spy ace

Chapter 896

Chapter 896

Huazhang calculated again in detail, and finally said: "The other party is a food company, so there are not too many people inside. However, the key vehicles are parked outside, so there are two possibilities. Immediate action, and It's not time to act yet. If there is no need to act yet...the other party may go to see someone or some place."

As she said that, she picked up the phone, called the Security Bureau again, and communicated with the field staff.Let them be ready to prepare two teams at any time, because they may start to arrest people at any time.

Next, Huazhang began to wait patiently again. After about half an hour, the agent monitoring the food company finally returned.Two people went out and drove the car away, and a brother had already attached it.

This time, after about twenty minutes, the call came again, reporting that the car had entered a single-family house on Shanshi Road, XC District.

Huazhang didn't dare to wait any longer, no matter what the other party's situation was, if the explosives were found to have been tampered with by the other party, they might react instantly as something wrong.At the very least, alertness will increase.Therefore, Huazhang issued a series of orders in succession.

First of all, the people who stared at Li Bing and Gao Haiyang immediately took them down.Larger targets such as food companies and warehouses are ready to be arrested no matter who is inside.She herself led a group of people straight to the rocky road in the XC area.

After arriving at the place, Huazhang finished the arrangement, and made a series of phone calls again, telling the people who had arranged before to do it immediately.Putting down the phone, Huazhang drew out his Colt pistol and said, "Are you surrounded?"

One of the agents nodded and said, "The brothers are already defending the target."

Huazhang said: "Leave four people on all sides to see if there are any fish that slip through the net. The rest will attack from all sides at the same time, and try to catch them alive. If there is any resistance, you can shoot. The countdown is one minute and the action starts on time!"

It is said that the car drove into a detached courtyard, but this detached courtyard is not that kind of villa, it is a bit like a country-style house.Although it is also on the second floor, it is a small square building of red bricks, a bit like a shrunken slab building, with a surrounding wall around it.

So after a minute, the security bureau agents who were in charge of attacking on all sides began to rush towards the wall.

When he reached the bottom, he put his foot on the wall, and with his arms supported, he rolled over.The agents who attacked at the main entrance were even more brutal. The courtyard door was made of wood. Two strong agents rushed forward with a "bang" sound and smashed the door open. Following the people behind, they quickly went in with their guns in their hands. break into.

Huazhang is the commander-in-chief and doesn't need to move, but this is the first time she is in charge of such a large operation, and she is still a little uneasy.He walked in at the end with a gun.

When the Security Bureau was established, it was different from the Military Command Bureau, and was more oriented toward action, so it could be said that it was better at attacking a certain building than the Military Command Bureau.The speed is very fast. After entering, every three people will be in groups, and when they meet people in the middle, they will put their hands down first.When encountering a little bit of resistance and hesitation, he directly shoots and knocks him down.Don't give the other party any chance at all.

Therefore, after Huazhang went in at the back, not long after, each team member began to report according to the regulations: "The east room has been controlled." "The north room on the second floor has been controlled." "A total of one person was killed on the first floor, and three were killed ."and many more.

After Huazhang heard this, he immediately said: "Has anyone slipped through the net? Go and check with the brothers on the periphery personally."

"Yes." After hearing this, an agent ran forward and ran outside.

Huazhang said again: "Go and call the headquarters and ask them to send a car to transport all the survivors back, and let them prepare the interrogation room."

A person next to him answered and went to do it.About ten minutes later, the General Affairs Office of the Security Bureau sent a truck.This group of people immediately began to escort all the arrested boys up.

Huazhang casually ordered five agents, and said, "Stay here and search carefully to see if there are any useful clues that have been missed. If there is any situation, call the headquarters immediately to contact me."

After finishing speaking, with another wave of his hand, Huazhang led the people out of the small courtyard and boarded the truck.

Huazhang naturally went to the co-pilot in front, and the rest of them all entered the back compartment, watching the gang of captured survivors by the way.

The car drove in the direction of the Security Bureau again, and ten minutes later, it entered the compound of the Security Bureau.As a result, following Huazhang and the others, three trucks and four cars came in almost front and rear.

These are people who were captured in food companies, dock warehouses and other places.Huazhang got out of the car and listened to their respective reports for a while, a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.All went relatively smoothly.

Originally, if you do mental calculations but don't care, no matter how powerful you are, you will be afraid of sneak attacks.One party knows your situation, but you don't know the existence of the other party, and suddenly no one can stand it.

In addition, the number of people in the operation of the Security Bureau is very sufficient. It can be said that it used several times the strength of the opponent, and the equipment is also high-grade. Therefore, how can these spies react without knowing it?When you know, the opponent's gun is already on your head.It can be said that Huazhang's arrangement this time is properly in the style of Fan Keqin, with the same feeling of inheritance.

However, there were indeed spies who resisted fiercely, but they were attacked by surprise after all, and they were shot before the action expanded.Thus, a total of four people were killed, five were seriously injured, and nine survived.

Hua Zhang said: "Send all the seriously injured people to the medical office, and come back as soon as possible. The dead will be searched again in detail, then photographed, registered, and first pulled to the morgue."

Having said that, Huazhang looked at the captains of the three security teams who had come back, the Three Body Buddha, Firefox, and the Baron, and said: "This time you take the lead in this interrogation, and you should first find out the other party's online and offline according to the plan. You can wait. Act."

"Yes!" The three stood up to answer, and immediately began to arrange people to start the surprise interrogation work.

Huazhang came to Fan Keqin's office and said, "Has the Virgo left yet?"

Zhuang Xiaoman said with a smile: "The seat orders, you can go in directly when you come."

"Thanks." Huazhang smiled at Zhuang Xiaoman, turned around and knocked on the door, then turned the handle and walked in.Seeing her enter the room, Fan Keqin looked up and down, and said, "Successful?"

Huazhang said: "Successful." Then he briefly talked about the action situation, and reported the results of the battle, and finally said: "Only one brother suffered a small injury, which was a contusion. He was injured when he broke into the food company and kicked the door. Arrived. Other than that, there is no loss."

(End of this chapter)

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