charge of the department... would you like to?"

"The lowly position must be followed by the bureau chief." Fan Keqin paused here, and then said: "Then according to the bureau chief's words, transfer the trustworthy people in our security bureau's own hands. In this way, In name, Hong Kong is the territory of the British, but... with these manpower, hehe, it is actually not certain."

Seeing that he agreed happily, Sun Guoxin was also very happy in his heart.After all, he is very worried about sending other people to preside over the situation. At that time, he can use the Security Bureau to set up some special department in Hong Kong, such as a branch office, and transfer Fan Keqin there.Of course, there are actually two of his most trusted confidantes, one is Fan Keqin and the other is Qian Jinxun.

But now that Qian Jinxun is a senior member of the military command bureau, he can't let Qian Jinxun pass by, or he will lose a powerful support in the military command bureau.And he himself is the big boss of the Security Bureau. Even if Fan Keqin went to other places, although there must be some troubles in the headquarters of the Security Bureau, in the final analysis, he can completely control it by himself.

Sun Guoxin nodded, and said: "Well, it's too late to say these things now, and besides, I have sent some of the company's people to Hong Kong. Let's make a stop. So... I will make a decision when the time comes. "

Fan Keqin also agreed: "Well, that's right, it's no problem to make a stand. Besides, the influence of Little Japan has not been suppressed by us yet."

"That's right." Sun Guoxin said: "Fengtian's matter... when do you plan to go there?"

Fan Keqin said: "I tentatively decide the day after tomorrow, because it was only two days ago that the wolves gathered in Fengtian. I guess they are still in the preliminary investigation stage. It is not too anxious." Followed by Yile, he said: " Stay with Xiaoya for another two days. According to the customs of Xiaoya and my father-in-law’s hometown, I will return home in three days. After returning home, I will wait for a day to buffer it before I go.”

Sun Guoxin said: "If it doesn't work...let someone else go."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "It's okay, Chief. Others go...I don't feel at ease. Besides, Chief, don't worry about it. As I said before, I'm just directing and won't participate in specific actions."

Sun Guoxin said: "Well, that's fine. You have to be careful and careful. In addition, you can explain to Xiaoya, I suggest... let alone going to the Japanese occupation area, I have more experience than you in this area. When I entered the industry, the situation was not as bad as it is now, and your eldest sister was always worried when I was on a business trip, but later I learned a good lesson and said that the business trip was also somewhere in the rear."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, that's what I planned too. Choose a place in our Kuomintang-controlled area and tell Xiaoya."

Sun Guoxin said: "Okay, I will also cooperate with you on this side. I just need to reveal a little bit to your elder sister tonight, so that the credibility will become higher, and Xiaoya will not be so worried. It can be said that a thousand All in all, it’s fundamental that you be careful.”

"Understood." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "The humble official will definitely be very cautious."

Right at this point, the buzzer on the desk rang, and Liao Wangkun's voice came out, saying: "Secretary, Secretary Zhuang said that a gentleman surnamed Kong came to Director Fan."

Fan Keqin turned his head to look at Sun Guoxin, and said, "The one surnamed Kong... should be that black market businessman. Go down and have a look."

Sun Guoxin said: "Okay. Then you go."

Fan Keqin got up and went outside, glanced at Liao Wangkun, and said, "Did Xiaoman call just now?"

"Yes." Liao Wangkun said, "Half a minute ago."

"Thank you." Fan Keqin thanked him, turned around and walked downstairs, and when he came to Zhuang Xiaoman's secretary's desk, he asked, "Where is he?"

Zhuang Xiaoman said: "At the door."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, let him in." He opened the door and walked into his office.

After waiting for about five minutes, there was a knock on the door. Zhuang Xiaoman opened the door first and walked in. He said, "Director, Mr. Kong is here." Then he stepped aside.

Kong Sifang nodded politely to Zhuang Xiaoman and said, "Trouble, trouble!"

Fan Keqin looked at Zhuang Xiaoman and said, "Okay. Xiaoman, do your work first."

"Yes!" Zhuang Xiaoman replied, turned and walked out.

Fan Keqin looked up at Kong Sifang, and saw that this guy was wearing a suit, carrying a leather bag, and a top hat. He looked more like a regular businessman than a black market businessman.So he pointed to the opposite chair with a smile, and said, "Sit... How are you doing? Is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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