Chapter 157
Koji Baba ordered two rickshaws, one for Yu Shi and Yinger, and one for himself.

The two cars followed each other and drove towards Gulou Park.

The Drum Tower and the Bell Tower stand opposite each other. It was first built in Hongwu of Ming Dynasty, and was burned down by war. It was rebuilt with a stele in Kangxi of Qing Dynasty.Now, the government of the Republic of China has renovated it and built a Drum Tower Park for citizens to enjoy.

Baba Koji and Yu Shi, one on each side, held Ying'er's hand, and walked towards the park talking and laughing.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is definitely a happy family of three.

Climb up the tower, pass through three coupon gates, and come to Changyin Pavilion.

Changyin Pavilion has a central hall and two side halls, east and west. Koji Baba visited all the halls and found that there is nothing in these three halls except the couplets carved on the pillars by some celebrities, and the three halls are not connected back and forth. , the police station to the north cannot be seen from the temple.

So, this is not a good sniping location.

The three climbed to the highest floor again, and this is the real Drum Tower.

There are big drums, snare drums, gobans, clocks, etc. in the building, which look like antiques, and the building is transparent on all sides and surrounded by railings.

Yu Shi and Yingzi looked around the big drum with great interest, and tourists in twos and threes came in and out of the building, and an old man with a broom and dustpan cleaned up the garbage left by the tourists at any time.

Koji Baba walked to the north railing by himself, and looked far into the distance, he could see the cityscape of Nanjing without any special identification. He saw the sign in front of the NJ City Police Department at a glance.

It was about 300 meters, which was completely within the effective range of the sniper rifle. Not to mention the magnifying scope on the sniper rifle, even with the naked eye, a sniper with good eyesight could clearly see the situation at the gate of the police station.

"Well, this is an excellent sniping location." Koji Baba nodded secretly.

"However, there are a lot of tourists here. Look at the old man, he should belong to the park management office. He often guards here to sprinkle and sweep. After Dawei succeeds, he can completely ignore the existence of these people, but it is not easy to hide here. You can't take out a sniper rifle to kill people in front of these people, can you?" Bachanghao thought.

He moved his figure slowly, looking up, trying to find a place where Dawei Shizhi could hide his figure.

The roof of the building is in the shape of a sloping eaves, and the top is made of yellow glazed tiles. It is not easy to hide, unless it is in the recess of the eaves, where a person may be hidden.

In order to see whether the overhanging eaves could accommodate people, Koji Baba walked to the northwest corner, raised his feet and stood up to watch.

He found that the recessed overhanging eaves at this corner could completely hide a person, as long as no one climbed to the top of the building to see, the raised overhanging eaves were the best cover.

The hiding place has been found, but there is one more problem that must be solved.

Even with Lin Chuang’s photos, it’s not enough. People of Lin Chuang’s level usually have cars in and out, so it’s impossible to carry out long-range sniper killings. No one can guarantee when Lin Chuang will walk out of the police station again like today.

Therefore, a condition must be created for Lin Chuang to appear at the gate of the police station.

"Do you want to activate Sirius?" Koji Baba asked himself.

"Uncle Ma, what are you doing?" At this moment, Ying'er laughed happily and ran over bouncingly, with Yu Shi following behind her.

"I am studying the glazed tiles on the roof." Koji Baba said with a smile.

"Brother Hao, what's so good about glazed tiles?" Yu asked.

"Lingzi, you don't understand this. This glazed tile is quite old. It should be an object from the Qing Dynasty. It is very valuable." Koji Baba looked around and saw that the old man was squatting with a broom in his arms. In the corner of the wall basking in the sun and closing your eyes to rest your mind, there are no other tourists, and you are completely wary, pretending to be very knowledgeable, and said to Shi.

"Uncle Ma, I want to play the drum!" Ying'er pointed to the big drum hanging in the air.

"That's impossible! Ying'er, you don't know that this drum is not played casually. In ancient times, the drum could only be played at night. Now if you want to play it, the whole city will think that something big happened, so you can't play it." , I can only watch." Koji Baba quickly explained.

"Oh, that's so boring." Yinger pouted unhappily upon hearing this.

"Let's go, there is a windmill seller at the entrance of the park, may I buy you a windmill for fun?" Koji Baba hurriedly coaxed her.

"Okay, okay, let's go, Uncle Ma, buy me a windmill!"

Ying'er took Koji Baba's hand, and dragged him outside.

"This child." Seeing Yinger's appearance, Yu said angrily, and then smiled happily.

The three went downstairs.

And the old man who they didn't pay attention to opened his eyes suddenly after they left, then quickly walked to the railing and made a gesture to the distance.


When Baba Koji was walking out along the cobbled road, he suddenly felt something was wrong, as if someone was staring at his back.

However, when he turned around to search, he saw nothing and heard no strange sounds except for the rustling of leaves and the rustling of bamboo forests from the depths of the green shade on both sides.

"Could it be my illusion?" Hiroshi Baba thought to himself.

On the rickshaw on the return journey, Koji Baba's bad feeling resurfaced.

But this time, although Koji Baba didn't find anyone following him, he no longer believed it was a coincidence.

He has sensed the danger.

"What's going on, did I expose it?" Baba Haoji asked himself with a shock in his heart.

He thought about his words and deeds carefully, and suddenly woke up: "It's broken, there really was a mistake. Could it be that the old man is Lin Chuang's hidden stake? Impossible, how could he know that I would come here to explore the way?" ? Could it be that he can predict the future? "

Thinking of this, he tensed up, thinking about the series of events that happened in the past.

Suddenly he realized that he had indeed made a mistake.

"If Poirot is poisoned, then as the head of the security guards, Lin Taku is either under investigation or is busy investigating suspicious persons. How can he go to work leisurely at the police station? It's bad, it doesn't just mean that Yamamoto Taku Succeeded? Also, Tangshan Jiayan has not called, which is very wrong. Even if he did not report his safety last night, it is always okay to call today to say something? Why is there no movement? Is there something wrong with him? Is it? If all the crane groups are exposed, then Lin Chuang may know that he has been on our assassination blacklist, and he may monitor the commanding heights around the police station, and all of this will happen." Thinking of this, Koji Baba broke out in a layer of cold sweat.

"Lingzi, you and Ying'er go home, I have some business matters, so I won't go back with you." Koji Baba immediately made a decision and hurriedly said to Yu Shi.

"Okay, Brother Hao, are you coming back for dinner?" Yu asked in another rickshaw.

"It depends on the situation. If you go back early, you won't go back to eat if you are late. You don't have to wait for me."

"That's good. Ying'er, say goodbye to Uncle Ma."

"Uncle Ma, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Yinger, goodbye."


(End of this chapter)

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