spy ace

Chapter 894 Tracking

Chapter 894 Tracking
Another point is the most important.From various indications, the actions of these spies were not for robbery at all.Therefore, Fan Keqin judged that their goal was definitely not as simple as attacking a certain institution or grabbing a hand.

Fan Keqin looked at every marked point on the map in detail, and found nothing wrong.Since you haven't figured it out, just wait. Anyway, it's good that people can keep an eye on it, and they will figure it out in the end.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Huazhang called to report that the boat had arrived.Gao Haiyang is following Little Japan's instructions, pretending to clear up the relationship, and taking advantage of his position to give the green light to the cargo ship.

Soon, at [-]:[-], the cargo on the ship was eligible for random inspection.And the person who checked was deliberately arranged by Gao Haiyang.After boarding the ship, he pretended to open a few boxes, and after registering a record, it was considered as finished.

Next, the cargo ship waited quietly at the berth for about ten minutes. Several stevedores who were waiting for work on the dock came over. One of them looked like the leader of the gang. After seeing the cargo ship, he smiled at the people on board. Said: "Boss, do you need to unload the goods?"

When the water snake heard it, he turned to look at him, then took off the cigarette stuck on his left ear, and said, "We have already connected the car, so you don't need it." Then he took out a match, lit the cigarette and took a puff .

Seeing this, the leader of the stevedore said with a smile: "Boss, we are very cheap, and our hands and feet are neat. There is absolutely no chance of bumps and bumps. You can give ten or twenty yuan to this cargo."

The water snake didn't answer right away, but took another puff of cigarette slowly, threw the remaining half of the cigarette into the water, and said: "Well, then you have to be careful, don't talk about wages if you bump into it, I will I have to ask you to accompany me with something."

"Don't worry." The head stevedore took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, handed another one to the water snake, and said, "I will never damage your cargo, boss."

After the two sang together, the deal was concluded immediately.With a wave of his hand, the little leader took two of his workers onto the cargo ship, leaving one to watch the cargo outside.

Water Snake led them into the cabin, and the Three Body Buddha, Cotton Cotton, Qian Liju and others also greeted them. Water Snake nodded to him and said, "That's right."

Seeing this, the Three Body Buddha looked at the stevedores, quickly bowed slightly, and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

The other party also bowed quickly, and before he could speak, the Three Body Buddha waved his hand and said, "As soon as possible, I will show you the goods." He said and walked inside.

When he got to the innermost side, the Three Body Buddha reached out and moved the top box to the side, pointed to the exposed stack of goods inside, and said: "The bottom box in this stack, and its left The box at the bottom of the stack is what you want, so you must pay attention to it."

"Yes." The head stevedore nodded quickly, and said: "I understand." Then he turned his head and said, "Hurry up, pull the cart over, and then load a normal cargo first, observe the situation, and then The second trip is transporting these two boxes."

"Yes!" The two stevedores behind also nodded quickly, turned and walked out.

The stevedore leader nodded again like a kowtow, and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't talk to you more. If we meet again in the future, we must have a good get-together."

The three-body Buddha said: "It's all for the sacred mission, thank you for your hard work."

The stevedore leader walked out, and the three-body Buddha waved his hand, and the water snake, the thousand-mile horse, and Mian Mian followed suit.Like a supervisor, staring at these "stevedores" unloading.

Not to mention, the speed of these spies is really not slow, there are two trolleys in total.Two people moved the goods. After the two people below caught them, they began to stack them on the cart, and when they were almost loaded, they pulled them away, and then moved them to the two horse-drawn carts they hired temporarily outside the pier.

In this way, the two trolleys went back and forth in a cycle, and it took about an hour to unload a whole load of goods.

After unloading the goods, the Three-body Buddha pretended to hand over the money to the little boss, saying: "Good job, I will look for you next time when the goods are delivered." Then he whispered, "Please take care of everything."

The stevedore, when receiving the money, whispered: "Please don't worry." Then he said in a normal voice, "Thank you boss for the reward. I wish you a fortune."

Following him, he turned around and left with the last cart. When he was about to load the carriage, he said, "Leave two boxes for this boss." Then he came to the side of a small car next to him with a flattering expression. , said: "Boss, the goods are almost delivered, can you open the trunk?"

The driver got down from above, opened the trunk with a key, and said, "Put it on. The rest of the goods will be delivered to No. [-], Warehouse Street. Don't make a mistake."

"You can't be wrong." The little stevedore and another worker loaded the last two boxes of cans into the trunk, then turned around, and said, "Let's go, Warehouse Street." Then jumped onto the shaft of the big carriage superior.

They were about to leave here. In the lounge of the checkpoint about [-] or [-] meters across the street, to be more precise, it should be the back room of the lounge. A Security Bureau agent dressed as an inspector immediately picked up the phone. After dialing a number, he said straightforwardly: "Maybe we need to split up, two big carriages, and a car No. [-], the goods are in the car. You can let the brothers on both sides of the street follow." After finishing speaking, he put down the phone directly.

Huazhang on the other end of the phone put down the phone, immediately dialed another number, then turned around and said, "Brother Bai, ask your people to follow the big carriage."

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai in the back immediately turned around and gave some instructions to the two agents dressed as passers-by.The two quickly walked out of the door of the restaurant, wiped their mouths pretendingly, got on the car, and began to follow the two big carriages.

Huazhang said to the receiver: "The car with code number [-]." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

The two bicycles at the left end of the street are looking at the window of the opposite cafe from time to time.The window was open, depending on where a person was sitting, he pushed down his hand like a cover, then stretched out three fingers, then changed to stretch out the big finger and little finger, and shook it, and finally Extend your index finger.

One of them, in plain clothes, saw it and said in a low voice, "Car, number [-]."

"I saw it." Another plainclothes said, "Get in the car."

(End of this chapter)

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