spy ace

Chapter 866 Precautions

Chapter 866 Precautions
The date with Lu Xiaoya was still very happy. After watching an old movie in Fan Keqin's eyes, after dinner, the two went shopping again, and then returned home.

But the next morning, after Fan Keqin finished washing, he came to the study and began to write and draw on the document paper.The most important thing is the investigation of the military because of the new authority added by the Investigation Department.

Fan Keqin believes that this matter should not be too passive.What do you mean, it's like an ordinary case.Wait for something to happen in a certain place, and then investigate afterwards, even if the person is caught in the end, the information may have been sent out.So Fan Keqin's strategy is to prevent problems before they happen.

What do you mean? It's very simple.Fan Keqin was in the criminal police team in his previous life, and there was almost no problem with electricity in their bureau.Later, after an old electrician retired, he couldn't say that there were always problems with electricity, but it was not as good as when the old electrician was there. He even had four power failures within a month.

The leaders of the bureau personally inquired about this matter, and then they realized that the old electrician was very skilled, and everything seemed to be normal. And directly ruled it out, which caused him to have almost no problems with electricity when he was there.

There is an old saying in China, that is, one way can lead a hundred ways.That is to say, all walks of life are definitely different, but some of the truths are completely interlinked.Fan Keqin, who was a policeman in his previous life, naturally understands that maintaining long-term social order and stability is also a principle: one cannot always wait for a case to appear before solving the case.Early prevention is also very important.At the very least, you should use preventive measures such as increasing patrolling, issuing temporary residence permits, and registering the living conditions of each community. Although it cannot completely eliminate the occurrence of illegal crimes, it can indeed effectively reduce the crime rate.

Therefore, Fan Keqin intends to use this method now, so he followed his own ideas in detail, combined some situations in the military with each other, and customized three major types of means to prevent leaks, namely: inspection mechanism, supervision mechanism, and investigation mechanism .

The inspection mechanism is to randomly check the situation of each army from time to time, such as whether military regulations and disciplines have been effectively implemented.For example, for the communication group in the military, whether it is standardized when sending and receiving intelligence or information, what is the process, and whether this process can be effectively guaranteed when it is implemented, so as to prevent people who have nothing to do with this information from being able to contact it superior.

In this way, if the regulations are implemented, even if the occurrence of leaks cannot be completely eliminated, it can definitely reduce the chance.Even in the event of an accident, the scope can be quickly narrowed down.Because after all, the information is controlled in a certain small circle, if something goes wrong, it may be that a certain person or link in this small circle made a mistake.

You must know that the little Japanese devils have a lot of experience in infiltration warfare. If there are little Japanese spies in a certain army, it will really have quite serious consequences.Therefore, once this inspection mechanism is implemented, it will form effective protective measures to isolate spies and others outside the protection circle. If he insists on entering it, he will naturally get a feedback of information. At least he is almost at a loss afterwards. Hidden.

The supervision mechanism is actually a supplement to the inspection mechanism, because it is impossible for the Security Bureau to always send inspection teams, so it is necessary to set up supervision and inspectors within the army, which is like a secret post of an agency.With him, you may feel normal, whether you should go to work or go to work every day, there is no difference.But if you look at it again, if these sentries really don't exist, then it's not a question of whether you can go to work normally.Just if outsiders enter casually, and the confidential department has no gate, you can directly slap your claws.

The third point, that is, the investigation mechanism, is also very easy to understand, that is, once something really happens, such as a leak.You feel like, since it's out of the way, let it be.impossible!Therefore, Fan Keqin's investigation mechanism is a principle. If there is some kind of accident in the army, it must be investigated to the end, especially the espionage case involving leaks, so the case will never be closed or the case will be closed. Hang up and say.Even if the person who stole the secret is finally found out, he has fled back to Japan.Then I will try my best to figure out this person's movements. As long as there is a slight chance, no matter where this guy is, he must be killed or secretly arrested.

These three mechanisms, Fan Keqin wrote very carefully, one by one is very detailed.Of course, he definitely can't just work behind closed doors. Sometimes he will go to the bureau to check the files, or mobilize some documents, so as to understand the situation of the army.Otherwise, it will cause problems if you apply it mechanically.It's like American spy training materials, if they are thrown directly on the Asian battlefield, it will be a proper big garbage.

Therefore, Fan Keqin will be mainly busy with this matter for the next month or so.Fortunately, he really has something in his stomach, otherwise it would be very difficult for anyone to deal with this matter.Even so, after Fan Keqin finished it, he still felt that he would definitely encounter many difficulties in the actual implementation, the most important being the army of the government, although Lao Jiang was the highest military leader in name.But in fact, many of them are actually troops of warlords in various places.However, in order to fight against Little Japan, they gathered into the current appearance, which is still very admirable.

But in this way, the armies of various forces almost have their own set of rules, which made Fan Keqin face a difficult situation.But there is no way now, unless there is a strong unification, otherwise there is really no way to prevent leaks.

That being the case, Fan Keqin couldn't force it, it was out of his control.That is the problem of the government, he is not so capable of making the government obey him.

Bringing the documents he had edited and sorted out, Fan Keqin went out in a suit and started to work.After arriving at the security bureau, he went upstairs and walked into the director's office through Liao Wangkun.

Putting his own proposal on Sun Guoxin's desk, he said: "Boss, this is a detailed proposal about the right to investigate military aircraft. Please go over it and help me correct it."

Sun Guoxin hadn't seen Fan Keqin much in the past month, but he knew that Fan Keqin was not the kind of idler who idly waited to die, and had always been conscientious, so he didn't bother him.

(End of this chapter)

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