spy ace

Chapter 826

Chapter 826
Kong Sifang sat down and said, "Sir, it's about the last shipment." As he spoke, he took out two envelopes from his pocket, each of which was bulging.After carefully placing it on the desk, he continued: "I have to say that the goods you provided are really good. You see, after such a long time, nearly half of the small ones have been sold, and the price is also very good. This is Ten thousand and five hundred dollars. You see."

"Oh?" Fan Keqin said with a smile, "Okay, old Kong, you're very agile." As he spoke, he picked up two envelopes and opened them, only to see the rolls of dollars inside, a total of four bundles.There are fifty bills, there are ten bills, there are twenty bills, and there are hundred bills.And it's just a simple classification. It is estimated that the number of various denominations is not the same, so this is the case.But a rough estimate must be more than ten thousand dollars.

Kong Sifang explained: "Sir, it's really not easy to collect dollars, so I let people who buy jewelry can only pay in dollars, so there are all denominations, so I divided them roughly, and then counted the number .”

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "[-], according to the commission I told you, you should get [-] yuan. Fortunately, there is some change here, otherwise it would be difficult to find it for you." Said Come on, I counted out five hundred and twenty-five dollars from it, and handed it to Kong Sifang.

After Kong Sifang took it, he nodded and said, "Thank you, sir, for the reward."

"Hey, you deserve it." Fan Keqin put the two envelopes in his drawer, and asked, "How about it? I just said that I sold about half of it. What about now? Is it okay to sell it?"

Kong Sifang said: "Overall, it is relatively easy to sell. After all, as the little one just said, our goods are really good. However, the speed has not been as good as before in the past two days, but we are still shipping out, and I will pick them up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The goods are also available. Therefore, according to a small estimate, they should be sold out within a month or two."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay, I'll thank you then."

"It's not hard, it should be." After Kong Sifang finished speaking, he got up and said, "Then sir, you are busy, so I won't bother you. Let's go to the market for a while."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "If there is any situation, you can call me directly, or you can find me."

"Yes. I remember it." After Kong Sifang finished speaking, he picked up his briefcase, nodded at Fan Keqin again, turned and walked out.

Fan Keqin waited for him to go out, picked up the phone and called Liao Wangkun. After confirming that Sun Guoxin was still there, he immediately went upstairs with two envelopes.Entered Sun Guoxin's director's office.

After putting the money on the desk, Fan Keqin immediately told the situation of Kong Sifang just now, and finally asked: "Boss, how do you think the benefits for the brothers should be divided?"

Sun Guoxin smiled and said: "You led the team to act, and it was also your plan, so this benefit, you can see the score."

Fan Keqin laughed and said: "How can this be done, but I suggest that this is only half of the payment. So I divided half of the money and divided it equally among the brothers who participated in the operation, and the rest belonged to me. .The other half of the goods, after all the goods are sold, I think I can send them all to my sister-in-law directly. It will also save you the trouble of sending them back and forth."

Sun Guoxin was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Send all the rest of the payment to your sister-in-law? How can that work? Brothers are still working hard." He pondered for a moment, and then said: "I think so , All the money this time was distributed to the brothers who participated in the operation. The other half of the goods, after all the goods are sold...it will not be too late for the two of us to study."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll listen to you. I'll go down now and distribute these benefits to the brothers first."

Sun Guoxin said goodbye again and went downstairs, asking Zhuang Xiaoman to call Huazhang, Kang Changming, Bai Fengtai, Zhao Debiao and others over, then handed the envelope out, saying: "This is the welfare left after the last operation, come here , Divide them up."

Zhao Debiao was the closest, picked up the envelope with a smile, and said: "Thank you, sir, it's so comfortable to follow you, I always think about my brothers." Then he handed the envelope to Huazhang first, and said: "Women are careful, please turn around and trouble Huazhang." The team leader will settle the accounts for my brother."

Huazhang did not refuse to take the envelope, and thanked Fan Keqin again.

Fan Keqin said: "By the way, Huazhang, how is the newcomer?"

Huazhang said: "There are two that are not suitable, I plan to let them go back, and then bring over two good trackers."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay, just tell Wang Zhanyuan about this matter. The next batch of people will come, you can choose by yourself."

Huazhang nodded and said: "Okay. Besides, the team has already started to operate. I will summarize the situation in the past two days later and report to you."

Fan Keqin said: "Yes. But... I may go on a business trip to the rear in two days. If I'm not there, you can make a summary yourself. If you can't, let Lao Kang and Lao Bai from the field team cooperate with you. "

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai asked, "Virgo, do you...do you need to bring your brothers?"

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "No, it's just in the back... All right, you guys go to work. After you go out, call Zhuang Xiaoman in for me."

Everyone agreed and walked out.After a while, Zhuang Xiaoman came in and said, "Virgin, did you call me?"

Fan Keqin said: "I will go on a business trip with me in two days, and the level of confidentiality is high. After you go home, pack up your casual clothes and see if there are any thicker clothes to bring with you. If not, you can just wait until you get to the local area and buy them again." .”

"Understood." Zhuang Xiaoman said: "Is it the day after tomorrow? Then I will prepare my luggage when I get home tonight."

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, you don't need to bring weapons. It's just some normal luggage for going out, and then use the pseudonym certificate."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman said: "I understand the humble job." After a pause, he said: "Virgin, do you need me, let me quietly let out a wind to confuse others' sight?"

After hearing this, Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "No, just now I have accidentally told Lao Bai and the others that I want to go to the rear, but...they are very tight-lipped, so they won't talk about it everywhere. But as long as someone knows, That's it. Don't confuse the public anymore, it seems deliberate."

"Understood." Zhuang Xiaoman said: "Then it will be business as usual."

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, as usual."

After Zhuang Xiaoman went out, Fan Keqin originally wanted to run away and go back to accompany Lu Xiaoya.But Zhang Gengquan, Kong Sanqiao, and Han Qiang came to the door, and they wanted to drag Fan Keqin to have a good drink.Mainly because they got engaged a few days ago, they attended Qian Jinxun's banquet first.

(End of this chapter)

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