spy ace

Chapter 895 Food Company

Chapter 895 Food Company
The two of them then stepped onto the bicycle.Almost at the same time, a black car passed by the alley in front of them, made a turn, and drove towards the street on the south side.The two plainclothes agents of the Security Bureau also stepped hard and rode out of the small alley where they were hiding.

Huazhang was on the second floor of the hotel, picked up the phone again, and called the field team.Zhao Debiao, who was standing there, reached out to pick it up and said, "Hello?"

"Tiger." Huazhang said: "I am following, you and your brothers can move according to the plan."

"Understood." Zhao Debiao said, and hung up the phone.Turning his head to Kang Changming and the others, he said, "According to the plan, go quietly to the main roads."

Needless to say the rest, because the captains of the Field Service Corps had already made an agreement with Hua Zhang.And their task is also very simple, that is to let the team members dressed as passers-by take their positions at roads, stations, docks, etc. out of the city.As soon as Huazhang made a move, he immediately blocked the key points of leaving the city.And see the suspicious element first take it down.

In addition, there are two other field teams who stay at the headquarters of the Security Bureau. When they need support, they can take a car to any place in the city at any time.

Huazhang is light in smoke. When I first learned it, it was because of social needs.Although she is a woman, it is very popular for women to smoke cigarettes these days. Therefore, after entering the military command, if you say that someone handed you a cigarette, it is not good for you to refuse to take it.That's how I learned it.But she now smokes very lightly, sometimes only one or two a day, but with more and more work, after Fan Keqin asked her to lead the team independently, her cigarettes became four or five a day.

But this is already considered very light, and it is almost the same as not smoking.But now Huazhang has been drawn, this is because Huazhang is independently directing this operation after all.Although before coming to the security bureau, she was also the captain, and she once led a team to arrest spies alone.

But this time the scale was different. Her security team was in charge of the whole plan, and the pressure was not insignificant.But just as Fan Keqin said, Huazhang's talent is really good, although the pressure is not small, but her psychological quality is really good.

He also waited patiently. About half an hour later, the phone rang "jingling", Huazhang immediately picked up the receiver and said, "Hello?"

A male voice came from the opposite side, saying: "The target entered No. [-], Sidao Street, Zhongyuan South Road. It is a food company called Dadong."

"Understood." Hua Zhang put down the phone directly, looked at Bai Fengtai, and said, "Brother Bai, Dadong Food Company, No. [-], Sidao Street, Zhongyuan South Road. Let's go."

Bai Fengtai nodded, and told a person on the side: "Wait for the call, and be ready to act at any time."

Huazhang thought for a while, then picked up the phone and called the Security Bureau. After passing Zhuang Xiaoman, Fan Keqin's voice came and said, "What's the matter?"

Huazhang said: "Boss, at present, the time when the other party finds that there is a problem with the goods may be delayed. Should we also postpone it later?"

Fan Keqin said: "What you say counts. But let me remind you, there may be a rush hour after get off work in a while, and there will definitely be more people on the street than now, so you have to consider it comprehensively."

"Understood." Huazhang said: "The humble job will be handled flexibly according to the specific situation."

After hanging up the phone, Huazhang and Bai Fengtai left the hotel where they were hiding, and drove directly to Sidao Street, South Zhongyuan Road.

Soon, a small shop with a telephone in the house was requisitioned. This shop is located on this street, so it is still some distance from No. [-].And there is only one person in the small shop watching the shop.It can be said that it was under control in an instant, and it would not attract anyone's attention at all.

Soon, Huazhang secretly summoned his subordinates, sent someone to pretend to be a shop assistant, and sent two new faces to replace the two following brothers.

After about a few minutes, the two agents who followed the car came back.Huazhang raised his head and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The agent on the left said: "These guys are very courageous. The car stopped at the gate of Dadong Food Company in such a bright manner, and the goods in the trunk were not transported into the company at all. The two people followed the car all the way. On the way back, the car did not stop at other places, but arrived at the food company at a constant speed."

The agent on the right interfaced and said: "Then the car stopped at the entrance of Dadong Food Company. Two people got out of the car, one was the driver, and the other was sitting in the back seat. After getting off the car, go straight into the company, It hasn't come out until now."

Huazhang nodded and said, "Are you sure, the goods must still be in the car?"

"Absolutely sure." The agent on the left said: "Unless the brothers at the dock didn't see right at the time, the things were not moved into the car at all. The trunk was never opened until the two people entered."

The agent on the right also nodded and said: "That's right, the car never left our sight for a moment."

Huazhang nodded, and said: "Very well, this is a trick to get dark under the lights. A car parked at the door on purpose seems normal. If you open the trunk and take out those two boxes of goods, someone might notice it instead. .”

Following Huazhang and looking at the two people, he asked, "What is the size of Dadong Company? Describe it."

"It's not big." The agent on the left said: "It's a two-story office building, but it's a small building. There are only two windows on each floor. But it's not clear whether there is a back door. The two of us didn't dare to look at it. Transfer from that car."

"Yes." Huazhang said, "You did it right." Following her, she reached out and pointed at the other two agents, and said, "You two should go to the back door to watch now, and if there is any situation, call back immediately."

"Yes." The two plainclothes agents she pointed to answered directly, turned around and left behind the small shop.

Huazhang asked again: "Is there anyone in that company? Have you noticed?"

"There is someone." The agent on the right said: "We are using a cross-surveillance perspective, so I saw a figure moving behind those few windows. In addition, not far from the entrance on the first floor of the company, there is a transceiver There is an old man sitting in the room or the porter's room, and his humble job can see clearly."

The agent on the left said: "The car just stopped like that, the old man seems to be able to see the car."

Huazhang listened, thought for a while, and said: "There are two windows on each floor, and there are four windows at the front and back..."

(End of this chapter)

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