spy ace

Chapter 877

Chapter 877
Of course, having said that, due to the limited cultural level of the people these days, even this method is unknown to the vast majority of people.Even some special agents may not be able to understand it.

After all, there are specialized workers in the technology industry, so what do telecommunications talents do?So the focus is different.But you have to say, are there any all-round agents?Lurking, stealth, assassination, telecommunications, driving, foreign languages, etc., of course, there are also plenums.But these are the few of the few.Even in Britain, the oldest spy country, such all-round agents are very rare.

Considering the safety issue, Fan Keqin said, "Well, where is it convenient for me to go?"

Huazhang said: "Do you know the Bull Bar?"

"I've heard of it." Fan Keqin said, "The one on Little Nanjing Road?"

"Yes." Hua Zhang said, "I'll wait for you here."

"Well, I'll see you later." After Fan Keqin finished speaking, he hung up the phone, turned to the bathroom and said, "Dear student Lu Xiaoya, I have to go out for a while."

Lu Xiaoya was turning on the water, when she heard this, she came out of the bathroom and asked, "What, it's about work?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "You can take some red wine to take a bath yourself, but ah, don't soak for too long, if you fall asleep, you will catch a cold easily."

Lu Xiaoya smiled and said, "Well, I know, then you should come back sooner."

Chongqing in April is actually not too cold. If you want to put it in the north, you may have to wear a cotton coat.In addition, Fan Keqin's physical fitness is also on display here, so there is no problem at all if he wears a windbreaker over his suit.

After going out the door, I drove for about ten minutes and turned into Little Nanjing Road.It is said that Chongqing's terrain is undulating, so this is a very three-dimensional city.When you stand on the street, you may look to the left and see the buildings and streets going up one level above the other.Looking to the right, sometimes you can see far away, so the terrain goes down again, which is a very interesting feature.

And Little Nanjing Road is located in such a terrain. When Fan Keqin turned in, he first found a small alley and parked his car in it.

Then Fan Keqin wandered around, admiring this unique three-dimensional effect, and found a bar with an all-wooden entrance.There is also a pair of typical American bull horns hanging above the bar door.

Yes, this is a difference between Eastern and Western cultures.Because cattle in Asia, especially in China, whether in sculptures or paintings, its horns are all backwards.In the West, whether it is European countries or the United States, the horns of the cow are all forward.This is also related to their national character, and they are relatively aggressive.

For example, the word pirate is synonymous with robber in our country, but Westerners think pirate is passionate, even romantic.

Sometimes, their culture can indeed make human beings more adventurous and make progress.But sometimes... also very fucked up!And even a little more when fucked.

But now... well, it's still an ally, so when and what to do.

Fan Keqin pushed open the wooden door of the bar and walked in, only to see a foreigner dressed like a western cowboy who was behind the bar, wiping his wine glass and talking nonsense to the customers on the bar.

And the customers in this bar are also of all kinds, both Chinese and foreign.Looks like business is going really well.Fan Keqin just looked at Huazhang and Xiong Bashan, who were sitting next to them in a booth with a [-]-degree backrest.

This kind of booth is also very tiring to sit on, because the back of the chair is vertical, if you lean back, your waist will feel uncomfortable after a while.Do you want to rely on it?Same tired waist.

Fan Keqin came to the bar and said, "I'll kick you with a cup of horse! Dabo!"

The man dressed in cowboy gestured an OK gesture and said in a mouthful of fluent Chinese, "Is this your first time, buddy? I haven't seen you before."

"That's right." Fan Keqin said: "It is said that the wine here is all good stuff."

"Haha." The cowboy laughed, talking nonsense, and said: "Of course, it took me a lot of effort to ship it from the United States. Do you know? I know a British naval officer who went to Asia to carry out missions. It’s because of the warship he was on that he was able to get here. You just drink.” After finishing a sentence, Fan Keqin had already handed the double copy of “Horse Kicking You”.

Fan Keqin picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, um, it feels okay, without adding much water.So he said: "Well, the taste is really good, let's have a double serving."

The cowboy helped him pour the wine again, Fan Keqin didn't talk to him this time, and went directly to the booth with the wine.Sitting in that upright chair that he hated so much.

Fan Keqin took another sip of his drink and asked in a low voice, "How is it? What's the matter?"

Xiong Bashan answered in a low voice, "Just half an hour ago, I just received a telegram from Shishou's brother. They found the target ship, and I immediately told Xiaohua."

Hua Zhang said: "Well, I called you again immediately. This bar is not far from the contact group I specially set up, so I agreed to meet you here."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "What did Shishou's brother say? Can you confirm it?"

Xiong Bashan said: "Don't worry, the boss, they can confirm it. It is a medium-to-large-sized river-running cargo ship. I didn't see the cargo warehouse inside, but the outer deck is basically full of wooden cargo boxes. The labels on the cargo boxes are Four and seven."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Generally, this kind of cargo ship will still be inspected after entering Sichuan, right?"

Xiong Bashan said: "Yes, basic cargo ships will be inspected, and the cargo will be registered."

Fan Keqin looked at Huazhang and said, "Then do an inspection, what do you think?"

Huazhang said: "Well, I also think so. Boarding the ship in the name of inspection, the distance is short, and the situation can be controlled in an instant. Next, we can do whatever we want."

Fan Keqin said: "Shishou is not too far from Wuhan. Wait a minute, let them go deeper. It can be near Padang or Wushan. The waterways there are relatively narrow. You only need to hide two With a small cannon, even if things go very badly and accidents happen frequently, and we directly sink the opponent in the end, we have nothing to lose."

Huazhang said: "Well, I understand, I will arrange it when I get back, but we don't have guns."

Fan Keqin said: "It's okay, I'll say hello to the city defense command, and it's not a problem to get two cannons."

(End of this chapter)

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