spy ace

Chapter 876 Finding the Target

Chapter 876 Finding the Target
Sun Guoxin said: "Then let them suspend. I think that Lao Duan's sense of secrecy is still very strong. Only a few people must know about the plan, or even only himself. Therefore, if he does not move, it will definitely not involve Leak. Ask your investigation team to contact Lao Duan to learn more about his plan, and then they will serve as special informers to report to us... Forget it, simply, let them enter Sichuan directly after contact. Let's understand in person I'll talk about it later."

Fan Keqin nodded, knowing in his heart that Sun Guoxin was a little worried about Duan Yaodong.But I couldn't say anything more, so I said: "Okay, I will go back and send a report to the investigation team."

Sun Guoxin said: "Well, that's it, let's wait for a while."

Fan Keqin smoked another cigarette with Sun Guoxin, got up and left.After arriving downstairs, I ordered Zhuang Xiaoman to send a report to the five-person investigation team, and to stop talking about other situations...

That's it, nothing happened for the next three days.On the fourth day, Huazhang found Fan Keqin and reported the progress to him, because Gao Haiyang received the information of the special frequency band again.

Huazhang said: "Virgin, this is the specific content. Please have a look at the original translation of Gao Haiyang's translation when he received it." He said, and handed a piece of ordinary letter paper to Fan Keqin.

Fan Keqin took it and looked at it in front of his eyes, only to see that there were numbers and words written on it, and there were words under the numbers.Obviously, those numbers are passwords, and the text below is the specific content after Gao Haiyang's free translation.

The letter paper read: "No.[-] Middle School, Zero Four, Four Zero Seven."

Don't look at the translation, it's all numbers, and there's only one word in it.But code words are like this, and they must be strictly in accordance with the format.Otherwise, numbers are directly used to represent the corresponding numbers in the code, wouldn't it be a clear code?So it is not surprising.

Huazhang explained next to him: "When Gao Haiyang was receiving the broadcast yesterday, our technical team was monitoring the whole process. The numbers reported, that is, the passwords were all the same as what they heard. Combined with Gao Haiyang's confession The corresponding codebook, after free translation, is indeed the content. Therefore, Beizhi believes that Gao Haiyang did not tamper with it, and his credibility is still very high."

Speaking of this, Huazhang paused, pointed to the first paragraph on the letter paper, and said, "The fourth middle refers to the middle of April. Gao Haiyang said that this time is normal. After all, no one can guarantee that the boat will not be bad for a day. , Therefore, this time is not precise, but generally speaking, it should be within a few days from April [-]th to April [-]th. The zero four in the middle, Gao Haiyang said, is the number of four people. The last one One group, [-] is the mark of that ship. This is what they agreed at the beginning, otherwise without any mark, Gao Haiyang would not be able to determine which ship he wanted to pick up."

"En." Fan Keqin said after listening, "That is to say, this ship that needs Gao Haiyang's support has the three numbers [-] on it, or [-] graffiti?"

Huazhang nodded and said, "Gao Haiyang said that this is a high probability, but no matter how to express this group of numbers, people who know it will definitely think of the number [-] when they see the boat."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, I understand. It may also be the workers' number uniforms worn by the people inside, or the number [-] on the canopy. In short, this ship must have this recognizable mark."

"Yes." Huazhang nodded and said, "Virgin, there are still nine days until mid-April, and the boat may already be on its way."

Fan Keqin nodded, reached out and pressed the buzzer button, and said, "Xiaoman, ask Xiong Bashan to come to my office."

"Understood." After Zhuang Xiaoman agreed, she fell into silence.

About two minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Zhuang Xiaoman opened it from the outside, and Xiong Bashan walked in behind.Said: "Virgin, are you looking for me?" Then he turned his head to look at Hua Zhang, and said with a smile: "Group leader Hua is also here."

Zhuang Xiaoman was already winking at this time, and went out and closed the door.So Fan Keqin waved his hand and told them to sit down.Said: "Bashan, remember the last time I found you, now I can tell you some characteristics of the ship..."

After that, Fan Keqin explained the situation just now, and finally said: "This is the situation now. In short, let the brothers along the way pay attention to the number [-]. It should be no problem."

Xiong Bashan replied: "Don't worry, Virgo, there is absolutely no problem. After I go out, I will immediately inform the brothers along the way, and let them always pay attention to a boat with four people and the number [-], even if it is graffitied by children, or It is the number [-] vaguely formed by the peeling paint on the hull, as long as you have a ship with this number, report it to the headquarters immediately."

"That's right, that's what it means." Fan Keqin pointed at Huazhang, and said, "After you get the news, remember to notify Huazhang as soon as possible, and pay attention to timely communication."

Xiong Bashan agreed: "Yes, I have written it down."

After letting the two of them leave, Fan Keqin began to wait for news. After all, he was one of the senior leaders of the Security Bureau, and it was impossible to do everything by himself.Doing that is not conducive to the growth of his subordinates.

So another two days passed. In the evening of this day, Fan Keqin had just finished dinner with Lu Xiaoya and was about to take a bath when the phone rang at home.

Fan Keqin said as he walked, "Honey, turn on the water for me, I'll answer the phone."

Lu Xiaoya agreed and walked towards the bathroom.Now she is also somewhat infected by Fan Keqin, or assimilated.The mandarin duck bath is a very good project that enhances the relationship between two people.So a little bit of fun.

Fan Keqin came to the phone, picked up the receiver and said, "Hello? Who are you looking for?"

"Boss, it's me." Huazhang's voice sounded, and he said, "Big Bear, you just informed me that the batch of seafood has arrived."

Fan Keqin understood as soon as he heard it, that this was Xiongba Mountain on the waterway entering Sichuan, and the eyeliner arranged along the way had already spotted the target ship.But it is definitely not convenient to explain clearly on the phone. Even if the technical team of the Telecommunications Department checks the office of the senior leadership of the Security Bureau, the telephone lines at home, etc., it cannot be said to be [-]% safe.

In the entire Security Bureau, there is only one dedicated line for Sun Guoxin, and there is a dedicated technical team that checks every day.to ensure its safety.

After all, that's the way the phone is these days. It really doesn't matter how safe it is, and it doesn't even need so much advanced technology. As long as you connect to a part of the machine privately in a certain place, you can monitor it.

(End of this chapter)

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