spy ace

Chapter 865

Chapter 865
Fan Keqin went on to say: "If you choose the most trusted one of these section chiefs to be your deputy, what is the other party thinking? This is the grace of promotion. In the future, you will definitely follow the example of your leader. What is the effect of this?" Huh? That's why I said, let you find out first whether the rumor is true or not."

Qian Jinxun nodded slowly, and said, "Actually, I have considered what you said." Following him, he leaned over and pointed to his eyes, and said, "Did you see it?"

"What did I see?" Fan Keqin asked, "You... have piercing eyes?"

"Fart!" Qian Jinxun said, "Don't I have dark circles now?"

"Ah." Fan Keqin said: "It's a little bit, what's the matter? Didn't you sleep all night?"

"Sleep must be sleep." Qian Jinxun said: "But I didn't sleep well. It's because of this. Didn't I say that I thought about it too? But there is a situation here, which is really difficult to deal with. "

Fan Keqin wondered, "Let's talk about it, it's not easy to handle."

Qian Jinxun said: "If I make a report myself... this may put my friend in it. In addition, I am afraid that Boss Dai will be suspicious. If he thinks that my eyes and ears are also in the headquarters, it will be even more f*cking." trouble."

"Ah, yes!" Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "Then... I can't do anything about it. No, you can find an opportunity to go to the headquarters to report to Boss Dai. It's easy to find an excuse. The espionage case a while ago must be There must be a breakthrough, and I will report it periodically. If Boss Dai didn’t mention anything, maybe the news might not be accurate. And, brother, you have to think about it, you are in front of Boss Dai, and there are other things in it. As for the face of the boss, how can such a shrewd person as Boss Dai not consider the relationship involved? So no matter what the situation is, I think he will definitely ask for your advice first. He can still say hello without saying hello , just throw a person over if you say airborne?"

"Hmm." Qian Jinxun came to his senses after hearing what he said. It's not that his political sense is worse than Fan Keqin's, but that he's a bit of a fan of the authorities. When it comes to political ability and political skills, most people still It's really not Qian Jinxun's opponent.This came suddenly and got stuck all of a sudden.

Hearing what Fan Keqin said at this moment, he made a "sloppy" sound and said: "I forgot about this, you reminded me well. Yes, yes, yes! I am a bit of a fucking loser, oops... my feet are away It's off the ground, it's off the ground. Isn't it him? What a good thing, your reminder now is really timely. Yes, yes! I will make this stinking problem again in the future, and you remind me like this this time. Even in my opinion, I The matter of being adrift is more serious than any airborne person."

Qian Jinxun turned the corner by himself, and his mind was instantly opened up. Again, his political ability is much higher than Fan Keqin's.So he didn't care much about this matter, because he already had the means to deal with it.So he said happily: "I haven't visited the bureau for nearly two weeks. I will go to see my sister-in-law first tonight."

Seeing him like this, Fan Keqin understood that Qian Jinxun might have figured out at least five or six steps of the situation, and even skipped the solution stage, and started to enter Sun Guoxin's old subordinate mode.So I didn't say any more, and said: "Well, if you understand it, it will be done. Fortunately, you just floated up and are not far from the ground, otherwise you said that you might be blown there by the wind."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin changed the subject and said: "However... your brother and I have just got married, and you also have a lot of things on your hands. If you want to come to Ju Zuo and sister Xia, you must not have noticed it. So... …no problem."

"That's right. That's right." Qian Jinxun took a puff of cigarette happily. Sometimes it's like this. Once you have a response in your heart, you really don't care much.Just like Fan Keqin, he really doesn't care about the suppression of a certain high-ranking member of Shangfeng, that's because his trump card is his technical ability.He is confident that even in the end, he can kill anyone silently, and make it impossible for others to see that he killed the other party.

As for Qian Jinxun, that is his personal connections. He not only has friends at the top of the military command, he also knows the Ministry of National Defense, and even several leaders of the Military Commission.This is also a kind of ability, so once you figure it out, you really don't care much.

Qian Jinxun said: "Come on, let's not talk about this." Then he leaned forward and said in a lower voice than before: "Hey, are you on a business trip to Fengtian?"

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Yes, I just came back from Fengtian."

Qian Jinxun said with a smile: "So, you made up Fengtian's movement, right?"

There is really nothing to say to Qian Jinxun, so he said: "Yes, Little Japan has set up a weapons research institute over there, and I don't know what new weapons they are researching. Therefore, I take this situation very seriously, so I went there in person one trip."

Qian Jinxun flicked the cigarette ash, and said with emotion: "I said you are the smartest in our family, how is it? This ability, huh?" Then he said happily: "It's because of you and my brother, if you run away, you After the devil, no matter what, he can earn the title of an anti-Japanese hero, and this is definitely the future." He gestured with his thumb and said, "So just wait and see, our family will get better."

In fact, their family's situation now belongs to the proper class of the rich. Although it may be between the end of the rich and the middle of the rich, they are still rich.But what Qian Jinxun said is also reasonable, who doesn't hope that their home can be better, in a word, human beings will always be a high-level animal who is not satisfied.But it is also because of dissatisfaction that it will make more and more progress.

Fan Keqin said: "Just wait, those things I made in Hong Kong will definitely make our family take off, I am very confident."

Qian Jinxun smiled and said: "I hope, that ruined place, and it is still the territory of the British. If the war ends, places like Guangzhou and Shanghai will be the golden areas. Hong Kong... should be fine too. After all, it is a port city. The British I won’t give up, and the trade volume should be good.”

"Well. It should be like this." After saying this, Fan Keqin got up and said, "I won't talk to you anymore. I have an appointment with Xiaoya in the afternoon. Is there anything wrong?"

"It's gone." Qian Jinxun said: "Let's have fun, I'll see if I go to Ju Zuo's house at night and bring something for my sister-in-law."

"Well, bye." After Fan Keqin said that, he turned around and left Qian Jinxun's office, went downstairs and drove his own car, heading towards his home.

(End of this chapter)

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